"So….Ziva and I are getting married again. I don't want to say renewing our vows, because this time we are having a real wedding."

"April 12th, Friday night. Ziva wanted to wait until she got her body back so she would look, as she put it, 'half-way decent in a wedding gown.' I think she looks great now, but…there it is."

Gibbs gave Ziva a hug. "I agree, I think you look wonderful now, but I am glad you are getting the wedding of your dreams." He got up and hugged Tony. Gibbs took the baby from Mimi so she could congratulate them as well.

"Where will the wedding be held?" Mimi asked.

Tony's grin was wide. "Oh, just some place that came into my head about a year ago."

Chapter Forty-three: "A Life Worth Waiting For."

Gibbs rocked Karina to sleep and put her to bed. Ziva was with him. "Can you believe this? Just think, Gibbs." She turned to him. "Could you have ever imagined when we met that…" she waved her hands.

"Hell, no. And certainly not with DiNozzo. At least not until we got you back from Somalia. But I always knew that you were destined for special, and special is what you have right now, Ziver. I am so proud of you, and of Tony."

Ziva hugged her father, tears threatening as hormones were still coursing through her. "I would not be here were it not for you and Tony; and Tim and Abby; and even Vance. Thank you for giving me a second chance."

He kissed her on the head. "I'm not a religious man, but I thank God every day we found you and got you back home, where you belong." He steered her toward the door. "Come on, I got a beautiful woman waiting for me." Ziva chuckled and hugged him. "I will ask another time how that is going." She said as they walked downstairs.

"Punkin asleep?" Tony asked. "Snoring like her mom." Gibbs joked.

Ziva punched him in the arm. "My daughter does not snore!" Gibbs just laughed. He got his and Mimi's coats. "You two have a good night. See you in the am, DiNozzo."

Tony pouted, then smiled. "See ya' later."

Mimi and Gibbs made their way back to the house, this time his arm around her to keep her warmer. Once they got inside, Mimi took off her coat and sat on the sofa.

Gibbs joined her and put his arm around her. "I am really proud of them. They're doing a good job."

Mimi chuckled. "And you are going to spoil that little girl rotten."

Gibbs looked innocent. "Hey, it's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it."

Mimi threw her head back in a laugh and Gibbs surprised her by capturing her lips with his. The kiss turned passionate and before they knew it, they were lying on the sofa, with Gibbs slightly on top of her, not holding her down so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable, but making it clear he wanted this kiss to progress into something further.

Mimi wanted it to progress further as well, but her fears kept coming up. She struggled to sit up, and looked down. "What's wrong?" Gibbs stroked her hair.

"It's been a long time, Jethro. I'm scared that you won't…" Gibbs lifted her chin. "Can't you tell that I am crazy about you?" Mimi looked at him, and then her eyes shifted to the photo.

"I know I said I could wait until you are ready. But Jethro, I don't want to fight a losing battle. If you are looking just to replace memories, I may not be up to the task."

Gibbs sighed. "Tony say something to you?" She only slightly nodded. "Not much. I'll be honest Jethro; I was freaked out about your past marriages and divorces. If it didn't work out with them, why should it work out with us?"

"Tony only said you had been trying to replace something you had lost."

Gibbs went into the kitchen to get a beer and brought one back for Mimi. "Shannon and I were married about three years after I joined the Marines. We were both from Sweetwater, but I never met her until I was leaving to go back to camp. Kelly was born in 1983."

He took a big swig of beer. "They were the loves and light of my life. While I was at Pendleton, Shannon witnessed a murder committed by a major drug dealer. I was in Kuwait at the time. Shannon agreed to testify in the case. They were put in protective custody and were being driven to the safe house when their driver was shot and killed by the drug cartel. Shannon and Kelly were both killed in the resulting car crash."

Mimi sat stunned as Gibbs retold his painful past. "I…oh Jethro, I am so sorry. I don't even know how to respond, this is, so much more than I imagined."

