Sorry for the long wait... Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Edited by my Beta Reader: Warlord Darnell (Thanks again)

Chapter 7: The Plan

After Alex told Bladimire to back off from Bloom all hell went loose. Bladimire started to throw attacks at Alex, but Bloom put up a force field protecting Alex

Bloom was getting scared she had to do something. She couldn't just stand here and watch Alex get hurt. Well he wasn't since Bloom's protecting him.

"Stop, Bladimire," Bloom told Bladimire scowling at him. Bladimire was acting childish but he wasn't showing his childishness he was using his powers instead.

Bladimire turned his head at Bloom and smirked at her "You know, there is one thing I want. And I need you to help me, Bloom," He started off. "Join my side and together we can fight the whole Magical universe and take over every single planet. We can take everybody's magic and turn them into slaves and have them work for us. What do you think about that?"

Bloom's eyes went wide after what Bladimire just told Bloom. She turned her head to look at Alex. Alex had a don't do it look on his face. She had to do what's best. Maybe if she joins she can find somehow to get out of it and defeat Bladimire. "Can I have sometime to think about it?" She asked walking towards Bladimire "and you'll get your answer soon if you let me," she whispered.

Bladimire look straight into Bloom's canyon blue eyes "Of course, you'll have till next Friday. Meet me back here at the same time." Bladimire told Bloom as he disappeared. Right after Bladimire left Bloom collapsed on the floor. Alex ran up to Bloom,

"Bloom, are you okay?" Alex asked concerned

Bloom nodded weakly "Yeah, I'm okay I just lost a lot of energy keeping a shield on you and throwing attacks at Bladimire." Bloom explained to Alex. "Can we leave? I really want to go home, rest, and think about a loophole if I'm going to be joining Bladimire's side."

Alex nodded at Bloom's comment "I don't think that's a good idea, Bloom. He's very dangerous. What if he hurts you? Then what?" Alex asked Bloom

"I'll do what I have to do to protect everybody. I don't care if I risk my life

life. I just want everybody to be safe. What if this happened before we were born? And nobody was here to stop it, then we would be going what about to happen. Dammit Alex, we gotta do something about this!" Bloom said stubbornly.

"Bloom just shut up for a minute!" Alex snapped.

Bloom glared at Alex and frowned at him. She turned around and stormed off. Forget about him, he's not gonna be any help. Time for plan B. Bloom thought to herself.

Once Bloom arrived back at her house she got her phone out and called the two smartest people who can help her.

"Hey, it's Bloom, can you and Timmy come to my place? It's really important. Don't bring anyone else, please?"

"Okay, see you in 30. Bye" she hung up the phone and awaited for Tecna's and Timmy's arrival.

About thirty minutes later Tecna and Timmy arrived. "Hey, Bloom," Timmy said as he sat down next to Tecna.

Bloom waved. "All right, so why did you invite us here?" Tecna asked curiously. Bloom took out her phone and played the message Bladimire sent her earlier this afternoon.

"So you're saying that there's another villain loose?" Timmy asked.

Bloom still stayed silent and nodded "I think this person casted a spell on all of those innocent people to kill Sky." Bloom spoke up.

"There is a possibility for that. But there can be another reason for that Bloom. He might be after something else as well. Maybe taking over the world."

"But Tecna, every villain or witch we've fought has always wanted to take over the Magical Dimension. The Trix creating the Army of Decay with Bloom's power, Lord Darkar wanting to destroy Pixie Village, and Baltor talking over Andros." Timmy told Tecna.

"He has a point Tecna."

"On another topic, did you meet up with this mysterious person?" Timmy asked Bloom.

She nodded "His name is Bladimire, I don't know what he's after but he's been casting spells on innocent people and making them his minions." Bloom told Tecna and Timmy. "There could be many other reasons why, but this is the only logical one. And this is what I think the plan is. I have to meet up with Bladimire tomorrow the same time I met him yesterday. We can call the Specialist and the girls and see if they can help us, and from there you guys can hide while I talk to him and then before he leaves we can attack him."

"That is a good plan, but I think we need something else ya know. What about a trap as well?" Timmy suggested.

"That's good one Timmy. Thanks," Bloom told him as Bloom got out her phone and called the other girls and the Specialist. Hopefully they'll be able to help Bloom with this mission.

Phew finally got this updated! Long time no see huh like two months?! Bad Bearybeach. I'm still sorry for having you guys wait impatiently for so long. The next chapter of I Love You will be up sometime next week possibly. Now off to finish my homework...
