[AN] I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon in any capacity.

A Crossing of Paths: When Angels Conspire

Chapter One: Of Angels and Avatars

Undetermined time

Realm known to some as Heaven

A young woman sat behind her desk, head in hands, worrying over the situation before her. She looked to be in her early twenties, regular build, fair complexion, and a touch on the short side. Her hair was long and straight, reaching to about mid-back. The bangs hung down on either side to frame her face. She brushed one side behind her ear to reveal features that illustrate her distant Asian ancestry. All in all, a fairly average looking individual if you ignored the fact that her hair color was unmistakably dark green. Not to mention the white feathery wings or the floating golden halo. The angel stood from her chair and smoothed the wrinkles from her white clothing and took a deep breath while she stretched out her aching back muscles. It had been a very long day. She then picked up the open file on her desk and looked it over again for the umpteenth time.

What was it with this one anyways? She'd lost count of how many times she'd tried to fix it. Sometimes she'd changed events, made little detours, even implanted certain ideas to change things. Some things worked. Some didn't. No matter what she tried this file always ended up back on her desk. ' I don't know if the higher ups don't like the results or if there's just a bunch of folks out there with overactive imaginations that just like seeing me scramble.' She thought to herself. It wasn't all that uncommon to have the same file remain open for untold repetitions. In fact she could think of a few of her co-workers that were still replaying their very first case. 'It's not that big of a deal.' She thought. 'It's not like I don't like the kid. In fact he's almost like family by now.' She smirked. It also wasn't like she didn't have time for it. Time does flow differently in this realm, and she has the rest of eternity to do this job. No. it wasn't any of that. The problem was that she had completely run out of ideas.

That is where we find her. Silently pacing her office, file in hand. Completely and totally out of ideas. 'What am I going to do? I can't think of a thing that I haven't already tried.' She tossed the file onto her desk and plopped into her chair. 'I have to have another idea in my brain somewhere. I just have to find it.' She thought as she picked up her pen as if to write down a new plan….except she didn't have one.

Here is where if this were a movie they would insert a musical time lapse montage of her doing all kinds of crazy things as if she were in fast-forward. Pacing her office. Laying on the floor. Throwing things. Having a snack. Taking a nap. Etc. but seeing as this is a story you'll have to do that yourself. When the montage is over she is left sitting back in her chair. Feet up on the desk, looking at the ceiling, hands behind her head bobbing her pen up and down in her mouth with her teeth. Still with no ideas.

'knock, knock' came the sound from her door before it opened slowly.

"Hey Lora, you figure out anything new yet?" asked the newcomer. She also wore the white clothes, wings, and halo, but she had somewhat Germanic facial features which complimented her slightly taller build and long silvery blonde hair.

"No Anna I haven't. I've literally done everything I can think of. Every time I think I have a new thought, I remember that I've already tried it. It's almost enough to make me go crazy….almost…" She paused for a moment "…how about you? Come up with anything for that repeater of yours?" Asked Lora playfully accusing.

"Nope. I'm in the same boat as you. Been going over it for who knows how long. I got nothing. So I figured we could share our helplessness." Laughed Anna as she flopped her own file onto Lora's desk and seated herself in one of the comfy chairs in front of it.

"I guess we'll just have to wait until the new guardian initiative gets up and running and then we can handle it that way for a while." Said Lora, as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I don't know. It just sounds too much like we're passing the buck when you put it that way." Said Anna dismissively.

"Well what other choice do we have?" Asked Lora.

"How about we swap cases?" Suggested Anna after a few moments thought.

"Nah. Remember how much trouble we got in last time we did that. I don't think the higher ups will like it….however, if we….no…I don't think it would….well maybe…" Lora said as she scrunched her eyebrows in thought.

"What? What is it? You have an idea?" Anna asked leaning forward excitedly.

"Well, maybe. We'd have to keep it under the table so to speak… Yeah….. It could work too… But there's a lot more risk that would go along with it than normal." Warned Lora as she stared off into space.

"Well that's the understatement of the millennium. I'm beginning to think our two cases are the very tip top of the 'Risk List'. Just how many times has your charge landed himself in this office just for you to send him back for another re-do?" Anna asked playfully pointing a finger at her.

"Haha. At least half again as many times as yours I'd say." Lora fired back.

