"Last suspect…" Falco muttered as he began to slowly march down the carpeted stairs of Smash Mansion. "Wario is the last suspect in need of interrogation, there is absolutely NO escaping me now, fatso!"

From the bottom of the stairs, the azure-feathered brawler noticed a very nervous baseball caped boy watching the bird making his way down the stairs. Falco 's eyebrow cocked as he noticed a tall black suitcase standing just beside the boy.

"Wow, I didn't suspect the Mad House was going to accept you this early..." Falco grinned cockily as he stood before Ness. "Are they taking Pit and Luigi with you as well?"

"No…" Ness replied softly as he hung his head down low.

"Well…" Falco breathed as he pat the baseball-capped boy in the back. "It really was a pleasure to meet you and I guess this is my farewell to you, PSI-ycho boy."

"You're lying!" Ness cried out in a desperate voice that startled Falco. An endless amount of tears cascaded down his usually rosy face. "I'm not a psycho, Falco!"

"Ness, Ness, Nesss…Ness." The bird repeated as he knelt down in front of the shivering boy. "You have to stop all of this, now. Your whole act that 'everything will be ok' is getting kind of old anyway. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you have a mental problem...Now, change of topic, have you seen Wario anywhere?"

"I haven't seen Wario anywhere!" Ness replied rather quickly and suspiciously. "He's not in the dining room.

Falco's eyebrow jerked upwards as he glared at the baseball capped boy. "Not in the dining room, eh?"

"Not at all." Ness cried frantically.

"Oh really?" The azure-feathered brawler asked sarcastically. "Well, I am going to go check."

"Please Falco, don't go in there!"

"And why not?"

The more Ness tried to prevent the azure-feathered brawler from entering the door of the dining room, the more convinced the bird was that Ness was hiding something just beyond the dining room door.

"Because it's all a…"

Falco did not hesitate to listen to the boy's remaining plead as he desperately tore through the dining room door; and what he found was exactly what he expected to find.

He found the large nosed obese man with a motorcycle jacket holding a piece of silver wear, atop that silver wear Falco saw a Double Chocolate Fudge Cake!

"My cake!" Falco snarled as he slowly began to approach Wario, with a cowering Ness following close by. "I should have known it was you all along!"

"What are-a you talking about-a?" Wario demanded as he stared at Falco. "This is my cake!"

"It was MY cake before YOU stole it, now hand it over!" Falco shouted as he snatched the plate from Wario's large hands.

"Falco!" Ness pleaded quietly. "Please, drop the plate now! You must get out of there!"

"Why?" Falco demanded as he rammed his feathered finger on the boy's face.

"FALCO!" A large booming voice behind the brawlers made their skin crawl and their body jerk suddenly. As Falco turned, his mouth gaped wide open as he stared back at the Master of Smash Mansion, Master Hand.

"Master Hand!" Falco replied nervously. "I'm so glad you're here…now would please send this fat a-s to jail if I were you. He stole my cake!"

"I'm not sending anyone to jail…" Master Hand spoke softly. "From the first day you joined the Smash Mansion, you told me that you would manage to keep your illness out of the way and under control."

"Illness…what illness?" Falco demanded nervously. "I have no illness."

" I've been watching you, Falco. And you need serious help and FAST."

"What are you talking about?" Falco questioned. "I don't need help, I need my cake, see?" He shoved the chocolate double fudge cake out in front of him. "And now that I have it, everything will be at ease."

"Take a bite out of it, Falco." Master Hand ordered.

"But…" As Wario tried to hesitate, Master Hand shushed him before he muttered out another word.

Falco cut a small piece from the slice with the fork and inserted the flavorful end into his mouth.

After savoring the soft baked goodness in his mouth for a few minutes, Falco swallowed the rest. "What is this?" Falco replied anxiously. "This isn't Double Chocolate Cake!"

"It's not!" Wario screamed. "It's actually Red Velvet! Can't you tell?"

Falco grasped his forehead with his feathered wing as he stared continuously at the plate sitting before him.

What Wario and the others saw was a half eaten slice of crimson red cake topped with white frosting.

But what Falco saw was completely different; he saw a delectable Chocolate Double Fudge cake.

"What's going on?" Falco replied weakly as his head beginning to sway dizzily along with the contents of his brain and his eyes searched frantically.

"What happened?" Wario demanded angrily. "You stole my slice of Red Velvet cake!"

As the obese man continued to speak, Falco stared at him in complete awe and amazement. The bird didn't realize until now how much the obese man's hair resembled the frosting that was usually placed atop a Double Chocolate Fudge Cake.

The azure-feathered brawler licked his beak as his eyes continued to wander around Wario's frosty looking hair underneath the Wafer cookie-constructed helmet above his chocolate breaded head.

"The people from the asylum have been expecting you since this morning since morning but for some strange reason, they did not find you in the lawn." Master Hand stared down at the baseball-capped boy. "Did you have anything to do with this, Ness?"

