"Everything Feels…"

Chapter One

*Edited 5/29/2012: A delicious lemon now makes this gayly baked one-shot pie complete (: No seriously, it's really flowery so I apologize if you can't handle how flowery my writing is /cries I'm sorry ):

Summary: "You reach out with your heart and then everything feels..."

Pairing: Akise Aru/Amano Yukiteru

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Panic Abandon does not own Mirai Nikki.

A/N: All I can say is…this fandom has pulled me in so much. I'm definitely going to hell ): ...Enjoy!

There were a number of things that Amano Yukiteru learned within the week that he became god.

You can do whatever the hell you want.

Intentionally harmless and supernatural pranks performed on others in the immediate world below can either prove to be insanely hilarious and extremely effective, or dangerous and/or will backfire horribly.

And thirdly?

Akise Aru was truly an angel in every right and aspect.

Shortly after claiming the savagely coveted throne of the god of time and space, Yukiteru offhandedly mentioned that having the silver-haired boy at his side would make him something like his archangel. Akise had placed his fingers in a surprisingly bashful and rare display of shyness against his lips as he stepped up to the central, levitating platform in the actualized imaginary space where Yukiteru was tinnily seated several yards up ahead, and then suddenly…

Akise Aru began to glow right before the young god like a heavenly body.

His entire being was suddenly charged with an alabaster radiance. Fair skin flushed to a near translucence as if he were standing beneath a pallid spot of moonlight. Slowly, he was lifted from the ground by several feet. Wine-colored eyes went wide, desperately pinning on those of cobalt to register a look of mutual panic and confusion. The floating detective stared down at himself, eyes roaming in exceptional terror and astounded by his gleaming, suspended form. His clothes fluttered gently against his body, silver threads dancing celestially around his head as if by some preternatural influence.

And then, just as easily as he was lifted, he was gently brought back down; barely making a sound as his feet touched the floor.

Yukiteru, momentarily overcome, had then abruptly shot up from his seat and dashed across the wide room down the long, carmine carpet in a hurry to make certain that the boy was okay.

Akise was swiftly recovering all his slightly shaken wits and trying to understand what had just happened to him, when the young god had reached him. The brunette scrutinized him breathlessly as he watched the detective hold his hands out experimentally; turning them over and back and then lowering them carefully to his sides. He stared at Yukiteru, questions rising between them that he knew just by the pure vexation and uncertainty clouding in the other boy's eyes, neither one of them could not theorize.

After a long minute of them silently contemplating the oddity of what had just transpired, Yukiteru was the first to speak.

"Are you…okay, Akise-kun?" he asked, his voice coming out conspicuously softer and more quiet than usual. He seemed to fidget a little almost excitedly, eyes lit up as if he'd just witnessed something wonderful and amazing, but there was still a prominent trace of worry that marred his normally innocent features and seemed to hinder the awe that overlapped the surface.

Akise could have been in absolute pain and he still would have smiled at that face and said he was perfectly fine.

Having taken a moment to internally assess for anything that appeared to feel wrong or off, the detective smoothed out his clothes and then beamed at the former first diary owner, reflecting outwardly on his normal contentedness.

"I'm feeling okay." He concluded and stretched his arms above his head as if to install more assurance. It seemed a little odd, but if he was honest with himself, he was actually feeling a lot better than he had been feeling to begin with.

Yukiteru's anxious expression dissolved into relief and a grateful smile broke out on his adorable face. Leaning forward, he pressed himself into the silveret's taller form, nuzzling one of his pink-tinted cheeks against his chest. Akise felt his heart suddenly begin to beat a little faster as he wrapped his arms around the young god, sliding one hand up gently to caress the boy's silky brown hair. They stayed like this for a wonderfully long moment until Yukiteru tilted his head up to look into the other boy's eyes.

"Akise-kun?" he began, his face slightly pinched with worry.

"Hm?" the detective murmured, tilting his own down ever so slightly to press his lips against the top of the shorter boy's head.

There came no reply for another long minute; and then Akise's heart suddenly fluttered as fingers curled into the sides of his jacket, pulling him in even closer to the brunette, and then he felt a soft whisper fanning a warm breath through his shirt as Yukiteru mumbled, "I'm really glad you're here with me."

Akise's body was certainly doing strange things today; again, his heart seemed to flip and rise in his chest at those words, and at the same time, it also seemed to clench as if the bliss from hearing them almost pained him.

