this actually started out as one of my dreams (not the whole story just the concept of the flying mint bunny being lost) and as time passed i started thinking this would make a good story so here you have it .

this might be a short story , just saying so dont expect much for the chapters

Chapter 1 : The war

where are you? Thought Arthur as he ran around London looking for his lost companion in the middle of the bombing. It was WW2 and Germany pretty much enjoyed bombing the living hell out of England. It was easy for anyone to get lost, especially at night time. The city was on fire, citizens were all terrified from Germany's sudden attack on the capital. There was so much blood, England had never recalled so much blood, not even in his long history of being a country. The sirens were driving the brit's eardrums insane, but he had to find her. she was his only friend. America, his former colony, was his ally, but not his friend, sure he would help him out financially, but he would never do anything to involve himself in the war. France had his own problems to worry about not to mention he and England didn't really get along, so his help was out of the question.

" Flying mint bunny ! Where are you !" shouted Arthur at the top of his lungs, something that he had been doing for almost 4 hours. An explosion went off a few feet away from where Britain was standing sending rocks and heavy objects hurrling towards him, the best he could manage was to cover his face and hope not to get hit.

Damn it! Where did you go! Arthur wiped the tears rolling off his face. He was enraged, and at the same time, he felt powerless; the way his citizens died before his eyes and the way he was unable to to do anything about it. He was the british empire! He had conquered nearly 1/3 of the world damn it! He hated himself for being so weak.
He knew if this continued he wasn't gonna make it threw the war.

"Britain ! She's this way !" shouted a tiny fairy at the top of her lungs in order to be herd by Britain because of the siren's loud wails.

"Are you sure ?" asked the Brit.

"I'm positive. We've got to hurry!" The fairy led Arthur to the area where the flying mint bunny was located.

"These are just a pile of rocks!" Another bomb exploded near by.

" We've got to hurr-" England and the fairy froze, something was wrong. The sirens had been turned off, and the bombs had seized dropping.

I have a bad feeling about this...Thought England as he stared up at the night sky, watching the German airplanes retreating. There's no reason to retreat, they still have to finish bombing the rest of London and we had no allies to come and back us up currently. Why are they leaving? It's tactically-

Arthur's eyes widened as he stood there, frozen. The fairy pulled on his military suit urging him to hurry and start digging but Britain wouldn't budge. "God please... save the queen." whispered England. He was terrorized once he realized what the Germans were up to. Time was of the essence.

Arthur dug threw the pile of rocks, his life depending on it. You better be here because if your not-

"England!" yelled the fairy pointing at the sky.

I found her! thought Arthur as he caught a glimpse of flying mint bunnies wing. His fingers were bleeding from how fast he had been digging threw the large bolders.

A single German plane flew above London, inside, London's demise.


The center of the city flashed brightly, eventually, fading all to white.

To be continued ...

hope you guys enjoyed it :p sorry about the cliff hanger but it will be a good story i promise ( well to the best i can ^^)