Author's Note: I'm going to try something a little different with this one. I want to actually write something a little more substantial than my beloved one-shots, something that people can actually look forward to. So, enjoy me stepping out of my comfort zone!
Disclaimer: Hell no I don't own Harry Potter. Pshh.
And the World Turned
Rose really should have known better than to think that the adventures would end when her rather large family stepped onto the Hogwarts Express. The adventures never really ended when any of them were involved.
Still, nothing in Rose's life could ever have prepared her for what was to come.
Limping from her and Albus' latest near death experience, Rose moved silently down the hallway, checking each of the cabs like the decent prefect that she was. Students had just begun to shirk off their robes, but were still avoiding taking the effort to get undressed from their house clothes. It seemed as though, at least for one moment, all was well.
A breeze rustled behind Rose, and the scent of cinnamon and soap kissed her nose. Calloused fingers brushed her neck and she choked back a moan. She couldn't find it in herself to say a single word. Frozen to the floor of the train, Rose relished the feeling of his familiar breath curling around her ear as he pressed his nose against her hair.
"Well well, Miss Weasley. A student out in the corridor. I don't think that's allowed." His lips brushed the curve of her ear and a strangled noise erupted from her throat.
"Scorpius Malfoy, we are in public," her voice was a whisper in the wind, barely audible, drenched with shock and adoration. "People will find out about us rather quickly if we stand here in this manner."
A warm chuckle bubbled out of his mouth like fresh water from a creek. It tingled in her ear and brought new sensation crawling through her. "Rosie, since when do I give a damn what other people think?"
She was spun around and crushed against his body instantly, his hands crawling down to the soft curve of her waist, their lips warming from the proximity. "However," Rose observed him, hanging onto his every word, her eyes balanced fanatically on his lips. "If you are so very concerned, I happen to know where two prefects may find some privacy. Care to join me?"
She giggled in that sensible, respectable way of hers. "Did you even need to ask?"
His hand swept down to touch hers. He pulled her gently and swiftly across the passage of three different cars before they reached the prefect's car, and found a vacated cab. With a flick of his wand, Scorpius had tinted the windows and Rose Weasley found herself on her back against the comfy cushions of the seat. His chuckles echoed into her mouth as she slowly backed away.
"Little Miss Weasley gone a bit bad, has she?" Scorpius let his lips tingle against her neck, sucking a bit of peachy flesh between his teeth.
Biting back a warm moan, Rose hissed, "Haven't you heard the news? She's fallen quite head over heels for the young Malfoy boy."
Scorpius rested his forehead against hers, a smile playing on his lips, the hunger in his eyes being replaced by eternal joy and wonder. His hand snuck up her neck, before resting lightly on the curvature of her jaw. He watched the facial expressions that had been a drug to him, just as they were now. He watched her soft lips turn up into a gentle smile, her eyes lidded and peaceful and her brow eased, unbothered by the schoolwork she had left behind her. She was beautiful.
"I love you Rose." His voice was a whisper, a breath against her brain, seeping into her deep and solidly. She cherished those words.
"And I love you." She let the hand that was resting on the nape of his neck begin to play with his ruffled honey hair. It was more of his mother's color than his father's. Deep blue eyes stared down into her soul, and she shivered with the intensity of his gaze.
"I'm going to miss you… So much Rosie. I don't know how I'm going to make it." His hands began to shake, but in an attempt to hide the movement he held onto her tighter. Her body, very real and tangible in his hands, lessened the shaking. She was here, for now anyway.
Rose knew what he meant. A whole summer apart was nothing to laugh at. When they had begun this little tryst six months ago, she never could have imagined it would lead them here. They hadn't found it in themselves to tell anyone other than Albus or Lily, let alone either of their parents. Even still, the prospect of going an entire three months without the taste of his lips or the pressure of his fingers was too much for her. She simply wouldn't have that.
"I'm telling my father this summer." His voice brought her out of her own reverie.
"You're… You're telling him? Really?"
"Of course I am," He moved off of her to sit on the cushion, pulling her squarely into his lap. "I won't wait any longer. I can't go all that time."
"Scor," she began to move her fingers in and out of the loops she had created in his hair, "do you honestly believe I'm going to be a guest of honor at Malfoy Manner? Your dad isn't a big fan of you being friends with Albus, let alone snogging the daughter of his sworn enemy."
Scorpius' laugh softened the hurt in her throat from the shock of his words. "Sworn enemy is not the terminology I would use. And I don't really care what he says. He has an immense amount of respect for Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Sure, they aren't old drinking mates, but he'll get over it in time. Besides," he leaned in to begin nibbling on the edge of her ear, "He'll adore you. Quick witted, sharp-tongued and sexy as hell? How could he not?"
His mouth drowned her giggles as they began kissing once more. When they finally stirred from their comfortable position, Rose pressed her forehead firmly into the curve of his neck. "Alright Malfoy, you win. I'll tell him. Him, my mother, my whole family."