Despite every ounce of elated emotion he was feeling right now, and the internal delight he took in the admission of those six simple words, there would be a later time yet where he would be ever more convinced than before that he was made for no one else but the boy nestled in his arms.

Since that time, the life of a god was surprisingly fun and simple. Watching his friends carrying on with their sixth world lives without the burden of a sixth survival game or horrific memories was pleasant. Of course, it was also a little different without their influence.

The trio had eventually met with Kasugano Tsubaki, whose parents granted her request to attend a public school and they all got together on regular occasions. They would go places and have every bit as much of a blast that Yukiteru remembered having with the group many times in the fourth and fifth world, but every now and then when he would check to see what they were up to, he would feel a twinge of sadness.

He really missed them, he would realize.

Maybe, just maybe someday he would return their memories to them and they could all meet again.

Right now, Yukiteru was smiling against his pillow, gradually waking from a comfortable, dreamless sleep. He rolled off his shoulder and onto his back and slowly opened his bleary eyes to stare up at the star-riddled ceiling; he smiled faintly, fairly proud that he had come up with such a clever idea all on his own. Sleeping under the stars every night and waking to a dully glowing ceiling full of them every morning was such an unfathomable thing to him that he'd never even given the idea any thought, until he'd been granted the power to do so.

I can see the stars every night until the time that I close my eyes… he thought with a small, happy smile to himself.

With Akise-kun…and in the morning, too.

The brunette yawned after continuing to stare for a moment longer and then sat up. He wondered what the detective had done to keep himself busy since the time he'd gone to bed last night. For the first time since he'd woken up, he noticed a warm and sweet aroma floating from downstairs in the kitchen and through the open bedroom door.

Sweet…pancakes, maybe? He wondered as he dressed. In the fifth world, Akise had always managed to surprise and impress the young god, fixing him cute breakfasts and lunches adorned with blush-inspiring messages that he could take to school. Akise was an amazing cook, and a creative one at that. By now, Yukiteru figured that the silveret had all his favorite foods memorized, and even the way he liked them prepared.

Feeling a little more than excited to taste Akise's cooking again for what felt like a very long time, the brunette pulled on a pair of shorts and a light green shirt as hastily as his half-sleepy state would allow, and then took down the stairs, managing to skip over them two at a time.

Akise, having heard Yukiteru making his way down the stairs, turned around with a smile and a tube of pink baker's icing in his hand. He took in the sleepy look on the boy's face and the tired way he walked across the room and deduced that he had only just woken up a few minutes ago.

"Good morning, Yukiteru-kun." He greeted quietly, mindful that his sweetheart did not particularly like loudness first thing in the morning. The boy stood on his tip toes to inspect what was going on over his shoulder while Akise resumed his task of sprinkling rainbow-colored candies from a container over a batch of chocolate, expertly butter-crème pink-frosted cupcakes. Yukiteru's eyes widened in awe at their perfection and leaned unconsciously closer.

"Cupcakes?" he mumbled, the side of his mouth barely brushing the silveret's cheek. A small shiver ran up Akise's back at the tickling sensation, but he smiled fondly.

"Yes," he replied, lifting up the one that he'd just finished decorating and held it over to Yukiteru. "Here, have one."

Yukiteru stared at the cupcake for a few seconds which eventually led the detective to turn his head to gauge the young god's expression. He was staring down at it blankly until that precise moment, and as soon as their eyes locked, Akise abruptly began to feel…strangely relaxed. Clouded, deep blue orbs stared back at him with a simmering intensity, a strikingly cute expression on his face that the detective found he could not look away from.

Finally, he managed to blink his pink hues back and then, with some difficulty, though with succession nonetheless, administer his attention back to his early afternoon baking activities.

"Are you going to eat the cupcake, Yukiteru—?"

A pair of lips pressed a soft, lingering kiss against the detective's cheek.

"You always make nice things…" the brunette purred.

Akise shuddered as an alarmingly pleasurable sensation suddenly lanced through his body; the container of sprinkles fell from his hands and dropped soundly, a reverse rain of rainbow candies flew up in all directions and sprayed their colorfulness all over the counters and floor.

Purred? Or was that just a sleepy slur? Where had Yukiteru learned to make his voice sound so...sultry? Or perhaps it was just...

