Written for the "Seven Deadly Sins" Challege (created by acciohope15).

Rules: Seven chapters, one for each sin.

Lenght: 700-1500 words each.

Nothing belongs to me, it's all JKR's.

In love, as in gluttony, pleasure is a matter of the utmost precision. - Italo Calvino

"Mum says I'll get ill," Tonks opened her mouth and stuffed in an entire chocolate frog. She was challenging him, even though she knew there was no way she could possibly win.

Cousin Sirius just raised one eyebrow and took two frogs, looking at them with an air of mock concentration.

"You wouldn't care about that, now, would you Nymphadora?"

"Don't call me that!" she could feel her hair changing colour, she was getting used to that.

Sirius, infuriating as ever, just ignored her. The two chocolate frogs on his hands were facing each other, moving their tiny legs in a futile attempt of freeing themselves.

"But do you… care?" He casually chewed off one of the frog's heads.

"I don't want her to get mad at me. If she finds out we're eating an entire box of these, she will be."

"Stop, then," he said, eating the rest of his beheaded frog.

"I won't. I said I'll eat more than you!"

"Then you're falling behind."

"Your mouth is much bigger," Nymphadora replied, hastily taking off the wrapping of another chocolate frog.

"Yours will grow."

"Yeah sure, but meanwhile, you're eating twice as I am!"

"That is correct, yes." Sirius winked at her.

Suddenly she had an inspiration. It was very complicated indeed, she still had a lot of trouble trying to change parts of her body on purpose but sometimes… sometimes she had managed.

Closing he eyes tight she tried to concentrate; what she wanted to so was so hard, so terribly difficult.

"Dora?" Sirius' voice sounded just a little concerned. "Are you feeling ill already?"

She could not answer, she had the feeling she was almost there; she would manage it this time.

"Nymphadora?" he asked again.

"Hush!" she said, outstretching her hand in his direction.

"Would you-?"

And she felt it. Something pricking in her face, something hot and fluffy. It was like a tiny explosion inside her… it was so strange but she was sure she was managing it this time.

"Whoa!" Sirius said.

Finally, she opened her eyes. Sirius' seemed to be about to pop off their sockets.

"Are you…?"

Her entire face felt funny but she had no way to tell what exactly had happened. She needed to look at it. With a sprint, she went to the mirror hanging next to the stairs.

The image was the weirdest thing she had seen in her life. There she was, barely tall enough for her entire face to show up in the mirror, her dark eyes looking exactly the same, and her nose… but that was it. It looked at is somebody had plastered Sirius' jaw into her face. Her mouth was large, full of overgrown teeth... she even had a squared chin!

"I didn't know you could do that on purpose yet."

She looked up the reflection in the mirror. Sirius was standing behind her, his eyes fixed on hers, beaming.

She started smiling too, only it looked so strange with such a large mouth.

Suddenly she remembered.

"You're going to lose!"

Running, she launched herself to the still half-full box of chocolate frogs and took three at the time.

"Now you're going to get ill, that's for sure," Sirius said with a bark-like laugh.

"Now I don't care at all," she said, stuffing the three frogs into her overly large mouth.

It was not as easy as it seemed at the beginning. Only her face was bigger, the rest of her body was not ready to swallow such a large amount of chocolate.

"Easy there," Sirius said, taking two frogs himself.

"You yus' 'uan bee to looth."

"I don't want you to die."

Tonks laughed and coughed, almost chocking with the chocolate.

"You've some there," Sirius said, suddenly sounding earnest, pointing at her forehead.

"Where?" Nymphadora rubbed her face.


Getting closer, Sirius smashed half a frog into her cheek.

"Hey!" She cried indignantly, jumping into his lap with her own pieces of chocolate at the ready.

"Hey, you! I've someplace to go afterwards," Sirius protested as her hand full of chocolate touched his leather jacket.

"You'll show up all brown then!" she panted, struggling to free herself from her cousin much stronger arms, while he still managed to plaster more chocolate on her forehead.

"I can't! And I won't!"

"Wait till I…"

She was closing her eyes again, ready to try her morphing. She just needed larger arms and she would just…

Somebody knocked at the front door and she groaned, all her concentration gone. She could even feel her jaw recovering its normal size. Blast!

"See? That's for me." Sirius said, pointing his wand at his face and murmuring something; the stains of chocolate disappeared.

"Hey, clean me up as well!" Nymphadora called after him, while he was walking towards the door. "Hey!"

He ignored her.

At the door was one of his grown-up friends. She had seen this one once or twice before, and he was usually nice, but she could not help feeling a pang of resentment. What was there so important all the time that her wonderful cousin Sirius had to go to? Why couldn't he just stay with her a while longer?

"Padfoot," the man said, "you ready? Hello, there." He added waving down at her. She ignored him.

"Yeah, just let me…" with a wave of his wand Sirius summoned his jacket and, Nymphadora did not missed it, a handful of chocolate frogs.

"You've cheated!" she said.

"That's a bit fresh from you, isn't it, big mouth?"

"I… well I…"

"See you later then," Sirius said, stuffing yet another chocolate frog into his mouth. "We goin', Moony?"

Sirius' friend was not moving. Without saying a thing, he drew out his wand and pointed it directly at Nymphadora.

"Scourgify!" he said calmly, and she could feel the patches of chocolate disappearing off her face.

She touched her forehead, it was clean again.

"You look better without all that chocolate," Sirius' friend added, and he turned around and walked outside.

"Don't gape, Nymphadora," Sirius said with a smirk, "and say good-bye to your Mum for me."