Gibbs looked at her. "I looked at every redhead who reminded me in anyway of Shannon, trying to replace the life I had ripped from me. They were good woman, well, not all of them." He smiled, thinking of Diane, the ex-wife that also took in Fornell.

"But I was the problem. I wanted something from them that was impossible for them to provide. I wanted to be married, because that was all I knew."

"I've had several relationships since, even with some redheads." He smiled at that. "But I finally got over the idea that I will ever be able to replace Shannon. And I will never have my Kelly back. That is why my team is now my family, as dysfunctional as it is."

"Ziva and Abby are my daughters, especially since they in essence have no parents. Tony and Tim are like sons to me. Tony's dad leaves a lot to be desired and his mother died when he was a child. Tim has the most normal family life of all of us, but he has major issues with his own father."

He turned to face Mimi. "I have my own problems with my dad, but we are working it out. I am working things out." He took her hand and looked deeply into her eyes that so mirrored his own. "I love Shannon and I always will. I was never ready to move on. But I am now."

"Whether it was the bomb, or seeing Tony and Ziva make it against all the odds, or Tim and Abby; it doesn't matter why. I'm not looking to redo the past; I'm looking to make a new future. And I really want that future to include you. I know it hasn't been long, but I would like to give us a chance, to see where it goes. Are you too scared to do that with me?"

Mimi looked at their intertwined hands, and felt the tears fall like huge drops. Gibbs' heart sank, thinking she was going to say she couldn't do it, she was too scared.

"Jethro." She looked at him, her eyes filled with tears. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but isn't that how it always is when you begin a serious relationship? I…right now, I can't imagine not being with you and that scares me, because to me it should be too soon for me to feel this way."

"But the truth is I do. I want to be with you. I want to have a relationship with you. I want to see where we can take this. If you can put up with my occasional insecurities, I can put up with your preoccupation with redheads."

Gibbs grabbed her face and kissed her so hard she could hardly breathe. "Will you stay tonight? I mean, will Lily freak out if you don't come home? We don't have to do anything if you aren't ready. I just want to lie in bed with you, holding you in my arms."

Mimi stroked his face. "Didn't I tell you? Lily texted me. She is spending the night with Abby." The shock on Gibbs' face couldn't have been more pronounced. "Well, I guess today went well. But you didn't answer my question?"

Mimi smiled. "Do you even have a bed?"

Gibbs stood up and reached out with his. "It would delight me to no end to show you my bed."

Mimi took his outstretched hand and stood up. "Well, Jethro. It looks like you have a serious girlfriend."

Gibbs' face broke into a big smile.

He took her into her arms and held her tenderly, his head resting in the crook of her neck, almost against her chest, as if for comfort.

She stroked his hair, and kissed the top of his head. He looked up. "Hey." She said. "You think you are the only one who can do that?"

He kissed her then, showing her finally his true feelings. If Mimi thought she had her socks blown off before, she was sorely mistaken. She had to struggle to breathe after they broke the kiss off.

Taking her hand, Gibbs led her to the staircase in the middle of his home, and slowly walked upstairs with her.

At first they just lay together, cuddled. They were not even completely undressed. Gibbs wanted Mimi to feel secure and safe with him. He was not disappointed in the least. This felt so right, the two of them together. "God, I hope I don't screw this up." He thought to himself.

They fell asleep together, spooned. Mimi felt more alive than she had in years. She loved feeling Gibbs' arms around her. It felt like they had always been together. Her eyes became heavy, and she soon fell asleep.

Around 3 am, she woke up, a little disoriented. Then she realized where she was. She also realized she was happier than she had ever been. Making a decision, she slowly turned her body so she was now face to face with Gibbs.

Gibbs was aware the moment she woke up. He lay there quietly, waiting to see what she would do. He was pleasantly surprised that she didn't immediately bolt out of the bed, and more surprised when she turned so that they were face to face.