Ness bashfully played with his fingers. "Well, I…don't want those people to take Falco away…He's my friend." He replied softly. "That's why when I saw them coming for him, I…called him over to come and "help me with my homework"."

"Just the way you were trying to keep him from coming here, right?" Master Hand continued to question. "Be honest, boy."

"Y-yes sir." Ness replied weakly as he buried his face within his hands.

"It's been a while since I've noticed your strange behavior, Falco and since they were only minor, I simply chose to ignore them." Master Hand continued. "But now I realize that your illness should be taken care of before it starts to become a major problem."

"I tried to save you, Falco…" Falco unblinking stared at Ness as he whimpered softly and sadly. The bird's mouth began to water heavily as the boy's large chocolate chip eyes that stared at him, the boy's skin chocolate cake bread textured skin that smelled oh so heavenly and that hair…ooh! His hat, hair, shirt, shorts and sneakers were entirely composed of that mouthwatering chocolate frosting! "I'm sorry…"

In no matter at all, the azure-feathered brawler let out a battle cry as he jumped high in the air and pounced over the tiny boy's helpless body on the carpeted ground.

"Help me!" The body pleaded as the bird stared at the boy's face with so much desperation and hunger burning intensely in his blood-shot eyes. "Please!"

Falco grinned as rubbed his beak against the boy's face and in a quick and fierce movement, the bird raised his gaping beak high in the air and quickly brought it down toward Ness' chest.

The PSI powered boy let out a piercing shriek as the azure-feathered brawler pressed his beak shut against the fleshy part of Ness' chest; ripping the textile from his body as well as the flesh, the boy's blood quickly splattered on everything and everyone present as his flesh ripped clean off of his visage with a fierce yank of the bird's sharp beak. Falco continued to bury his beak deep within the boy's gaping wound, as he appeared to be searching for something desperately. As Falco quickly pulled his head from Ness' open chest, Master Hand watched in complete horror, as he gazed at the boy's no longer beating heart clutched between the azure-feathered brawler's beak.

A blood covered Falco appeared to be extremely content as he chewed in delight and happily swished the remains of the boy's organ and flesh with his tongue inside of his mouth. He opened his blood stained beak to reply the following oh so very sinisterly…"Cake…So…Good!"

With Master Hand's secret signal, all of the residents Smash Mansion all made their way inside the dining room and huddled around Falco and the unconscious boy.

Captain Falco and Snake shoved Falco's throbbing body off the small unmoving boy.

The monarchs, Peach and Zelda cradled a bloodied Ness in their arms and stared in fright at the gaping wound in his chest.

"Ness…" Zelda breathed softly. "He's no longer with us."

Hearing this, Lucas, Toon Link, Popo and Nana ran out of the dining room with a massive amount of tears to shed.

Meanwhile, as Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, Bowser, Link, Ike and Snake all tried to settle the frantic bird to the ground. Falco fought back as he wiggled and squirmed violently upon their grasp.

"Careful, guys!" Link cried as he took a breathtaking blow to the stomach. "Don't let him bite you!"

"Ow!" Captain Falcon snarled as he received two punches to the face consecutively.

Falco's beak found the soft fleshy arm of Ganon and quickly took a striking bite into it.

"Why you little…" Ganondorf bellowed as a very hungry Falco was ripping his flesh from his arm.

The bird continued to chew happily and without remorse of course.

"He's completely lost it!" Ike bellowed. Get the straight jacket, Marth!"

"Straight jacket here!" Marth replied as he began to help the others force the crazed bird inside the jacket.

In no time at all, the male brawlers all pitched in together and shoved Falco inside the jacket.

In no time after that, they heard the wail of the ambulance arrival just outside and they all watched as they hurled Falco inside the van to drive him to a Mental Institute that is very far away.

Whether you are a brave Swordsman/woman or a rich and powerful popular monarch.

Who knows, maybe you are a chill plummer, a pilot with sky high goals, a happy dinosaur or a very determined Pokemon trainer.

You might even be a psychic powered firecracker or a one-puplied hedgehog.

Whoever you are, you were brave enough to march into combat with that man eating Review button.

You may recall that battle being one of the most fiercest and scariest events in your life.

But you did it anyway.

Congratulations, my friend, you have won…Gratitude!

Pandamonium, Plasmatroopa. KoopalingFan, WingedFish, Green Swordsgirl, Zora Princess, DarkJam, the unknown Assassin, Animelover Ari, juni, Sonar, Duskzilla, Link's Little Brother, magicats, SerriLivin, AuraChannelerChris, SkYeLiMiT, Bes9200, XanderX, Diabolos, LegendOfZeldaFreak, Y42, and the guest who demanded Pit (Lol!)…

I highly appriciate you taking your time to reading and reviewing my work as well so thank you so much for all of the support!

Oh and if anyone will be willing to challenge me in brawl, I shall be more than content than engaging with you in combat.

Name: Jetta

FC: 3095-3240-2798

Until we meet again in the near future…But for now, I bid you farewell and the best of luck in anything you are working on! :]