Hello again, I've been wanting to write this for a while... So here it is XD

"So why am I here again?" Kid Flash asked looking at Robin.

"Because, the titans are leaving the city and you need to watch over it until we get back." Robin sighed.

"That I get... But why are we here in the media room" Kid Flash rolled his eyes.

"I'm briefing you on the villains in Jump city... Now if you look up to the screen you will see the notorious villain Mumbo Jumbo..." Robin went on. Kid Flash basically toned him out.Ya... we get it. The villains here are evil and have different powers here than they did in Star city...but seriously dude, I can handle these guys easy... So what if-

"Who is that?" Kid Flash grinned looking up at the screen, which showed a pink haired girl with cat like eyes. She was beautiful! Her eyes held a certain taunting that made him want to steal a kiss or two from her.

"That is Jinx. Leader of the hive five, Unlike her team full of idiots... You have to watch out for her. She is a very tough opponent and uses hexes that cause bad luck. She also seems to be vey agile in battle, dodging many attacks with her acrobatics. She won't be easy to defeat head on..."Damn! This girl is bad luck. She looks pretty good to me. Just look at her! And agile too. What more could you want! And her name! Jinx. Wow...

"She's hot" Kid Flash smirked.

"She's also a grade A villain who is off limits Kid," Robin growled.

"Just because she's evil doesn't mean I can't appreciate her beauty" Kid Flash smiled. Robin shook his head.

"Well at least she's the type of girl to not fall for dead beat charm" He sighed.We'll see about that.

"Now here are a few other villains on her team... There's Gizmo..." This is how it went. Robin would go on about all these other villains who Kid Flash didn't give a damn about. All he could think about was the mistress of misfortune.She was fine! And she ruled over her own team! Nothing was hotter than chick in control...After about another couple hours of this... Robin was half way through his lecture about some villain called Johnny Rancid when Kid Flash couldn't help but interrupt.

"Can we go back to the hot pink haired girl again?"

And that's how it all started... Review please!