Authors note: So, I know it's been a hell of a long time. I'm not going to make excuses, to be honest I just lost my muse for this story and I let life get in the way of my writing. However, I always had a plan to finish this story, and I now intend to. The thing is, I believe I've become a better writer since beginning this story, so I'm going to re-write everything so far from scratch. It will still follow the same narrative but will be a slower burn and hopefully, will make up for all the time I've taken to get this finished. Anyway, thank you to everyone who has reviewed and messaged me about the story because you're the reason I've decided to continue, I thought people would simply forget and find something new. It means so much that you enjoy my writing!
You can follow the new story by going on my profile. The story is called: Wondering Where I Am (Lost Without You).