A/N: Conclusion. I want to thank everyone who reviewed - all of your feedback was taken to heart and I greatly appreciate it.

Yet another special thank you to DaisyJane for betas and everything else she's done to support this growing habit of mine.

Disclaimer - I own nothing, get nothing but a chance to escape the stress of my own world for a little while.


As the sun rose, Diana lay beside Bruce and watched him sleep, memorizing every detail of his face. Every detail of his expression. He looked serenely peaceful. She marveled at it.

The last few hours had been indescribably wonderful. After the shocking intensity of their first coupling had subsided, they climbed the stairs to the manor and secluded themselves within Bruce's bedroom. They poured everything they had – physically and emotionally – into each other over the next several hours. Nothing was held back. She watched as Bruce finally fell into a dreamless sleep just as dawn was breaking.

The connection that had first developed when they were very young – or long before, if the theory held true – made her feel completed, finished…whole. Diana hoped that neither of them would ever hold back again. With Bruce though, one could never know. She did know for certain, however, that any opposition on his part would be short-lived. Even if they were to try, neither would have the power to resist the other for very long.

Diana was under no misconceptions that life would be easy for the two of them. Much was unknown about their future together. After all, who before ever actually met their soulmate and could potentially anticipate spending a literal eternity together? She saw through his walls, masks, and boundaries, all the way to the very depths of his soul. A soul that now wasn't only his, but theirs, together.

She did know that he loved her. She knew he wanted her. She knew that, despite his doubts, he was now completely committed to her and had accepted that what they had was meant to be.

However, she also knew that he still wasn't completely convinced. He was not yet convinced that what was meant to be was also what should be.

It would take some time before he became completely comfortable with the depth of understanding she had of him – if he ever did. He had dedicated his entire life working to stop others from having to experience what he did. She felt every bit of the pain that resulted from the most pivotal moment in his life. The pain that had shaped every day of his existence since. Pain that he had closed himself off with for years, but now shared with her. Even if only through his dreams, she had been there. She understood.

Many of the issues that had always been there keeping them apart still remained. Only now they were forced to face and deal with them.

Her immortality had been one of those issues. The fact that she was and he wasn't had always been an obstacle. They weren't completely certain, but it seemed probable that his life was now tied to hers, her immortality included as well. If it was, new issues and complications came with this change. The world knew exactly who and what Wonder Woman was. They would need to resolve how to handle an immortal Bruce Wayne. They had time, but it was a problem that they would need to work through together. It wouldn't be easy to resolve.

Exploring and discovering the limits of his new abilities could be one of the easiest and most enjoyable of their experiences together. That is, if Bruce would just relax and let her help him. Diana gently ran her hand across one of Bruce's strong biceps. She smiled as she wondered if at some point he would agree to spar with someone other than herself. Her smile broadened at the prospect. Batman vs. Superman. Kal wouldn't have a chance, she thought.

More complicated was the issue of having children. This was the issue that now gave Bruce the most concern, yet they hadn't discussed it.

They would need to plan for any eventuality if they did have children together. When they did. Diana felt certain that they would. She wasn't sure why, but she knew that her Gods had a vested interest in the two of them having children together. For Bruce that alone would be enough of a reason to hesitate. Despite what Bruce might want, she knew if it was something her Gods desired, it wasn't a matter of if but when.

It was already at this moment a very real possibility.

With a sigh, Diana tucked the blankets more snuggly around the two of them as Bruce unconsciously wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. There was much that needed resolved and in the coming months and years they would do just that. Whatever came they would face it. Together.

Right now she was exactly where she wanted to be. The same as it now was for him.

E/N: Reviews are appreciated.

For anyone interested, my next offering will be darker and probably posted as a JL crossover. It will be set post "Batman: Arkham City" after "Harley's Revenge". If you haven't checked out the game, I highly recommend you do. YouTube also has LOTS of video on it. Fortunately I live with someone who likes to play because honestly, watching it is great when you need a little Batman fix.