It was a beautiful day outside of smash mansion; the sun was shining, the flowers were dancing, and birds were singing.

No other day could be more perfect.

"You got that right…" Falco grins contently as he crossed the lawn while grasping a plate in hand.

Set beautifully atop the plate was a slice of double chocolate fudge cake.

The azure feathered brawler stared hungrily at the cake as he made himself comfortable on a lawn chair that sat just a few feet away from a few playing children.

Falco carefully picked up a silver spoon from the plate and broke off a piece from the moist soft cake.

The winged brawler's mouth overflowed in saliva as he licked his lips.

Before he began to bring the piece of chocolate goodness to his beak…

"FAAAAAALCO!" The shouts that came within Smash Mansion made his feathers frizzy. " I need help!"

"Alright…" Falco said angrily as he set down the plate on his lawn chair. "Just wait for me one minute." He cooed sweetly toward the slice of heavenly baked goodness. "I'll be back to devoir you, my sweet."

Falco angrily stomped inside the dining room to find a very perturbed Ness sitting on the dinner table.

"What do you want?" Falco demanded harshly.

The boy became frightened by the way of speaking of the feathered brawler. "Uh…I just…needed help on my…math." He replied shakily. "But I don't think I need it anymore!"

"Calling my over simply to waste my time," Falco spat towards the baseball-capped boy. "I ought to call Peach and send her here to give you a good spanking!"

"No!" Ness replied quickly. "Please!"

Falco tilted his head back as he made his way back outside.

In case you were wondering, Falco usually wasn't this angry, in fact he's actually one of the nicest brawlers in Smash Mansion.

The only way Falco would ever get angered is by disturbing him from 14:00 to 15:00, which was "Falco and the cake" time.

"I told you I'd be back my delectable…" Falco gasped loudly when he noticed that the silver wear that sat on the lawn chair was still there, but the cake was not.


Who will Falco's first suspect of eating his delectable cake?

Find out on the next chapter.