New Years Eve 2015

Dear Diary,

I always forget how busy the holiday season is. The shop is absolutely booming! With all the holiday shoppers and NYE Time Square people it's a mad house here! It also helps that this is the coldest December in over 50 years. People need something, anything to keep warm and I am glad they all picked my little slice of heaven to do so.

Rick came running in here this morning all excited. Kate had her baby this morning, Alexander, and Rick being the good husband he is grabbed her real food.

Kate and I have been commiserating over that list of "do not eat while pregnant" and laugh over the fact that before being pregnant "we never craved/wanted to eat _", but they put it on that list and darn it I want it! I hope the nice cold turkey sandwich and hot cup of coffee hit the spot for Kate because I know she was really looking forward to her guilt free coffee.

Oh, how I look forward to my club sandwich and a nice piping hot cup of coffee. Just one more month! I can make it!

Got to get to sleep, have to show up at the shop early tomorrow; the city will be full of "big heads" that need a little coffee pick me up to help them through the day.

With smiles,

The very pregnant Barista

First Castle story done…wasn't as scary as I thought it would be…but at the same time…YES:p

OK, I can't count…this is 11 chapters not the 10 I said it was... oh well:p. It is fluffy though, I did deliver there:p.

To those that have stuck around this far, thank you:p.

I still remember my cold turkey pita and ice cold coke that my hubby ran out and got me after having my oldest. .EVER.

Read and review, good, bad, ugly; they all help:D