"Really, that many?" Asked Anna astonished.

"Well I don't know your charge all that well, but I'd say she's not near as reckless as mine." Answered Lora.

"I dunno. I've seen bulls in china shops with more grace than mine. I swear, you look up clumsy in the dictionary and it'll have her picture in it, poor kid." She sighed. "If it wasn't for her heart of gold I don't know what I'd do with her." Said Anna lovingly.

"Now that my dear girl is something we both have in common. Which brings me back around to my idea." Lora paused for dramatic effect. She crossed her arms and sat back looking pleased with herself.

"For goodness sake spill it woman. The suspense is killing me!" Exclaimed Anna who was now on the edge of her seat.

"You said it yourself. We're in the same boat right?" Stated Lora.

"Yeah. And?" Asked Anna.

"The same Exact boat. You might say." Lora said hoping she'd get the idea.

"I might, but I'm still not following." Anna frowned. Lora leaned in close and softly continued.

"Well what's stopping us actually putting the two of them in their own little boat….together." Stated Lora complete with hand gestures and barely contained enthusiasm.

Anna merely looked at her curiously, her face betraying nothing as she thought about the concept. She sat back in her chair and took a breath before a small smirk came across her face.

"Now that…is one heck of an idea, but how do we do it?" Anna asked mischievously.


Setsuna Meioh was having a lunch break. Being guardian of time she had the luxury of being able to do pretty much whatever she wanted. Not that she would abuse it of course. She'd lived far too long and seen far too many things for that kind of nonsense. No, she was currently enjoying a nice hot bowl of instant ramen. One of life's little pleasantries. After draining the last of her meager meal, she sat back and let out a satisfied sigh. All was well. Then suddenly, it was almost as if something snapped inside her head, for a moment nothing in the universe made any sense. Noise, light, emotions, time, space, gravity all of it mixed together until there was no separation between them. Then, just as suddenly. It all stopped and Setsuna was back where she was, frozen for a moment in shock. Her ears still ringing.

"What in the name of all things holy was that?" she asked herself. "Something was changed. What was it?" she quickly summoned her Garnet Rod and began her examination of the timeline. Something was indeed different. Crystal Tokyo was no longer an option. It was better…somehow it was….more. She saw an entire Crystal Millennium. There was more danger in store for sure, but it seemed there was almost no fuss made about it. Someone had pulled a fast one on her. She was going to get to the bottom of this. Better though the future was, no one pulls one over on the guardian of time and gets away with it. She flashed away to the gates of time to begin her examination.


"Like I said, we'll have to keep at least our planning of it hush-hush until it's over with. I think we should start by comparing notes." Said Lora standing up and reaching to grab Anna's file. She opened it and set it beside her own file. Anna moved to stand beside her as they began to discuss the particulars.

"At least they're both on the same plane of existence, that's one problem solving itself." Noted Anna.

"They're on different continents though, which could be a problem." Said Lora.

"Not to mention the language barrier." Added Anna.

"Hmm. Oh!. Look here" Lora pointed at Anna's file. "We simply swap this around and that will put the two of them in the same country at least." She said.

"Only for a week though." Anna pointed out.

"It was long enough for the other girl to find her destiny." Argued Lora.

"Yes, but look what happens to that other girl if she doesn't go." Anna Turns a page and shows it to Lora.

"Oh I see what you mean. That just won't do. How about we just add another trip onto it. Send both of them." Lora Suggested.

"That may be alright. The two girls can't meet though. It'd throw things off too much." Said Anna.

"That's simple, the other girl can do as originally planned, and your charge can be on the other side of town doing completely different things, just as long as she is in the same city." Lora bargained.

"I think that may just be the ticket. But what about your charge Lora? How do we get him there?" Asked Anna.

"Same way. Add a third. Should be easier since they're already in the country."

"Hmm…" thought Anna.

"Hmm Indeed." Lora pondered for a few moments before another thought occurred. She gave the files a cursory examination for irregularities before voicing it. "What do you say we also use this opportunity to uh…better equip our charges for the future?" Said Lora.

"You mean start them early?"

"Why not? It's worked for the both of us before hasn't it? Plus they'll be a force to be reckoned with later. The question is how to get the other keeper to tag along so she can meet her protégé." Pondered Lora.

