A faint noise emerged from a dark corner of the room as the door creaked open. A tall, bulky man with silky golden hair entered, gripping in his left hand a large hammer, which he never seemed to be parted from.

"Captain of America! Why is it that you are awake at this time of the night?"

The Captain smiled half-heartedly at the Asgardian God and shrugged. "Nothing, really. Just… thinking."

"And what are the thoughts in your mind revolving around?"

He hesitated for a moment before answering, "A woman I once loved. I still do, actually." He corrected himself hastily, although unsure whether that was the right thing to say.

"Ah, the wonderfully powerful emotion of love."

"Powerful, yes. Wonderful, not always."

"Why is that so, Captain of America?"

"Call me Steve," he smiled at the friendly God. "And I just miss her, I guess. She's not here anymore. You know, like, she didn't freeze in the ice and turn into a "capsicle" - like me."

Thor, feeling a great amount of pity for the younger man, walked up to him and sat next to him. He placed his hammer on the table, which caused a giant dent in the middle.

"Tony will not be happy with that," Steve laughed lightly.

"The self-obsessed billionaire, genius, playboy and… What was the other word?"


"Yes, although I do not understand what a Philanthropist is."

"Neither do I." They both laughed for a moment, then remembering that they were having a different conversation earlier.

"I miss her," Steve confessed in the silence, only to realize that he had already said that.

"I am certain that you do. Good men like you, deserve only the best of women. What was her name?"

"Peggy Carter," Steve reached into his pocket and showed Thor a picture of her. The picture which was in his compass, the picture which he carried around in numerous battles, the picture which he looked at when the first part of his life came to an end, and the picture which he continued to keep close to his heart up until now.

"She is a beautiful woman."

"I called her a dame," Steve chuckled at the memory of their first meeting.

"That is a very charming gesture of you, Steve." Thor nudged him on the arm and if Steve hadn't been injected with those growth-enhancing serums, he would've toppled over to the side.

"I wasn't the most charming man back in those days."

Thor erupted in a burst of laughter. "Yes, indeed, I have seen for myself the old photographs of your child-form."

"Yeah, we don't have to talk about that right now, big guy," Steve grinned widely.

"May I ask one more question?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Peggy Carter… So the dame you loved is the daughter of a cart-man? Is that what the word Carter refers to?"