Embarrassment showed clearly on the detective's face, warmth gradually flaring up in his cheeks and dusting them a flattering shade of pink that gently contrasted with his fair complexion. Wave after wave of this strange and beautiful feeling continued to traverse over him like a lingering caress without relent, rendering his body unable to move. Akise felt his legs began to wobble slightly as he forced his hands to grip the edge of the counter until his knuckles turned white.

Noticing the other boy's apparent distress, Yukiteru lowered himself flat on his feet again and leaned forward, a concerned frown descending on his mouth.

"Akise-kun...? Are you okay?" he asked, placing a hand over the silveret's own.

Akise jerked his hand away as if he'd been burned. He immediately regretted the impulsive reaction as soon as he saw the hurt look on the young god's face; it reminded him a lot of a puppy that had just seen the sole of it's owner's shoe.

Akise felt like kicking himself in the face right then and there.

"Akise...kun?" Yukiteru tried again, his hand reaching forward tentatively this time. Akise gave him a small smile but took a subtle step back to widen the distance between him while he wondered why the action was even necessary.

"Um...I'm not feeling so well, but the cupcakes are done." He informed casually. "I think...I'm going to go upstairs and lie down."

A series of emotions Akise couldn't quite read flickered across the brunette's face and then finally settled into a mild look of worry. "Um...alright." He agreed, finally reaching over to pick the cupcake Akise had previously offered to him up from the counter and taking a small bite. "Mmm...they're good, just like I knew they would be," he smiled around the mouthful. The detective nodded despite his unexplainable distraction and somehow managed to smile back.

"...I'm glad you like them." He said quietly and then turned for the stairs; Yukiteru watched him fervently.

Akise was on the very top step when he barely heard a quiet voice travel up into the hall.

"...Akise-kun, I really hope you feel better soon. Um...th-thanks again for the cupcake."

Heat flashed through Akise's body and he brought a hand feverishly to his forehead. His eyes went wide when he realized his face was unusually hot and his breathing was irregular. Maybe he was sick after all?

"Of course, Yukiteru-kun. I'll see you in a little while, then." Akise replied and then walked into the hall to find their bedroom door still open.

Walking in, he closed the door behind him and turned the lock up. He leaned against the door for a moment, mentally trying to will the erratic pounding in his chest and head, and the heat that still glowed in his face as well as his entire body. After everything seemed to have somewhat calmed down, he walked over to the antique mirror on the wall. It was oval and shiny with a beautifully crafted silver frame; an identical replication of the one that remained in the Amano house, and a memento that reminded Yukiteru of the many deficient lives he had spent there. Ruffling his hair a little as he stared warily into the mirror, he almost blushed at his own disorderly reflection.

What was with that glazed look in his eyes? His face was still slightly blotched with pink and he noticed he was sweating slightly. Again, as he titled his head back and blew out a small sigh that caused his silvery bangs to flutter, he wondered if he was really coming down with some sort of sickness. He'd never felt like this before. So...hot and...what was that other word that seemed to fit this situation perfectly?


Well, this is kind of a bothersome situation...he admitted to himself as he sat down on the queen-sized bed. He grabbed one of the many pillows piled on the bed and set it on his lap before leaning over and pressing his face into it.

It feels cool...And it smells just like Yukiteru-kun...

Akise froze as another flare of heat burst through his body.

...What's wrong with me?

The pillow was dropped unceremoniously on the floor as Akise fell backward onto the bed. He grabbed another one and placed it over his face, hoping to smother away this shamefully wonderful sensation and be rid of it by tomorrow, or at least, the end of today.

It was Tuesday morning and Yukiteru was settled in the bath among clouds of fragrant pink bubbles. Akise hadn't woken up since the day before, except for when Yukiteru had come to bed and tried to sleep next to him. The detective had woken up with a very alarming start. His head tilted down for his hair to shadow his face and pressed the pillow between them as the brunette climbed in beside him.

"Akise-kun? Do you not want me to sleep here?"

Akise slowly shook his head. "It wouldn't be a good idea for us to sleep together, Yukiteru-kun. I haven't figured out what's wrong with me and I don't want you to get sick."

At the time, Yukiteru thought this seemed like a reasonable explanation and had promptly offered to take the couch. Akise immediately looked mortified and said he would leave the bed for Yukiteru instead and take the couch, and before the brunette could protest the detective had grabbed one of the various pillows piled on their extravagant bed and walked out of the room.