"That's easy. The keepers decided on a coin flip whether to split up or go together. A simple puff of wind and it's heads instead of tails." Solved Anna. "What about your charge? How do we start him off?"

"Oh with him, it doesn't take very much. A well placed question to the right person will start his gears turning, and I believe our little keeper can help us out with that as well. See?" Lora gestured to the paper which was currently updating itself as they schemed.

"OH and look here. If we use the same little song and dance I normally use look what happens." Exclaimed Anna.

"I love it when a plan comes together." Smirked Lora. "What about language? Any ideas?"

"Hmm… you said he was curious once you gave him a push right? how about a pen pal?" Offered Anna.

"That could work. Whoever he's paired with would have to start him slow and work with him, but I could see him eventually jumping right in."

"I've got the perfect person in mind, and what's more it won't affect anything until later." Said Anna.

"Ok I see what you did there." Lora watched the changes happen on her paper. "What about your end? Same gag different day?" Asked Lora.

"Same hurdle with her. Have anyone in mind?" Asked Anna.

"Sure do. and what's funny is it's almost a mirror of your suggestion." Laughed Lora.

"Lora…You're a genius." Anna said looking at the results. "Alright then. We may have to worry about them suspecting something though when they find out." Said Anna worried.

"If I know them like I think I do they'll just play it off as a coincidence, or maybe destiny. Which actually wouldn't be that far off the mark would it?" Laughed Lora.

"Hahahaha. You know. This has turned into a very interesting day. I think I'll go get us some coffee while you keep scheming." Said Anna as she started to leave the room.

"That sounds wonderful." Answered Lora as she sat down to study the two files side by side. And as the scene changes we finally catch a glimpse of the two files on the desk. Only the two subject's pictures are visible along with a few of the bigger lines of print beside them.

The first photo was of a young man with ruffled black hair and emerald green eyes shining behind his broken glasses. "Name: Lord Harry James Potter aka: The Boy Who Lived. Caseworker: Lora" The second photo was of a young woman with long golden blonde hair which was done up in two buns, or odangos, on top of her head with long ponytails coming out from each. She had large beautiful cerulean blue eyes. "Name Princess Usagi Serenity Tsukino aka: Sailor Moon. Caseworker: Anna."

Anna returned with the coffee. As she entered she shut and locked the door behind her. Lora raised a questioning eyebrow, but said nothing. Anna then placed a cup of coffee in front of Lora and placed one in front of the seat she herself had occupied earlier. But the strange thing was the third cup she placed in front of the other seat beside her. 'Something's not right here. Locked door, and a third cup of coffee? And now she's shutting my blinds.'

"Expecting company Anna?" She asked suspiciously.

"Yes I figured we would be getting a visitor soon. She is due any moment actually." She chuckled playfully as she moved to stand almost in the middle of the office.

"Who would be…." She didn't get to finish that question as a bright purple flash lit the office for a split second and before them stood a young woman with long dark hair the same shade as Lora's. she was dressed in the strangest outfit Lora had ever seen and she had with her a long silver staff shaped somewhat like a giant key. Lora and the newcomer locked eyes for a second, both were extremely confused at the moment. Lora raised a finger and opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it as yet another purple light shone from the woman. When it faded it was revealed that the young woman was now dressed similarly to the two angels. Minus the halo and wings of course. She still maintained her silver staff, but now in the middle of her forehead was a glowing purple symbol that looked like a 'P' and an 'L' put together. The woman looked down and confusedly examined her new attire. Anna motioned toward the newcomer and said

"Lora, may I introduce to you the guardian of time, the guardian senshi of the planet Pluto." She turned to Pluto."Nice to see you again Setsuna. We've been expecting you. I'm Anna by the way, and that's Lora. You don't remember me, but we go way back. Please have a seat I brought you some coffee. 1 cream 2 sugar and a splash of vanilla right?" the two other women just stared at her. Mouths wide open with astonishment.

"Y,Yes…But how do you" Pluto started, but Anna cut her off.

"Don't worry about it. Like I said, we go way back, and as such I know you aren't used to being the one in the dark so we'll have to sit and explain it. Have a seat. Enjoy the coffee. " Said Anna.

"Anna, what's going on?" asked Lora.

