Prologue: Apocalypse

Most of the situations I've ever been in I've always known what to do or how to get into a victory possibility. Even when the odds were stacked against me somehow a miracle would happen and we would see the next day together.

Now, there was no such chance.

No matter how much I wanted to step in and use him to remedy as he has always been my way of attack I now know there was nothing I could do or he could do to remedy the situation.

So there we all were. Watching the world crumble around us the sky glow black with the fury of titans raging above and below. The people panicking running for a safety they knew would never come. I look behind me and see everyone I've known or recently met. Standing by my side was the one who started it all, with a fried bicycle. The girl who just wanted to get out of her life was standing firm in hand with my best friend the very first major battle I had. The aspiring coordinator who comes from a family legacy was next to my mentor's wacky assistant. And last but not least were the emerald and lavender hair duo that I got launched into this apocalypse with. All of us waiting for the end, together.

"Well guys it's been a pleasure" I say to everyone behind me.

"How is this a pleasure?" The guy with the mop top and the other 6 behind them mentioned

The other people right next to us however were not who you think wed be standing idly by when the titans of the earth brought down the planet. In fact this was not our native world anyway.

How did we end up here, first we've got to go back to the beginning.