With a troubled frown, Yukiteru sank deeper into the water until the bubbles touched his nose.

I wonder if he's really sick or if something else is bothering him...

Just then, there came a knock on the bathroom door. Feeling hopeful, Yukiteru lifted his head from the water and called out, "Akise-kun? Um...come in."

The door opened carefully and then Akise walked in with a towel around his waist.

Yukiteru's heart suddenly began to race as his briefly allowed eyes to roam over the lithe curves of the boy's pale body, traveling down to where the towel hung dangerously loose around his hips to display the prominent arc near the start of his-

Oh, god what hell had he been thinking just now?

He turned his head quickly to hide his blushing face as Akise removed his towel and stepped into the bath. When he heard a soft splash, he cautiously turned his head to see that Akise had already begun bathing. He was scrubbing shampoo into his hair, one eye closed so that the trickle of soap that was running down his forehead wouldn't get in it. Seeing an opportunity to help out, Yukiteru reached forward and wiped the soap away from the silveret's face.

Akise visibly went rigid and immediately stopped scrubbing.

"You had a little soap, um there..." Yukiteru quickly felt the need to explain, raising his hand to show the soapy bubbles he had swept up before plunging his hand into the water to wash them away. When Akise said nothing and simply bent his head down to stare at the water with an unreadable expression, Yukiteru leaned over to place his hands on the detective's shoulders.

Akise shivered as those fingers wrapped around the tops of his shoulders and made contact with his skin. Warm, familiar pleasure began to envelope his entire body and he bit his lip down, horrified at himself as he tried to stifle a small, enraptured moan. Yukiteru frowned as he noticed the feverish tint of red beginning to spread over the silveret's face and break out into a pinkish glow over his body.

"Akise-kun, you must have a fever! You're burning up!" he exclaimed, now completely worried as he stood up from the bath without thinking. Akise stared at the area where the brunette's face used to be for a wide-eyed, unblinking moment, and then suddenly clapped a hand over his mouth and shot up from the tub.

Yukiteru felt his own face heat up as he slowly looked down at himself and quickly dove back down into the bath with the water up to his nose again.

He barely caught a glimpse of the towel being hastily wrapped around a pale body, as Akise dashed out of the bathroom with the door clicking closed behind him.

Akise really had no idea what was going on with him.

The previous night, as he was fixing up his makeshift bed on the couch downstairs, Yukiteru suggested that it might be a good idea for him to go and see a doctor. Akise had gently deflected the idea, reminding the brunette that neither of them were no longer what they could exactly classify as 'human' (what with Yukiteru being a god and all, and Akise? Well, there had never quite been a firm disbelief that he was something...otherworldly). Yukiteru, much to the detective's faint relief, had realized this was probably true and did not bring up or suggest similar things. Looking over his shoulder for a brief moment with an unmistakeable glint of sadness and longing in his tired cerulean eyes, Yukiteru said good-night before reluctantly heading to bed.

Akise felt absolutely shameful for blatantly avoiding the one person he cared for more than even himself. These carnal feelings that would come over him every time he got even the slightest bit too close to Yukiteru were getting to be so frustratingly intolerable, that he now found himself harshly cutting the other off whenever things would transcend from casual conservation to innocent things like hugging, or even the accidental brush of a hand.

Tonight had gone no differently than the last two, and just thinking about it was stealing away many hours of sleep from him. Perhaps he didn't even deserve sleep, he realized while rolling onto his belly and staring at the antique clock across the room; another keepsake that Yukiteru had recreated out of fondness and longing.


The detective's thoughts may have been finished in a dream as he drifted into sleep within the next moment.

A shadow at the top of the stairs crept down the steps and wandered into the front room. Careful hands picked up the blanket that was draped over the edge of the sofa and half on the floor, and picked it up gently to cover it over Akise's sleeping form. A small smile simultaneously twitched up on his lips in subconscious appreciation just as Yukiteru smiled fondly down at him and then planted a soft kiss on the top of his forehead; Akise shivered delicately beneath the covers but otherwise remained undisturbed.

"Good-night, Akise-kun..." Yukiteru whispered, and turned to walk back upstairs.

On the sofa, Akise turned to face the back of the sofa and mumbled something barely audible into the cushion; the young god paused on the top step.


Yukiteru felt his heart rise a little as he smiled secretly to himself and then returned to his room.

TBC (: