Aaron Hotchner swiftly paced back and forth across the length of his bedroom. The FBI Unit Chief had gone into a state of shock, as mixed emotions flooded his mind. He was worried, happy, nervous, confused, ecstatic. His little girls where moving back home and he was so happy, he really was.

But how was he going to explain this to his wife? How would she feel about this?

"Emily." Aaron called for his wife of two years, when he finally found his words and calmed himself down.

Emily had already done so much for him and Jack. She'd given up her job for them. He never asked her to, but she wanted to do it, for him.

"Hey," she greeted him as she came into the room. "What's up?" she spoke in a cheery tone.

He gave her a small half smile, before gesturing for her to sit down next to him. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Okay, shoot."

"Well, you remember I told you about my daughters?" he gazed into her eyes, keeping a serious expression on his face.

"Yeah, Kari and Melissa." He had told Emily all about his daughters. Kari was the eldest at 16. Melissa was 15, only 11 months younger than Kari. Aaron always talked about his daughters; she could tell that he really missed them.

"Well, you know that they were staying with Haley's parents in England?" he questioned.

"Yeah." Emily had always gotten along with Aaron's ex wife, Haley, but she would be lying if she said she hadn't had bad thoughts towards the woman, when she heard that she had sent her daughters to England. Aaron was heartbroken when they left, he used to see them every other weekend and then Haley sent them away, because they were 'a bit of a handful'. He hadn't seen them in nearly three years now and it was hard to get time to talk on the phone, with his work schedule.

"Well, Haley's Mother died last weekend."

"Oh my God, that's awful. Are the girls taking it okay?" Emily asked, concern showing in her dark eyes.

"They're coping." He told her. "Haley's father, however, isn't coping. He's not well himself, so he can't handle two teenage girls."

"So are they coming back to Virginia?" Emily asked, confused by her husband's uneasy behavior.


"Aaron, that's brilliant, now you'll be able to see them all the time." Haley had recently signed custody of Jack over to Aaron and the little boy had moved in with them, three months ago. So would she be willing to take in two teenagers that she'd given up once before? "Are they moving back in with Haley?"

Aaron looked down to his hands. "That's the part that I really wanted to talk to you about."


"Haley doesn't want them to move in with her. She's signed full custody of the girls over to me." He glanced up at her, searching her eyes for any sign of emotion.

"So… They're moving in with us."

"Is that okay with you?"

Emily thought about it for a minute, before a smile appeared on her face. "Aaron that's fine. In fact it's great."

"You're sure?"

"Of course, I know how much you miss Kari and Melissa." He beamed at her, before pressing his lips to hers. "Good job we decided to get the big house, isn't it?"

"I love you." He murmured against her lips, as he pressed a second kiss against her.

"I love you too." She leaned into his embrace. "When are they coming?"

"Friday and as I'm sure you know, it's the start of the summer vacation right now, so they'll be with you 24/7."

"Wow." Her eyes widened for a minute.

"Hey, don't worry; I'm not throwing you in at the deep end completely." He assured her, rubbing soothing circles on her back. "I'm taking two weeks off work, while the girls get settled in."

"Okay." Emily let out a sigh of relief at that. "Does Jack know that they're coming?"

"No. I wanted to run it past you first."

"Well, we better go tell him then." She smiled at her husband. "He'll be excited to see his sisters again."

Emily was right. Jack was over excited when he found out that his sisters were coming home. He hadn't seen them in three years but often spoke to them on the phone. He had missed playing with his sisters, they were so much fun.

Jack was more than happy to help his dad and Emily shop for furniture for the girls, the next day. Luckily they had a four bedroom house and had been keeping the two spare bedrooms as guest rooms, so they already had beds and dressers and were both fully painted, carpeted and had curtains.

They bought computer desks and bookcases for the girls. Aaron smiled, as he thought about how much Melissa loved to read. She was his little bookworm. Every time he phoned, she was always talking about an amazing book she was reading.

They bought duvets and pillow cases for the girls. Jack insisted on picking out these. He chose one plain purple set and a white one with little lilac flowers on for Melissa, happily explaining to Emily that purple was Melissa's favorite color. The little boy picked a red silky set and a black and white stripy set for Kari.

Emily watched as Aaron put together the furniture for his daughters, with the help of Jack. She could tell that the pair were counting down the seconds, until they would be able to see their family members again.

Finally Friday came and Aaron, Emily and Jack Hotchner arrived at the airport, to pick up the girls. Jack was so excited that he was going to get to see his sisters again, he was practically bouncing off of the car ceiling for the entire journey to the airport.

After waiting at the airport for over an hour, damn delayed flights, the plane finally came in. The young eight year old boy jumped up and down as he waited for the girls to come off the plane.

After another forty minutes of waiting, the teens finally came into sight, pulling their luggage behind them.

Jack ran over to the pair and the darker haired girl, Emily assumed was Kari, pulled him up into her arms for a big hug.

Aaron and Emily made their way over to the children. Kari was still holding the small boy tightly to her, as they reached them.

"Melissa." Aaron greeted his younger daughter, grinning as he pulled her into a hug.

"Hi dad." she said half heartedly, giving a small smile.

Kari finally let go of Jack and he jumped into Melissa's arms. "Hey buddy, I missed you."

Aaron then turned to his other daughter. "Kari, it's good to see you."

"Hi." She said to her father, before shifting her gaze to the raven haired woman beside him.

"Oh, Kari, Melissa, I want you to meet Emily, my wife."

The two teenagers looked Emily up and down, before sharing a look between each other. The light haired brunette was the first to speak. "Nice to meet you." she said, showing no smile and keeping her tone bland.

"Nice to meet you too." she smiled at the young girl, before turning to Kari. "Both of you."

"Sure it is." Kari spat sarcastically, turning back to pick up her case and bag.

"Kari." Aaron warned firmly.

"What?" She locked eyes with him, as anger built up within her. "Can we just get out of here?"

"Yeah, I really wanna get settled." her sister added, picking up her own baggage.

Aaron nodded to the girls. Kari took Jack's hand and the three children headed towards the exit.

"Emily I'm so sorry about…"

"It's fine Aaron, really. The girls just need time to adjust, I'm sure they'll come around. Trust me, teenage girls don't like change, but they'll get used to it."

He nodded, before wrapping his arm around her waist and following the kids out of the airport.

Okay so I'm not 100% sure were I'm going with this story, but I'd love to hear what you guys think. Apologies in advance if I'm a little slow updating, I have a very busy work schedule and I don't always have much time to write. I will try to update at least once a week though. Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed and will continue to enjoy it.