Lightning stood at the balcony of the citadel, half clothed. Cauis's troops were visible at the horizon. Lightning would have given them an hour max. Her own battalions were standing by. Like before it would be a straight confrontation. This was to be pivotal battle. She had fended off Cauis's hordes for a while now. Initially her defense had been a great success - Cauis made several retreats and took long to recover. Lightning was slowly but surely planning an offensive. But then Cauis had found a way to simultaneously overpower, humiliate and defeat her. The morale effect on her eidolon troops was considerable. She could not afford to be seen bared and spanked like a helpless schoolgirl - all the while weeping and ultimately screaming, pleading for reprieve.

The wind was cold. Lightning clasped clasped her bare bottom and gently stroked her cheeks. She couldn't believe her skin was still supple. The shiv sisters had put her through agony she couldn't possibly fathom. She was anxious - overcome by a constant feeling of physical vulnerability.

She had completely resigned herself though. She was going to get spanked. Bad. And she was going to feel the sting. Her bum would be sore, hurt and possibly scarred.

But she was not going to cry. She'd take it like...she'd take it like a stronger person. She would delay Cauis while her superior forces finished the job. Phoenix downs would restore the damage done to her ass. It was only a matter of time before the invulnerable panty arrived. Then she would turn the tide.

She went back to her room. It was time to suit up. She opened her knicker drawer and grabbed the rough black leather panty that had shielded her from many spanks. But then decided against it. A slight smirk came across her face. She picked instead a lacy red thong...

Cauis descended onto the field. This battle would be no different. The warrior goddess would be stripped and beaten like a whelp. She had begged for it. When cauis struck her across her shoulder blades - she had asked to be punished across her bottom. She'd trade in her dignity for mitigate pain. She was weak like a girl barely out of school. It was punishment worthy of a spoiled, helpless waif; a female ill-accustomed to pain.

He scanned for his target, hopping to lock her in soon. However she was nowhere to be found. He traversed the battle field, demolishing many a petty a target. After a while, his target beckoned to him:

"Yooho...cauis...looking for someone?" Her voice was playful

Cauis wheeled around and Lightning descended from behind with a half-nervous, half-assured smirk on her face. There was something different about her armour but but cauis didnt quite catch it at first.. He thrust towards and L promptly turned around and attempted to flee. It was then he noticed the red thong and L's bare buttocks.

"I dont recall spanking her in the head", he thought. "What is she wearing that for? Could it be that I have literally spanked her into submission; that the pain has morphed into pleasure? "

He tailed her for a while and then unleashed a projectile - it hit the small of L's back and took her down. Cauis thought it shouldn't have taken her. He approached her. She was kneeling on all fours, gasping with same expectant smirk.

"Are you going to punish me now, Cauis"? Cauis was perplexed, was this some way of spiting him?

He aggressively took her across his knee.

"Very well if you so wish for it. However this time will spell your defeat. I am done with petty humiliation. You will burn like fire. It will be days before you are able walk unassisted. And you will live with the ignominy of the being the first warrior to be defeated by a mere spanking."

Cauis heaved and slapped her hard. Lightning let out a gasp. And another. Cauis continued furiously. It was only when he reached a hundred that it hit him - her cheeks were red but not bruised, not rashed, not hurt in any way. She was gasping and panting like a submissive bitch but not screaming. She still had her self-restraint. Was she toying with him?

He continue and reached two hundred. All the while L had remained silent over the sound a constant, repetitive smacking. Cauis felt himself tiring - the little whelp had done something to make herself impervious.

"What magick have cast on your pitiful posterior? How are you enduring this."

He pulled back and gave her the hardest smack yet. L finally yelped in pain. He gave her another. This again elicited a fearful noise. He gave her ten of these and felt her starting to break but then gave up. His strength was diminishing. He could not sustain this pace.

"You've been anticipating this warrior goddess. How are you stronger now?"

"I don't know Caius, guess I'm used to this now. Face it, you can't hurt me now because I can take all you've got..OWWW..." She closed her eyes and tried to restrain herself...mentally block out the pain.

"I'm not done with you!"...he roared. And he mechanically continued L's spanking till he got to five hundred. No change...Cauis had beginning to tire considerably. He swore he'd get to six hundred. And he did...Light broke a gasp...her tears followed...this was the best she could do. And then cauis threw her off his knee. He was exhausted and frustrated. He could continue no more. Over the distance he could make out the spectacle of his army's defeat.

He muttered a feeble threat and hastily departed.

Light lay prone on her stomach for a few minutes. The pain was nowhere near bad but still considerable. Her bottom was one big massive rash. But she had also won. She had not screamed. She had not been beaten. She lifted her neck and shoulders. Her army was not afar. She had to go there.

Very slowly she got up. First she positioned herself on her hands knees. She stayed in that pose for a good few minutes, drawing breath. It was then she noticed...she was wet, very wet. She loved it; she had loved most of it. The feeling of helplessness, of being overpowered, stripped and humiliated. Deep down inside she wanted it. But now she had to return.

She finally attempted to stand up. She stood upright very slowly. Now Ignoring her searing bottom, she lunged forward with her first step. She bent forward in pain...owwwwwww...

Her rashed cheeks hurt when she walked. They pressed against one another. What she wouldn't give for a bucket of ice.

But she had to carry one; she took slow gradual steps. Her hands on hers hips and her back almost completely bent. It was painful but she could do; she could walk.

She approached her eidolons, her vitorious forces, who had previously been shamed at her spanking. What would they think of her naked, red, rashed ass?

Styx and Nyx came to her. She walked with their support. You did it they said. We won thanks to you.

And L's forces cheered. L walked with her naked, beaten butt and wet panty all the way to the citadel but with an air of victory.

NEXT CHAP: Cauis brings out the strap of longinus. Can lightning survive her spanking before the Panty of invulnerability is delivered?