Welcomeday Party?

'A Welcomeday Party?' Mr Koiwai said dubiously, picking up their Ramen bowls to wash at the sink.

'Yuh-huh!' Yotsuba get's up to help him. 'Doesn't it sound great!'

'Not really, I don't know what it is…' Mr Koiwai rinses the bowls and hands them to Yotsuba to dry.

'Daddy! It's not difficult,' Yotsuba rolls her eyes, 'Ena chan is coming home Friday, Saturday is her Birthday, so I…we, decided to have a party to celebrate her Birthday and her coming home party, all in one, sooo, WELCOMEDAY PARTY!' Mr Koiwai stares at Yotsuba in amazement, she didn't even stop for breath…

'Okay, so why does it involve me?' He asks.

'Um, well, uh…FUUKA!' Yotsuba suddenly shouts.

'What?' Mr Koiwai looks at his daughter, what did Fuuka have to do with this?

'Yeah, uh, Fuuka asked me to invite you!' She smiled coyly, she knew all his weak points.

'Fuuka did?' Mr Koiwai turned away from Yotsuba so she wouldn't see the slight blush forming on his cheeks.

'Oh, Yes! She said I had to get you to come because she has, something to say to you, and I wasn't supposed to tell you, oops! But you probably won't want to come anyway…' Yotsuba turned to walk away.

'I'll go!' Mr Koiwai shouts, maybe a little to eagerly…

Yotsuba smiles to herself menacingly, it's criminal how good she is at lying, she thinks as she closes the door to her bedroom on her fidgety Farther.

The next day Yotsuba made sure to get up at the right time, her and Mr Koiwai even managed to have breakfast together!

'Well, I gotta run!' Yotsuba looks at the clock and decides she better leave early.

'Okay, be safe, and Yotsuba…'Mr Koiwai puts down his plate and stands up 'I love you.' He hugs her tightly and Yotsuba hugs him back, they stay like that for 2 minutes at least and then Yotsuba tells him she really has to go!

'Okay, okay! Just be safe!' Mr Koiwai tweaks her nose playfully.

'I always am!' She waves and smiles, until she gets out the door. Alright, she thinks, time to operate plan 'Avoid Yanda at all costs!'. Yotsuba takes out the army helmet she had in her bag (she was a soldier in a school play once) and bends down so she's walking with her knees bent! She walks like this to the Ayase household, scanning her surroundings the whole time. Yotsuba rings the bell and Mom answers.

'Y…Yotsuba?' She stutters taking in the helmet and weapon(an umbrella), Yotsuba is proudly displaying.

'That's General Koiwai, Miss!' Yotsuba clicks her heels and salutes.

'Oh, my, of course! You must be tired General, please come sit down in the Kitchen, Fuuka is just getting her papers sorted.' Mom smiles and opens the door wider for Yotsuba, who promptly leans the ''weapon'' against one shoulder and marches down the hall. Yotsuba enters the Kitchen to find Fuuka frantically searching under the table and Asagi balancing a cup of orange juice on her stomach. Yotsuba clicks her heels and salutes. Both girls look up and start laughing. Asagi spills the juice and Fuuka hits her head on the table they're laughing so much!

'Oh Yotsuba, I've missed you!' Asagi walks over and wraps Yotsuba up in a vanilla scented hug. 'So, General, who are you fighting?' She sits back down, not bothering to wipe up the juice.

'The target is Yanda Yasuda! For crimes against me!' Yotsuba shouts in a military fashion.

'You mean that guy we met yesterday?' Fuuka asks, getting out from under the table and rubbing her head.

'Affirmative!' Yotsuba salutes.

'But he seemed so nice, and you seemed so close.' Fuuka takes a towel and begins mopping up the juice.

'I'm afraid you are mistaken Miss Fuuka! He is my enemy!' Yotsuba grabs the umbrella and holds it like a shot gun.

'Woah!' Asagi ducks, 'Guessing you're not a fan of that Yanda guy then?'

'Don't say it like that Asagi,' Fuuka sighed wringing out the cloth at the sink, 'You know Yanda! He was the blonde one that used to hang around Yotsuba and Mr Koiwai.'

Asagi tilted her head and touched her forehead, suddenly she snaps her fingers.

'Oh Yeah! The cute one!' Asagi laughs 'What's not to like about him?' She giggles.

'Excuse me?' The girls turn round to see Jumbo looming in the hallway.

'Hi, honey!' Asagi flutters her eyelashes at Jumbo, who grunts in response and walks over to the table.

'Sorry about my fiancée, who so rudely interrupted! So, Yotsuba reason?' Asagi turns back to Yotsuba.

'Well, he…he…' Yotsuba thought for a moment, why did she hate Yanda again? 'HE CALLED ME STUPID!' She shouted having a sudden flashback. 'AND he wouldn't let me play with his bubbles! Plus he prefers Goats to sheep! That's just stupid.' Yotsuba nodded her head in triumph.

'Ah, I see, but Goats do have their charms…' Asagi stops suddenly feeling a dark aura behind her. She turns to see Yotsuba and Jumbo lying in a pile on the floor.

'Jumbo, you have to control Asagi…' Yotsuba said weakly.

'I think it's too late.' He replied his voice cracking, Yotsuba and Jumbo look up at Asagi with puppy dog eyes, then turn around so their backs are facing her and burst into tears.

'Yotsuba chan! You're going to flood the kitchen!' Fuuka walks over and drags Yotsuba onto her feet. 'I'll leave that one to you.' Fuuka says to Asagi and points to Jumbo.

'Sure.' Asagi walks over to the sink and fills her empty glass with water. Just as Fuuka is dragging the empty shell that is Yotsuba out the door, they here a splash and a shout.