Done as a bit of a request.
Please read explanation below, because it's a little confusing...
So, I wrote this before Bart(Impulse) was put into the YJ cartoon. Both Bart and Tim are present in the cartoon, as of second season.
I wrote this much more like it was part of the 90's Young Justice comic, where Bart, Tim, and Kon-el are palling around. Kon aside, I wrote it much to the Teen Titans comic, in which Nightwing is with the Outsiders, and Tim is in charge of the Teen Titans as Red Robin. In the comics, Bart is much younger than the cartoon at present. He's about 8 or so.
If you have read the comics, it's probably not much of a stretch at all. I just like Kon-el so much more than Conner. If you don't know who Kon-el is...then go look him up. He's a hottie in a leather jacket and a punky haircut.
Anyway, hope that clears stuff up a little? Kind of? Maybe?
This chapter is rated T for teen. But as much of my stuff is, it becomes Mature as it goes on.
Thank you for reading!
It had all started with this silly, stupid, small thing.
It wasn't anything that should bother one so much.
When Kon gave me mouth-to-mouth after I had been knocked out by a giant, tentacled radiation monster in the ocean, it felt like something a little more than that.
I had woken up to Kon's soft, salty lips, coughing up the sea water and gasping for breath. I could almost be sure that the shortness of breath was because of the small, friendly act.
Then again, someone wasn't supposed to use a little 'tongue' when helping someone with water in their lungs.
Kon had smiled at me brightly, still much too close for comfort. I had thanked him and pushed him off, hoping to forget the whole thing. Kon's talking had blurred out as my eyes narrowed and I stomped off, soaked in water. I bit my lips over and over, trying to take the feeling away.
Of course, the memory would not go away.
" He should know much better than that. Why...on earth would he do that? Maybe an accident. Maybe I imagined it," I had deduced, lying back on my bed that night, not able to get the memories out of my head.
I would have thought that the feeling of water being pushed out of your lung cavities would be much more traumatic.
The feeling of drowning was not a light one.
I found myself blushing and fidgeting, trying to tell myself that it was illogical to feel this way.
Kon was my friend.
He had saved me.
How he had done it was not important.
Unfortunately, the dreams plagued me more and more at night. I would relive the kiss of life over and over each night, my brain trying to process it.
The more I tried to push the thought away, the more it came back to haunt me each dreaming night.
Each time, I would ignore it, even as a small part of my gut told me that I should pay attention.
Things were not looking very good.
The next morning wasn't much better.
" Oops, sorry, Tim," Kon said, setting a hand on me to steady him as he accidentally bumped into me at breakfast.
I nodded quietly, pulse echoing in my ears and stomach fluttering at the very slight touch.
" Get a damn grip on yourself. This is completely ridiculous," I coerced to myself, sitting down with the rest of the team to eat.
While Kon and Bart seemed to have a contest going about who could eat the most pancakes, I poked at my food, unable to concentrate. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Rose eyeing me, while Wondergirl was talking to a giggling Miss Martian. The platinum blonde smirked and went back to eating, and I glared at her before finally shoveling some food into my mouth.
As the day wore on, as we battled the usual roster of villains up to no good, I couldn't help but feel a bit distracted.
Usually my movements were clear, clean and cut.
Things felt a bit wobbly when one's knees felt a bit like jelly.
Eventually, things got sorted out, villains cuffed and taken away, even though they took much longer than I had estimated.
" Are you feeling okay, Robin? You look a bit flushed. You're worrying us," M'gann asked me as we arrived back at the headquarters after the long day.
" Just tired, M'gann. No need to worry, okay? But thank you," I reassured, smiling at her concern, but trying to get rid of the creeping suspicion that they were all talking about me behind my back.
" Tim! Wanna watch a movie with us?" Bart asked, zipping around me, still full of energy despite a full couple hours of non-stop action.
" Um. Sure. Just let me get changed," I chuckled, sighing and walking off to my room.
I saw Kon eye me as I walked out, but tried to ignore it.
Bart ran off and away, down the hallway in his sleeping clothes as I passed by, a gust of wind hitting my face. I pulled at my clothing, slipping out of the sweaty garments, thankful for things that breathed a bit better.
Not that the suit wasn't comfortable.
It fit me like a glove, tailored to every curve and muscle of my body.
I slipped a red t-shirt on, as well as some plaid pajama pants. I cracked the tension out of my neck as I strode back to the living room, where Bart was running in circles.
" Come on! You take forever! Almost as long as Kon!" The boy stated loudly, his white shirt and red boxers a blur of speed.
" Hold up, Bart. A guy has to look good. I'll take as long as I need to to get this curl just right. The ladies dig it," Kon chuckled, flipping his hair with his finger and looking backwards to me from the couch.
I felt his blue eyes scanning me from head to toe, not focusing on anything in particular.
I hoped I looked frumpy enough for him not to care.
He wore a black tank top with dark blue boxers. I tried not to stare too hard at the muscled arms that I didn't always get to see much due to his favorite leather jacket.
What on earth was wrong with me? Did the monster the other day inject me with some sort of...I don't serum?
I did a little test.
I let my eyes glance over to Bart, who had popped the movie in and had brought in a truckload of popcorn and soda.
Funny. I wasn't seeming to find him attractive.
I thought to my other teammates.
I thought to Dick.