"Everything ok?" Gibbs smiled, trying to sound like this was completely normal.

Mimi looked deeply into his eyes. She surprised him by suddenly kissing him, with more passion than they had previously shared. He deepened the kiss and soon they were at the point no return.

"Are you sure, Mimi? If you're not ready, I can wait."

Mimi shook her head. "I'm sure, it's…it's just been a long time, Jethro." He smiled at her and kissed her neck. When he felt she was finally ready, he joined with her, being gentle and careful, yet passionate and loving.

Mimi thought she might faint, it had been so long. When they were done, she started to cry. Gibbs was concerned. "Oh, gees, Mimi. I didn't hurt you did I?"

She kissed him with as much fervor as she could come up with it. "Oh God no, you were wonderful. I'm crying because I am happy. I'm a sentimental slob and I think that I have never felt more loved than I do right now, and if that scares you off, tough."

Gibbs threw back his head and laughed. "I can't think of anything you have done to date to scare me off and that certainly didn't." He had his arm around her, lightly rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

Abby's Apartment

Abby and Lily were sitting on huge soft pillows, eating pizza. They had talked through the whole night. "Look, little sis." Abby pointed a beer at Lily. "If you are serious about wanting to get into our little world, I have all sorts of ways to make it happen. You already have a BS in Chemistry and Microbiology. It looks like you have taken every other course available related to said subjects, except maybe Exobiology."

"Oohh, Exobiology. I actually wanted to take that but my mom thought I was too fixated on the X-Files and wanted to study aliens."

"You have numerous classes in physiology, genetics, plus genius math level courses. When did you start taking college classes, at age three?"

Lily blushed. "I actually took my first college course in the ninth grade, against my mom's wishes I will add. She wanted me to enjoy being a quote unquote normal teenager and have a quote unquote normal high school experience. I did. I just also took a bunch of college classes at the same time. I also played clarinet in the high school band and was the accompanist for the Chorus."

Abby shook her head. "I don't know what your interests are, but I can tell you if you really want it, you can be a great forensic scientist. And that is a lot to say, coming from me."

Lily took a sip from her beer, which she was thrilled Abby let her have. "I don't want to go around shooting people, though I know from being with you today that a strong knowledge and background in firearms is required to do your job." She hugged her knees. "I just love science so much and when I was in your lab, I felt I was at home. Does that make sense?"

"Of'course it makes sense. Now what you need are the courses in police work and forensics, and all the other goodies that go with it. GW has a great program and with your background, you will have no problem getting in."

Lily let that sink in for a while. "I guess I need to talk to my mom. I have a Nursing Scholarship. She may not let me switch schools, especially when we'll have to pay for my education."

"Who said anything about paying? I can think of two dozen ways right now for you to get scholarships that will give you a full ride." Abby pulled her into a hug. "You really think about what you want to do. When you've made your decision and you want to join the Abby team, let me take care of everything."

Lily hugged Abby back. "You are the most awesome person I ever met. Well, you, and Tony and Ziva and Gibbs; and I don't know Tim that well, but…" She stopped when Abby started to laugh.

Lily looked at her quizzically. "What?" Abby smiled and pulled her hair. "Gibbs was right; you are an Abby clone. But we'll leave your hair blonde; otherwise I think your mother would kill me."

Lily patted her hair. "You got that right."

April 2013

Lily had discussed it with her mom, who in turn made her discuss it with Gibbs. Lily made it clear she wanted to do what Abby did, and was willing to make any sacrifice necessary to make it happen. Mimi was not happy at first, only because she had hoped her daughter would follow in her footsteps.

But she also recognized how special Lily was, the same way Gibbs and Abby and the rest of the team did. Abby was true to her word and got her into GW under full scholarship. This meant Lily was now permanently in DC and put a little bit of a wrinkle into Mimi and Gibbs' love life. Mimi refused to let Jethro stay over if Lily was there.

