Hi guys, this is my first fan-fic so constructive criticism is welcome. Whether or not another chapter gets published depends on the reviews; don't hesitate to speak your mind. Enjoy the story)

Isabelle looked around her in content; on her left Alec was looking ahead at the road, his hands resting on the steering wheel while Magnus, on her other side, was reading one of his many fashion magazines while muttering something about not enough glitter.

In the back, Clary, with Jace and Simon either side of her, was listening as Jace whispered into her ear and Simon obliviously stared out the window, quietly humming along to his ipod. Isabelle grinned to herself, this camping trip had been a brilliant plan, and better yet- it was her idea.

She bit her lip and glanced back at Simon. Plus, she thought, it meant she could get some alone time with him. Of course it had taken some work to persuade Maryse, even more to persuade Jocelyn but it would be definitely be worth it, Isabelle decided.

Magnus sighed and clamped his magazine shut with flourish. He slide his eyes sideways and snuck a glance over at Alec; sensing his boyfriends eyes on him, Alec locked eyes with Magnus's before snapping them back to the road.

Magnus sighed again and nudged Isabelle, "How long did you say this drive would take?" Isabelle shrugged in reply, "two to three hours depending on the traffic and how fast Alec drives," She turned to her brother, "which reminds me; Alec, why are you going 60 in a 70mph zone?" Alec gave her a fleeting look, "Because," he said, his face flushing, "60 is safer."

Jace piped up from the back, his voice tinged with annoyance, "If we'd wanted to drive slower than an old woman, we'd have let Simon drive." Simon, still ignorant of the conversation going on around him continued humming to his music, Clary on the other hand glared at Jace, "He's a hell of a lot better at driving than you." She retorted, defending her oblivious friend.

Magnus grinned lazily, "Now, now, settle down children. If I'd known that we'd all start fighting before half way, which I did, then I would have prepared something like this." He flicked is hand shooting out blue sparks and suddenly the car was going at what felt like over 400mph.

Clary and Simon let out a scream; even Isabelle and Jace were gritting their teeth. Alec however glared at his boyfriend and tightened his grip on the wheel, "Stop it Magnus." He growled.

With another flick of his hand, the car came to a complete stop, "Ta-da!" he exclaimed, "We're here!" Simon opened the door and tumbled out, "I think I'm going to be sick." He moaned. Magnus calmly undid his seatbelt and stepped out of the car to look around at the campsite.

He wrinkled his nose in disdain, "There better be hot water in those showers." He muttered. Alec clamped his hand onto Magnus's shoulder, "Don't worry, there will be, do you think Isabelle would have chosen here if there wasn't? Magnus's hand crept around Alec's waist, he looked down into the beautiful blue eyes of his shadowhunter, "Maybe you and I should go and check them out... together." Magnus breathed.

Alec's breathing caught for a moment and his eyes began to glaze with lust before he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, "Behave, Magus," he scolded, "you're just going to have to wait to do that kind of activity until we get back home."

"Hey Magnus," Isabelle's voice cut into their private conversation, "make yourself useful and use some of that magic to set up our tents!" He strode over to the rest of the group, Alec trailing behind him. Once he'd reached Isabelle, Magnus grinned at her and loudly proclaimed, "You're going to have to do it by hand, I'm saving all my energy for tonight." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Alec's face went bright red, "Magnus." He hissed. Simon made fake gagging noises and Isabelle and Clary giggled, Jace just carried on staring into space, pretending he hadn't heard anything. Magnus, enjoying the embarrassment he was causing his lover decided to add, "you should all be glad that I have a sound-proofing spell," he looked right at Jace, "this one's a screamer."

Alec started sputtering out his denial. "Well I guess that sorts out the pairing for the first tent," Isabelle laughed before her face turned serious, "now I'd be fine with sharing a tent with Clary she began, but Jace quickly cut in, "I am NOT sharing a tent with the Daylighter!" Isabelle raised her eyebrows, "fine then," she said, "you can share with Clary." Jace and Clary smiled at each other, Clary glad that Jocelyn wasn't there to say anything.

"Deal." Jace said. Isabelle's eyes went straight to Simon; things were working out just as she wanted.

Alec caught the look that his sister was sending the vampire and quickly objected "No Isabelle, you can share with me and Simon can share with Magnus." Simon hastily raised his voice, "I'm not going to share with Magnus," he glared at Alec, "your boyfriend's brought so many bags that there won't be room for me to sleep and I am not snuggling up to him."

Alec was about to say something about how Simon just wanted to snuggle up with his sister instead, but Magnus, sensing Alec's mood, put his hand on Alec's arm- instantly calming him. Alec took a deep breath, "Fine." Before turning on his heel and walking back up to the car.

It didn't take long for the tents to be set up- without magic- and for them all to settle in before Clary was suggesting that some of them go for a walk around the campsite to see what they could find; both Simon and Jace jumped at the idea. "Oh Simon," Isabelle called, "I thought maybe you'd want to go to the river with me?"

She stepped out of their tent and boy oh boy was she stunning; her long black hair was hanging loose around her shoulders and all she was clothed in was a loose black dress that stopped mid-thigh and a black and silver string bikini.

Simon's eyes nearly bulged right out of his head; he eagerly nodded and ran into his tent to change. Jace rolled his eyes and turned to his beloved Clary, "I guess it's just you and me then." Clary shrugged and the two started walking off in search of the rest of the campsite, Simon and Isabelle soon left too in search of the river.

Magnus looked over at Alec, his cat-like eyes intense. "I guess we're alone now." He purred at Alec, Alec gulped and scooted a little closer, "I guess we are."