I thought, God forbid, to Batman.
Damn it.
I should not have been noticing all the small little meaningless features that made Kon...well, Kon.
I felt my brain remark on how nice that earring made him look.
I could feel my fingers tingle as I thought about running my hand through the shaved and curled hair, over his strong, muscled skin and...oh geez, this was not good at all.
I plopped down on the sofa and instantly almost kicked my best friend in the face as he leaned over me and peeled my mask off.
" You forgot to take this off, dude. You are so serious, sometimes. Take a load off. Relax. You are so fucking uptight," he smirked, throwing the garment on the side table.
I felt his body heat.
I felt his hot breath tickling the hairs on my face.
I felt my body try to lean in and close the gap between us.
I let my left brain shut the movement down, instead leaning back and my body language signaling him to back off. He chuckled at me, and sat back himself, bare shoulder rubbing mine absent-mindedly.
I tried not to sigh in a pleasured manner.
Oh my goodness, this was absurd.
I grabbed a dripping can of soda and popped it open, downing the refreshing drink, hoping the cold would assist my blushing skin a little bit.
I suppose it helped a bit.
Just a bit, though.
I was really worried that his super-hearing would sense just how fast my heart was beating.
Calm it down.
Breathe a bit.
Shut the noisy right side of the brain off.
Focus on the movie.
Let it go, Tim.
Let it go, now.
Of course the movie was an action, horror flick with a lovely sidekick actress that was quite popular these days.
I could see Kon and Bart ogling her without care.
I tried to do the same.
Didn't work too well, unfortunately.
She was esthetically pleasing, that wasn't the problem. The real problem was Kon leaning over me to get at Bart's popcorn, and in turn, brushing me and pressing against me as he went.
I was a bit frustrated that he wasn't just using his powers to get it. It would be simple enough. It was what I would do.
It's what a logical person would do.
Then again, it was Kon.
He was too carefree to figure out how to use his powers in the more simple fashions.
He saw them as more of a means to beat down the evil or rampant creatures we were constantly up against.
Which was fine, aside from the fact that the smell of his skin and the shampoo in his hair, in my face, was quite maddening.
His hand clamped down on my thigh.
I instantly jumped a bit in my seat, hand flying onto his chest and bundling up the cloth in my fist, trying not to look at the source of surprise.
Thankfully the movie decided to cover me by offering an obligatory 'pop out'.
" Timmy. I didn't know you'd get so scared. You know they're just doing that to mess with you. This really proves you have to relax, bro. Need me to hold you or something?" Kon laughed, giving my leg a reassuring squeeze.
Instantly, I felt my body respond, shivers slipping up my spine and centering in my chest.
Once again, shut my mouth into a hard line to keep from making any noise.
" No, Kon. I was just figuring out what the protagonist should do in my head, and got distracted by their tactics," I stated, trying to push his hand off, the source of the burning heat.
" It's okay to admit you're scared, Tim," he said low and husky, but I didn't know exactly how he meant it.
But oh god, my body responded again.
" I mean, your pulse is going like, a mile a minute, dude. I thought Batman taught you to be cool and stuff," he said, refusing to move his hand.
He had noticed the beating of my heart.
I could swear that he could read my mind with the super-hearing, because it seemed to be screaming at me to just pull him down onto me and kiss those damnable, smiling lips of his.
" It's another tactic they use in movies. They alter the sound-track and music to be happy, and they make you laugh, so the scary moments are that much more surprising, Kon. It's actually rather genius," I said, finding some ounce of my left brain to distract from the real problem.
" Ugh. Leave it to you to deduct and reason a horror movie. You are such a bore, sometimes," Kon sighed, finally letting go of my thigh and smoothing his hair back.
I let out the breath that I had been holding and gulped down some more soda.
I tried to focus more on Bart's antics, smiling as I watched him fidgeting so much that he could hardly watch the movie.
" Come on! Don't just sit there!" he would say, pointing and aching to make the characters move.
The ending was typical.
Good triumphed over evil, but everyone was all battered.
They road off into their metaphorical sunset and Bart finally got up and had to run around the room after sitting for so long. I turned the television off and Kon floated up from the coach. He flew slowly beside me as I walked back to my rooms.
" You sure you're okay, dude?" he asked, seemingly very amused with me.
" Yes, Kon. Just tired out, now," I said, not looking over at him as I neared my door.
" You sure you don't need me to sleep in your bed to keep the nightmares away?" he said in that voice again, the one that made me melt like butter.
I was pretty sure that he didn't know what the voice sounded like.
I shivered as his fingers tucked some of my hair out of my face, and our noses bumped.
I shoved his away urgently by the mouth, and he flew against the wall next to us.
He seemed perplexed by the gesture, blinking at me.
I looked away, face frustrated and hot as I blushed.
I couldn't be sure that he had just tried to kiss me, but I had to make sure that he wouldn't.
I'm sure it would make things even more complicated.
" Goodnight, Kon," I said, opening my door and shutting it quickly before Kon got the chance to touch me again.
" Night, dude," he said through the door, laughing, and I heard his own door open and close before Bart's.
I slumped against the door, scared that he could hear me breathing so hard. I pressed a hand to my mouth and closed my eyes.
Logic usually dictates...
But now I was sure.
Pretty sure I had somehow fallen for my best guy friend.
So help me.