"I think it sends the wrong message." She explained. Gibbs couldn't really be mad, but he did express some frustration to Tony. Ziva overheard and started lecturing him.

"Gibbs! I am surprised at you. I do not say this to hurt you, but what if your daughter was still here and young enough to be living with you? Would you be bringing women to your home to have sex with while your daughter was in the next room? Really!"

Gibbs looked properly chastised, although he did argue the "bringing women" part. "We are talking about one woman, or in this case, one man; But I see your point and by that I see Mimi's point. Shit! I guess that means we'll never just live together then either."

Tony raised his eyebrows at that. "Wow, Boss, are you thinking of moving in together?"

Gibbs shrugged. "It had crossed my mind, though we haven't discussed it."

"Baba" Karina suddenly announced. She had been making sounds that sounded like she was trying to say real words, but they didn't equate to what was happening at the moment. Her saying "Baba" did not necessarily mean she wanted her bottle, or in her case, her mother's breast. It just meant she wanted to vocalize and that's what came out.

"That's my big girl!" Tony cooed. Karina gave him a toothless grin. "Dada, can you say Dada?" "Dada!" She announced. Tony beamed. "See that! She knows who her daddy is, don't you punkin? Because you are the smartest little girl in the whole wide world, yes you are." Tony was babbling. "Poo-poo" Karina answered.

Gibbs and Ziva broke out laughing. Tony straightened up. "So, what were you saying about you and Mimi moving in together?"

"I'm saying it probably won't happen. Mimi is very old fashioned. Which is one of the things I love about her." Tony and Ziva exchanged glances. "What?" Gibbs looked confused.

"Well, I don't know if you realized it or not boss, but you just admitted that you loved Mimi." Gibbs was silent for a second. "Well, I'll be damned. Wished I had told her first." He stood up to go. "Give me that little monster."

Tony handed over Karina. "Grandpa has to go home now, but he loves his little Karina." He kissed her gently on the head. Karina placed her little hands on his cheeks. "Papa." She said.

Ziva gasped. "I think she really meant to say that." She had tears in her eyes. Gibbs hugged Karina gently. "I love you, sweetheart." Reluctantly, he handed her back to Ziva. "Better go before I start babbling myself. See you later. And thanks for listening."

The little family stood at their doorway, watching their Boss walk home.

Once Gibbs got home, he called Mimi. "Hi! Watcha' doing?"

Mimi sighed. "Laundry, what else? Are you bored?"

"Lonely." He answered truthfully. "Can I come over and watch you do laundry?"

Mimi laughed. "Oh, you can come over. But you will not be watching, you will be helping." Gibbs laughed. "Deal."

Mimi quickly straightened up the house, but it really was already clean. Mimi was not a clean freak, but she did keep up with her housekeeping so her home was always visitor ready.

She ran upstairs and put on some makeup and touched up her hair and changed out of the crappy old sweats she was wearing. But she only changed into slightly better casual clothes. She didn't dress up at home and wasn't going to start now.

Twenty minutes later, Gibbs was at her door. She had been on the lookout for him, knowing how long it would take him to get there. That was why she was confused he was five minutes later than he should be.

She opened the door and let him in. From behind his back, he brought out a bouquet of red roses. "Oh, my. Well, I wasn't expecting this. Thank you, they are beautiful." She kissed him deeply.

He kept his hand on her waist as she went into the kitchen to find a vase. She was feeling a little giddy, almost like she was in high school. "What is up with you?" She finally asked.

Gibbs smiled and kissed her again. "I just wanted to see you and tell you something."

Mimi looked confused. "Tell me what? You couldn't tell me over the phone?"

He smiled and took her hand. "Ooh, nothing too exciting. Just that I am madly in love with you."

Mimi looked at him, not sure what he just said. "Wh…what did you say?'

"That I am madly in love with you." He repeated calmly, like it was the most normal thing in the world to say.

"Well, aren't you going to say anything?" He cocked his head at her.

