Author's Note: Hey guys, lafellana here.
This story is set after the war has been won. The seventh-years have been called back to Hogwarts to repeat their last year of school.
Keep in mind that this is my first attempt at any serious writing, so I may be off to a wobbly start.
I know the storyline may seem a bit cliché, but this is actually an alternative to another story I am writing.
I really want to make this work and improve my writing skills, so I would love to hear your opinion. Please review!
Oh, and I almost forgot: I own nothing but the plot, Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling.


"Get up, you sleepyhead! Come on, you're going to be late!"

I groaned and rolled over, stuffing my pillow over my ears in a desperate attempt to drown out my mother's voice.

Over the summer, it had gotten increasingly difficult for me to get out of bed. Apparently, my mom was completely oblivious to this as she twirled cheerfully around my room.

She pulled the curtains open as wide as they could go and light poured into the room. I cringed and tried to hide under my blanket, but it was ripped out from under me before I could. Sigh. It looked like I would have to get up after all.

Then suddenly I remembered why: Today was the day I would return to Hogwarts! I couldn't wait. After the war ended, I finally decided to do something with my hair. So I shopped for some styling tools and 'tamed my lion's mane', so to speak. With a little help from a muggle friend of mine, I transformed my bushy hair into a cascade of sleek hazel curls.

I also started working out almost every day. I've been building up some self-confidence; I don't want to hide behind my robes anymore. Instead, I filled my suitcase with more slim, modern clothing.

I was determined to make this year the perfect one. Now that Voldemort was finally dead and the fighting was over, I didn't want to be seen as the bushy-haired bookworm anymore. No, this was the year I would become smart, gorgeous, victorious Hermione Granger. This was the year Hogwarts would finally notice me as more than just the brains of the Golden Trio. This year was to be the best yet.

90 minutes later, I pushed my luggage cart across platform nine and three quarters, loaded up high with suitcases and Crookshanks perched on top, staring down at the other students with disdain written all over her feline features. With a giggle, I wondered if that cat ever thought of joining Slytherin – she'd fit right in. Except, of course, for all that blood-status drama. That's just rubbish.

I spotted a group of Slytherins chatting further down the platform. Probably fourth-years. As I pushed my cart past them, they stopped for a second and stared at me like I was a museum exibit, then started whispering among themselves excitedly. I squirmed. What might they be saying about me? Worst-case scenarios flitted through my brain.

Suddenly realizing my thoughts, I gave myself a mental whack on the head. Confidence, Hermione, I told myself. It's a new year, and you are not going to hide anymore. Don't let all those sit-ups go to waste.

My mental pep talk was interrupted by a loud and very familiar squeal. "HERMIONE!" A flurry of jeans, giggles and red hair barreled into me, almost knocking me over.

"Hey Ginny, it's so great to see you! How was your summer? Have your brothers been bothering you? How's Ron? Has Harry been over? How is he?" She stepped back as I rained down questions on my friend.

"Oh my gosh, Hermione, this summer has been awesome! And wow, you look gorgeous. Where did you get that blouse?", she gushed.

Right then I noticed two boys, both remarkably taller than I remembered them to be, standing behind us looking amused at our reunion.

I practically flew into their arms. "Ron! Harry! I've missed you guys so much!"

Ron blushed and shuffled his feet, while Harry laughed and replied, "We've missed you too. Come on, let's get on the train and then we can talk."


Draco Malfoy walked through the chattering crowd of students by the train with a smirk on his face. He, like most of the other seventh graders, had come back to Hogwarts to redo his seventh and last year of school, since the one during the war hadn't exactly worked out to be a 'learning environment'. That is, if you don't count the gruesome things he had learned from some of the Death Eaters.

But this year would be different. The Dark Lord had been defeated, his father was in Azkaban, and those few Death Eaters still out there were on the run. He had decided to put the past behind him and just enjoy this year. He wouldn't have to put up with pressure from his father and Voldemort, or constantly fear for his mother's safety. He remembered what she had said to him just before she left him at platform nine and three quarters:

Draco was just checking his luggage and preparing to run through the brick barricade between platforms nine and ten, when his mother's voice stopped him.


"Yes, mother?"

"Take care of yourself, honey."

She looked like she wanted to say more, but when she didn't, he simply replied, "I will."

Suddenly there were tears in her eyes. She hugged him tightly. Surprised, Draco stood stiffly until she pulled back awkwardly.

With a disappointed look, Narcissa Malfoy sighed and said: "Draco, it's time you put such childish behavior behind you-" Draco was about to interrupt when she held up her hand and told him, "No, let me finish. This is a new time for all of us, but we no longer have our perfect pureblood image to uphold. You really should think about stopping all this icy-cold, untouchable Malfoy nonsense and actually letting someone get close to you.

Draco scoffed. "Well that's not how I was brought up."

Narcissa sighed in defeat. "Do what you want, son. I just thought you may want to consider my words."

With that, she turned around and hurried off into the crowd.

Draco's train of thought broke off as he spotted a tall, dark-haired figure with a self-confident smile on his face slowly making his way through the crowd towards him.

"Blaise, mate! How've you been? I haven't seen you since the war ended!"

Blaise Zabini was not only his best friend, but also his partner in crime, constant companion, and fellow Slytherin Prince. They had met at their first Sorting Ceremony and had bonded immediately. Over the years they became known throughout Hogwarts as womanizers. Draco didn't mind the title, but Blaise was practically in love with it.

Now, as he walked closer, Draco couldn't help but smile at him. He hadn't realized how much he had missed the Italian prankster until now.

"Hey Draco, what's up? How was your summer? Did you pick up any hot girls?"

"Of course – what else would I do out in the heat?"

"What, and you didn't leave any for me?" Blaise looked genuinely hurt. Then again, he was a very good actor. It was a talent they both possessed, and it was very useful when dealing with women.

Draco laughed. "I suspect you had more than enough girls in Italy."

"There can never be enough girls for…." He trailed off, staring over his friend's shoulder. "Holy shit, is that Granger?"

"What? Where?" He spun around, his eyes scanning the crowd. Suddenly he saw what Blaise had meant: Strolling through the crowd was Hermione Granger, but it was not the same Granger he knew and despised. It was more like a new and improved model. Instead of frizzy and unmanageable, her hair fell down her back in luscious locks. The designer clothes she wore showed off her curvy, feminine figure. Her makeup brought out her round, chocolate eyes-

"Hey, do you think we should go after her?" Blaise asked in an excited voice.

Draco was pulled out of his thoughts. He regarded his best mate in disbelief. "Go after Granger? Have you lost your mind? She's a Gryffindor mudblood, not to mention a part of the Golden Trio!"

Blaise looked at him strangely. "I don't want to date her, idiot. I just want to know what she's like in bed. Besides, the war's over, mate. You need to throw off these stupid pureblood beliefs and open up to people."

"Merlin, not you too." Irritated, Draco turned away from his companion, just in time to hear the whistle blow, signaling five minutes until the Hogwarts Express' departure. "Let's just get on the train", he growled, clenching his fists.

Why was everybody intent on trying to make him change? He was Draco Malfoy, for Merlin's sake, and he was definitely not planning on 'opening up' to anyone.

So what did you think? Thanks for reading, and I'll try to update soon.