"I figured as much. You've never done anything to affect Crystal Tokyo have you? Otherwise you definitely would have met her before. That's what always brings her to my office." She laughed. " She's quite the detective this one. Not sure how she keeps finding me, but I suspect a blind leap in the direction of the root of the change hoping to get lucky. She wields those time gates like a sword and man is it sharp. Am I right Setsuna?" Anna asked in her direction. Pluto merely showed a face somewhere between confusion, frustration, indignation, and fear. "See. That's what I always get. No answers, just a weird expression. I think it means I'm right." She chuckled again. "It's okay. We're on the same side. In fact we were just about to need your help."


Author's Note


First of all, if you're reading this I want to thank you for doing so. I'll be surprised if anyone reads anything I've written. This is one of my first Fanfic's so you'll have to excuse me. I'm actually writing three right now, but this will probably be the first to go up. The plan is not to post anything until I'm done or close to it. Easier to change things that way. Now on to the notes.

The character Lora comes from a Harry Potter story called "Death's Pride" by Paladeus, where she served in the same capacity. All credit for her should go to him. I don't remember any details about Lora really, other than she was mischievous, and I'm not checking on purpose so it's less likely for me to steal something. I really enjoyed that story and her character and what I've written for her is what stuck with me.

Not sure if you'll be able to follow this chapter. A lot of it is intentionally vague. Just roll with it.

I'm a recent convert to the Harry Potter/Sailor Moon universe. I thank a story called "The Girl Who Loved." By Darth Drafter for indoctrinating me. It's a HP/SM/Ranma 1/2 multicross. I wanted to do one like it, but I wouldn't let myself as I haven't ever watched Ranma. I get the premise of it though.

This will for sure be a Harry/Usagi pairing. I'm completely sold on that. I never liked Mamoru anyways. He's a wuss. Shows up long enough to throw a rose and then lets the girls do all the work, and his only backup weapon is a stupid cane. So expect some Mamoru bashing. I haven't planned it out yet, but it will happen I'm certain. I'm also a die-hard Harry/Hermione fan. I'm not sure if I can bear to separate them. So she may end up in the mix as well. I do like a little Harry/Hermione/Luna action as well, but that may be a little ambitious for me right now. Not sure yet. We'll see where the story takes me.

I'm not sure how I'm going to treat Dumbles or the Weasleys yet. I do enjoy a good bashing for the both of them, but I'm not really sold on going whole hog and making them dark. I prefer manipulative. We'll just see I guess.

I guess I should explain the heaven/angel/multiverse thing. The idea is that God, or your deity of choice, created all things. All people. All ideas. So on some level any thought or idea had by anyone, ever, is real to some extent. It's as real as you choose to make it. And it's heaven's job to see to each of the infinite universes and their outcomes. Hence the caseworkers. They oversee certain events or individuals to ensure things go to plan, or ensure they don't depending on the situation. The reason for the repeats I explained somewhat in the chapter with a direct jab at you the reader. By this premise, any time either you, the reader, or I, the writer, have an idea for a story or whatnot, we create another alternate universe where our idea is possible. It may be exactly identical to another universe except for one little thing. For want of a nail, and all that. And will then require the assigned caseworker to repeat the case. Clear as mud?

With Anna being Usagi's caseworker, she naturally would have met Pluto before. But being as Heaven exists outside of time, and Pluto is confined by it, to her, every repeat is like the other's never happened. It's time travel without the possibility of a paradox. Again, clear as mud? That doesn't mean Pluto cannot use her time and space powers to travel outside of time and space to where heaven exists. As with heat and light so follows time. In that there is no cold or dark, just the absence of heat and light. So timeless is still time, just absent of it therefore she can still find it and go there. Although when she does she is no longer in her element so she must abide by the rules of the realm, hence the wardrobe change and her planetary powers activating just to keep her there.

The guardian initiative is a reference to another story I'm writing. Don't worry about it. Supposed to be mysterious.

I always thought the power balance in SM was erratic. Usually they were terribly underpowered, but yet they still have the power to save the entire galaxy? Not buying it. Pick one and stick with it. In my story the senshi will be intentionally OP.

I drew a little drawing of the three's first meeting. If only there was a site where art that is deviant could be posted. wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Say no more. Say no more.

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