A/N: I want to take a break from the genre romance (though, I'm pretty sure I'm going to sneak or hint some couple pairing into this), I've decided to start something different.

If you read my profile, you must have seen my little preview of Grim Adventures. Well, I sorta changed the plot. Please don't feel cheated out of!

Chapter one: 'Terrific' News

"Kenneth Mccormick?" Hermes the messenger said in front of me.

"That's me." I verified.

If you heard my name before, I'm certain you're aware that I die a lot. I mean, literally and quite painfully. This time, I slipped into a party and got drunk. Drank too many damn beers. My brother Kevin assured that it'd be safe, and if I get sick he'll bring me to the hospital in time. Never trust him again.

Now I'm standing here, in Heaven. Speaking with Hermes the messenger. In his winged boots and winged helmet.

I waited to be told when I could go back to Earth, arriving in Hell or Heaven is nothing new to me. I only sit around in their sanctums until I'm transported back where I belong. At least that's where I think I do.

"Okay, good." He took. "I was ordered by our Creator to inform you, that you're the heir of becoming the Grim Reaper."

"W-what?" I stumbled, he said it too calmly. "I can't be!"

"Sorry fella, it's true." Hermes shrugged.

"I demand an appointment with our Creator! He can't do this!" I yelled outraged, causing attention from the angels and people who died around us.

"Again, sorry fella. It's already decided." He sighed, as if he doesn't have time to deal with me.

Well, this is absolutely perfect. Only if I didn't die. If I had stayed at home and studied, listened to my friends' warnings, and not go to the party filled with insanities. No, I had to drink liquor, intoxicate myself, and die. Great.

"Ahem, head over to the mansion of Master of Souls." The messenger instructed, pointing in the direction. "He'll give you the rest of the information."

With that, Hermes sped passed me, fast as light. I nearly wanted to pick up the closet object and chuck it at his head. Although, as the saying always goes, never blame the messenger.

I started to trudge my way over to the mansion reluctantly, I'm in our Creator's territory and I have to obey his commands. Even if it's second handed. I learned my lesson the first time I disobeyed, it wasn't very delightful.

First, let me get this straightened out for you. You are probably sitting there, wondering why is the Grim Reaper, living in Heaven? Doesn't he take souls? Well, he's neither holy or unholy. Grim's main duty is to guide the dead where they belong. It seems like that's my new job.

Entering the mansion, I saw the real Grim Reaper, for the first time. He was huge, great and dark shadows danced around his feet. I couldn't see his face, it was by covered the depth of the cloak's hood. In his right hand, held his scythe. Scattered across the floor were discarded skulls, random bones, and hounds sniffing about. I couldn't exactly say I felt comfy here. The mere atmosphere weighed me down.

Grim slowly lifted his arm, beckoning me closer to him. The thought made me shivered.

"L-Lord Death.." I bowed respectively. In Heaven or Hell, you always show respect to the higher officials. "I rather stay where I am."

"If you must," His low voice echoed through the room. "Kenneth."

"Messenger Hermes told me, that I'll be taking your place." I announced, trying my best to appear glad. "It's an honor, I guess."

He cocked his head at me.

"Don't try to hide. You're not happy about the decision. Anyone can see that." I kept silent, conscious about angering him. However, he chuckled

"I assume anybody would be disappointed, when they're job is to pass over spirits."

Unexpectedly, Grim inhumanly extended his arm far across to my end of the room, patting my head. His touch made my body freeze, my blood stopped where it was flowing. Was this the actual touch of the Grim Reaper?

"There's an compromise our Creator has made." The Lord of Death went on. "It needs to be fixed."

I quirked an eyebrow questioningly, our Creator only creates contracts on rare occasions, at his last choice. But Grim only shook his head.

"That's all I can say for now."

"Why...why does it have to be me?" I asked. "Can't someone else take your 'throne' or whatever? Why am I apart of it?"

"You were appointed." He answered simply. I couldn't help but to glare.

An compromise? Why would our Creator make it, and better, why pull me into it? I mean, Heaven's only enemy currently is of course, Hell. So what could they be exchanging? Thinking about it, our Creator shouldn't make such an deal with the Devil. He's not trustworthy, just like his son who I hate.

Again, Grim Reapers aren't really connected to the two sanctums. So why are they dragged into as well? What does the compromise have to do with them?

"I'd teach you the ways of reaping," Lord interrupted my thoughts. "though I've grown tired. Therefore, your appointed and personal Guider will help you with the rest."

Grim signaled to his left, a tall door. "There, is where you will meet him."

"...What if I refuse?" I whispered, balling up my hands. Getting involved with Heaven's problems is my last choice. "What's the punishment?"

"Don't test us, Kenneth." He warned. "Do you have any requests before I leave? You may never see me again."

I hesitated.

"M-may I see your face?"


I gasped. Grim gently pulled down his hood, revealing a cracked old skull. The teeth contorted into an sad smile.

"Not attractive, am I?"

I closed my jaw, which I didn't know was gaping. I bowed again, apologetically. I uttered disagreements, and jumbled compliments. He nodded.

"Now go, your Guider is waiting."

"Yes, thank you." Instead of bowing a farewell, I saluted, leaving to the room.

Inside, I saw an older man, maybe a couple years more than me. His black hair ghosted his face, the unmistakably blood red eyes traveled my body up and down, intently. The man grinned, showing off his fangs. His demonic aura suffocated my nostrils. I gulped, the door shut locked behind, my escape closed.

Damien Thorn. I've never wanted to be in his presence ever again. That's why I attempted to be so nice lately, for when I do die I won't wake up in Hell. Why is the Devil's son here in Heaven? Is this part of the compromise? No, it can't be. Our Creator would stoop so low, to allow Damien in. I prayed for it, I'm in Heaven after all.

Damien. His name alone made my heart pound sickeningly, my stomach clenched. My knees wobbled, I had to brace myself against the door. Words from him in the past, popped in my head,

"I mean it. Why would I lie to you?" Damien smiled, with a ruffle of my hair.

He'd lie to me for tons of reasons. The bastard. The manipulative, impulsive, cold bastard! I wanted to scream, cry, or at least run. It's all his fault why I'm this way. It's his lie that cursed me. I thought he was my friend...or maybe...no he wasn't. He just had to lie, cheat, and-

"Hellooo Kenny." He sang sweetly, that same alluring voice and kind face he gave me when we first met. Total trickery. "Looks like I'm your Guider."