Mimi was dazed. "Oh! Oh my God! Jethro, I love you too. I loved you from the minute we met I think, or at least knew that you were someone I could definitely fall in love with. Ah hell, I'm babbling like a teenager." She threw her arms around him. "I guess we better tell Lily."

Gibbs had been grinning at her during her entire response, amazed and thrilled at the same time.

"Tell Lily what?" Lily took that moment to show up back at home. One look at Gibbs and her mom in each other's arms was enough to tell her what they were going to say, but she didn't let on.

"Uh…" Mimi looked at Gibbs.

"Lily, I love your mom. And I love you, too. And surprisingly enough…"

"I love Jethro, Lily. It's not just the two of us anymore."

Lily had her hands on her hips. "Mom! Did you honestly think I had no idea about the two of you? Geesh, what do you think I am, an eight year old?" She turned to Gibbs. "So, are you moving in here, or is Mom moving in with you?"

"Lily!" Mimi was horrified. Gibbs just grinned. "Well, I was thinking my place is bigger." Mimi looked at him startled. "You want us to move in with you?"

He hugged her tighter. "Well, yeah. That's the whole idea."

Lily cleared her throat. "Hate to burst your little love bubble, but I won't be moving in. Oh, no. Don't look like that!" She turned to her mom.

"Mom, I've been thinking about this and I want to live in campus housing. That way, I have easier access to the lab and the library…" She walked up to both of them. "I have a roommate all set up…a female roommate and it's going to be great. You'll see."

She hugged her mom. "Hey, it's better than when I was at UF, right? At least we're still in the same area. You have to let me go sometime, Mom. And you have to get on with your life too."

She turned and hugs Gibbs. "I am so happy you are the one to finally sweep my mom off her feet. And I love you too. When you get married can I call you Dad?"

"Lily! Oh my God don't jinx this for us. Moving in together does not mean marriage." She looked uncertainly at Gibbs, disconcerted by his smile. "Well, at least not any time soon."

Gibbs kissed Lily's head. "You can call me whatever you like, whenever you like. Ziva calls me Abba and I am not her real father."

Lily considered his words thoughtfully. "Ok. Goodnight, Mom, Daddy." With that, she giggled and bounded upstairs to her room.

Gibbs and Mimi looked at each other. "Well?" Jethro asked. "Will you move in with me?" Mimi looked around her townhouse, the home she and her daughter had shared for the past fourteen years.

She slid her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. "Yes." She said, simply. "I love you." Gibbs kissed her head. "I love you too."

April 12, 2013

The day of the wedding was cool, with a bright deep blue sky. Against all odds, Tony had been able to secure two of the rooms at Memorial Hall for their wedding. Once he and Ziva had visited the headquarters for the Daughters of the American Revolution last spring, (their first "date" as far as he was concerned), he had recognized it as the place that they had gotten married in his injury addled brain.

It made such an impression on him that he had to have his real wedding in the same place. He even ordered the same cut-away tux he "remembered" seeing himself wearing in the "Wedding Photo Album" Ziva had shared with him in his imagination.

The wedding and later catered reception was being held in a huge room with beautiful wooden floors, called the O'Byrne Gallery. A fireplace stood at one end. Several large glass French doors opened up onto a covered portico, supported by columns, each bearing the names of the original thirteen colonies, on the "C" Street side of the building.

Tony stood nervously at the front by the fireplace. They had decided to have a Priest and a Rabbi perform parts of the ceremony. Tony wanted to take communion with Ziva, and she wanted the Ketouba signed at the end of the ceremony. Tim stood as his best man. He put the cane aside while he was standing up there with Tony, but used it still for added support. Mimi, Lily and Karina sat in the front row of chairs. Karina was dressed in pink satin, with ruffles and bows, with a crystal and flower headband around her little head and little tiny ballet slippers. Tony's dad had surprised him by showing up and sat on the "grooms" side of the room. Everyone else was scattered all over the place. Ducky and Jimmy and Breena. Vance and his family, other friends from work and the neighborhood. Even some old cop friends of Tony's showed up. Conspicuously missing was Eli David. He had not been invited.