The grin on Scorpius' face was too much for her to resist, and she was suddenly very thankful that the windows were so expertly tinted.
Lily Luna Potter sat with her head stuffed in Roxanne's shoulder, groaning loudly as Lysander Scamander continued on his tirade about Nargles Supreme, which in her opinion sounded very much like something her Uncle Ron had ordered at a pub once. Cheered on by Lorcan and Dominique, Lysander explained the Nargles having had their DNA twisted with some sort of avian virus from a decade ago. His hands moved wildly, zooming through the air as though they were avian creatures themselves, battling avidly against the Nargle DNA. Finally, Lily couldn't contain herself anymore.
"Merlin, Scamander, there's only enough room in this cab for five entirely sane beings; we can't handle a touch of your insanity now! Put your bloody hands down!" Roxy couldn't hold it in any longer, giggles began to erupt from her diaphragm at her cousin's words.
Much to Lily Potter's dismay, it seemed that everyone thought her extreme agitation with Lysander was incredibly amusing. It wasn't that he was an all around poor fellow; in fact, he was rather attractive. His blonde hair was shaggy, but ruffled in the front, emphasizing his more playful and creative nature than that of his brother. His eyes were the same sparkling silver as his mother's, but his father's enticing violet streaks had bled into his son's irises. His jaw was square and his shoulders wide; Quidditch had only improved upon his athletic physique.
Alas, in Lily's eyes, he was still blastedly insane. She adored his mother, who fed her son's "Quibbling" by becoming editor-in-chief of her family's magazine. She was funny and eccentric and incredibly intelligent, much like Lysander. But there was just something about Lysander, something that Lily couldn't find in Luna or Rolf or Lorcan, that made Lysander insufferable.
The violet in Lysander's eyes sparkled in an exceptionally obnoxious way that particular afternoon. "I'm sorry Lil, am I bothering you?"
Huffing, she pulled her face out of Roxy's shoulder and snarled, "Why yes, Lysander, you are. Your hands are about two inches from popping one of my favorite cousins in the face," Lily gestured toward Dominique, who was stationed between the Scamander brothers with a small grin plastered on her face. "Also, my name is not 'Lil,' you pompous ass. You know that."
Lorcan chuckled and managed to choke out, "Play nice Lily." Lily Luna never 'played nice.' It was too easy.
"Shut up Lorcan or so help me Merlin I will hex you into next Tuesday."
A mischievous grin curved up onto Lysander's face, "I quite like Tuesdays. Tuesdays are when Bisslephuts breed."
Lorcan and Lysander doubled over with ferocious laughter as Lily let out a loud and rather frustrated noise before stuffing her head back into Roxy's shoulder.
James looked cautiously over at Albus, before clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he had inherited from his father. His younger brother turned to face him, a goofy smile on his mouth.
"D'you see that James? Ally Longbottom just looked at me. Honestly, think Dad'll let me get her up to the Burrow?" Albus ruffled his hair even further, the messiness somehow falling perfectly over his brow, before high-fiving Hugo from across the alley.
Fred looked up from his copy of the Chudley Charter, before tossing a look at Rebecca Thomas, who was biting her bottom lip in amusement as she ran her finger's through her boyfriend's auburn curls. "Al, do you have any idea how hard I had to work just to get Becca up to the Burrow? We'd already been dating for two years. It's not your dad you should be worried about; it's Nan."
As Albus groaned and Becca began to giggle, James again cleared his throat and announced himself, "Oi, you bastards, pull your heads outta your arses and listen to me." Thinking better of himself, he amended, "Sorry Bec, you know how my family is."
"Of course, Jamie, of course." She smiled softly, before kissing Fred's forehead and sliding out from under him, taking her stack of clothes and trotting down to the changing rooms.
"What's up yours, James?" Hugo twisted his face with confusion. It wasn't like James to be nervous.
"I just get the feeling that things are going to change this summer. Things are going to get weird. Am I really the only one?"
There was a moment of silence, of dark, thoughtful, revelatory silence, before Albus snorted, returning his face to the window facing the other cab where Ally Longbottom was charming little blue birds to sing the new Weird Sister's single. "You're over thinking this Jamie. Honestly, leave the thinking to the smarter members of our family; they're much better at it than you are."
So James returned back to his thoughts, gazing out of his window. Perhaps his younger brother was right. Perhaps he should relax. He had, after all, been the seeker who had managed to win the cup for Gryffindor, and had been chosen to be captain next year. He should have been an exceptionally pleased young man.
And yet something creeped down the back of his neck. Something not quite evil but unsettling whispered in his mind that something was going to change this summer. Everything was going to change this summer.
Author's Note: So much suspense. I'm incredibly excited about this one. It'll certainly keep me busy over the summer vacation. Please feel free to review, critiques or craze. Thanks for reading, and chapter two will be up very shortly. :)