Finally, the music started and Abby started walking down the aisle between the chairs. She was carrying a spray of red roses. Ziva allowed her to wear black, but it was only an insert to the red dress she was wearing. Tim smiled proudly as he watched he walk down toward them, thinking of their own day which he hoped would not be too much farther in the future.

Finally, Gibbs entered the room, with Ziva on his arm. Ziva was absolutely stunning, wearing a strapless, form-fitting gown that flared slightly at the knees. The beautiful fabric was encrusted with crystals that sparkled almost as much as her eyes. It was the exact same gown Tony had imagined her wearing on this very day. On her head was a halo of orange blossoms, which held in place her long, unadorned veil and blusher. She carried a bouquet of orange blossoms, cream roses and sprigs of myrtle.

As soon as he saw her, Tony started to cry. He couldn't help it. Everything was falling into place. When asked who giveth this woman to be lawfully wedded to this man, Gibbs answered "I do" and then took his seat with Mimi, Karina and Lily.

As before, the ceremony was simple, mostly because they didn't want an hour long Catholic or Jewish wedding. When Tony was asked if he took this woman to be his lawfully wedded wife, and answered "I do," Karina chimed in with "Doo-doo." This broke up the party for a few minutes. Karina clapped, pleased with herself. Tony almost couldn't stop laughing, but finally composed himself long enough for Ziva to take her vows and answer her "I do." At that, everyone looked at Karina waiting for her response. She stuck her tongue out and let out a raspberry.

They took communion with the priest, and then the Rabbi gave his blessing to the couple. Tony placed a diamond and sapphire encrusted wedding band on Ziva's finger. Tony's was a Platinum band with a fine pattern engraved on the outside. Finally, they were pronounced husband and wife and Tony and Ziva wasted no time kissing. Everyone clapped, which startled Karina at first and made her start to cry, but Grandpa Gibbs took her and calmed her down, getting her to look at her mommy and daddy. After they were pronounced married, Tony, Ziva and the witnesses signed the Ketouba, which would be displayed in a prominent place in their home.

Once the ceremony was over, everyone moved to the outside portico for pictures while the other room was being set up for food. At one point, Ziva stood between two columns striking the pose of the photo that had caught Tony's eye in his imagined life. He went up to the photographer. "Can we get that in black and white?" The photographer smiled and gestured for Tony to join her. Another photo added to the collection.

After eating and stuffing cake in each other's faces, the dancing began. First, Tony and Ziva, then Ziva and Gibbs. Tony surprised Mimi by dancing with her next and Ziva dancing with Tony's dad. Gibbs, Mimi and Karina all danced together, then Karina danced with her parents. By the end of the night, she had filled her danced card and was sleeping in her pack and play.

"Excuse me, may I have this dance?" Abby looked up to see Tim reaching out his hand to her. She looked wary but took his hand. To her surprise, he swung her around and then began dancing with her, no hint of a previous injury. "Timmy" She buried her head in his shoulder.

Tony and Ziva, standing by Karina's sleeper, stood next to Gibbs, Mimi and Lily, watching Tim and Abby dancing. Seeing the room filled with their friends and family, Tony put his hands around Ziva's waist and declared, "Now, this is what I call a Life Worth Waiting For."

Finis. "All good things..," Thank you to all of my reviewers, followers, favoriters, and dare I say it, FRIENDS, for taking this journey with me. "Life as I Saw It," "A Life Worthy Waiting For,"…hmmm what should the title for the next series be? Already have many plans for it, so I can tell you that "Life Sucks" is not an option. One reviewer asked me to put more procedural stuff in the next installment. I'll give it a go, but it is not my strong suit. Anyway, thanks again for your loyal support, and here's to the next story!