(Authors notes- this is based around the image I had in my head when I woke up. Once you see what image I had of Regina, you can guess what kind of dream I had Anyway, this is just a sweet and silly short drabble)

"Emma, I'm going to kill you", snorted Regina from behind the locked door of her en suite bathroom as Emma and Henry, already in costume, waited impatiently sitting on her king size bed bedecked in ivory satin sheets.

"Yeah, yeah. You say that so many times it's lost all meaning", smiled Emma as she adjusted the knot of Henry's tie, a casual excitement radiating from them both.

"But….", continued the Mayor but was cut off once more by the Sheriff.

"'Gina, just balls up…or whatever the female equivalent is, and get ready. You've been in there for twenty minutes, surely it shouldn't take that long to put on a costume?"

"Well I spent the first twelve minutes plotting a gruesome demise for you", Regina replied flatly, "No wonder you didn't give it to me until the last minute"

"So kid, you looking forward to today?", asked Emma diverting the conversation away from the Mayor as she fiddled with her leather chaps which were a bit too warm for a beautiful sunny day like this.

"Yeah, it's going to be so cool", smiled back Henry thankful that a truce had been called between his two mothers. A truce which had thawed their animosity to the point where, much to the surprise of both women, a true friendship had even been kindled between the two.

"I've never been to one of these town jubilee parties before. What goes on?"

"Oh you know, the usual, Ma", he said using the term they had settled on for Emma. With Regina being called Mom for so long they needed another moniker for the woman who had swept back into his life these past months in a blur of leather and sarcasm.

"The usual? What's the usual?", she asked pushing back the brow of her cowboy hat. Her Annie Oakley costume seemed most appropriate for the Sheriff of the town, she was just glad it was left up to her to get the outfits for the three of them as she knew if it left up to Regina they would've been dressed like accountants or something equally mundane.

"The vegetable growing contest, tug of war, all the usual things small town fairs get up to"

"Fair enough", shrugged Emma wondering how this little boy had changed her world so much that the humdrum clichés of suburbia actually seemed appealing, "'Gina, aren't you ready yet? The fair kicks off in thirty minutes and you have to officially open it."

Regina gulped audibly as she could conjure a mental image of her in her current attire being on the tall stage in the middle of the town square being gawped at by the feckless citizenry.

"Remind me to thank Miss Blanchard for suggesting a costume theme for this year", came the voice from the bathroom, no longer bathed in loathing, but seemingly to have an etching of worry to it.

"She only came up with the idea, the whole planning committee voted on it. I seem to remember you being quite vocal against it"

"I was. I still am. But I was in the minority. And thankyou so much for voting for such a ludicrous idea"

"I thought it would be fun, besides, Henry loved the idea, right kid?", countered Emma as she knew Regina could always be outmanoeuvred when it came to their son.

"Yeah. Miss Blanchard helped us all with our costumes at school too"

"What's she coming as anyway?"

"Snow White", he replied deftly.

"Really?", said Emma with a crooked brow, "What a dork"

"Mom. We're going to be late", said the young boy as he scratched behind his ear using his magic wand, impatient to show off his outfit.

"It's alright for you two, at least your costumes have a little dignity. I'm the Mayor of the town, I have a position of respect and responsibility. You can't honestly expect me to run around looking like this?", squawked Regina, her voice echoing ominously around her tiled bathroom.

"Oh come on 'Gina, everyone thinks you're all kinda up tight, this'll let them see your playful side"

"Playful side?", snorted Regina as she struggled to get her headpiece to sit right atop her head, "I'm sure you do these things just to vex me, Emma"

"Meaning?", replied Emma with faux innocence.

"When you said you picked me up an outfit of a powerful woman I was expecting Elizabeth the first, Margaret Thatcher or even Jackie Kennedy", blustered Regina as she finally opened the door silhouetting her frame in the warm bright light of the day, "Not bloody Wonder Woman!"

As Henry smiled widely seeing his mother finally letting her hair down, Emma tried hard not to giggle at the knee high red boots, the star spangled panties and the low cut tight top which threatened to spill out the Mayor's more than ample breasts at any given moment. Regina stood with hands on her hips, but instead of showing off her distaste it seemed to all that she was sinking into character.

"I-I can't see anything wrong with it", Emma said as, for reasons she couldn't understand, she felt her tongue dry out and her heart beat that little bit faster.

"You could've at least me got a costume that fitted", huffed Regina feeling the squeezing of her midriff and breasts under the outfit, though she still feared the blushing she would no doubt be showing when the townspeople saw her dressed like this.

"What? You look great, doesn't she Henry", said Emma as her eyes skimmed along the smooth creamy thighs of the Mayor. Wondering why her gaze seemed to be snagged on the golden trim of her costume lining Regina's plunging cleavage

"Totally", grinned Henry, "And you need something light if you're going to be in the apple bobbing contest"

"Apple bobbing? You expect me to dunk my head in a bowl of water and pluck out apples with my teeth?", snapped Regina with a touch too much venom.

"Sorry", said Henry a little sheepishly under his mother's stern words, "I-I though with your love of apples and everything…..besides, I already signed you up for it"

"You what!",

"'Gina…please", said Emma with a calm soothing voice nodding towards Henry, looking smart in his Harry Potter costume, with tears brimming his young eyes.

"I….Henry", said Regina seeing the sadness on her son's face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you. But you should've asked"

"So you won't do it?", asked the young man with a nod accepting her apology.

"No, I don't think someone in my position should be seen….."

"Sorry kid", said Emma as she toyed with her plastic six shooter, "But it looks like your Mom's a chicken"

"A chicken? You think I'm scared? I'm not scared of anything", snorted back Regina, a slave to her ego, never one to back down from a challenge.

"So you will do it?", asked her son with a bright smile blossoming on his face.

"I…", began Regina but before she could protest any further she felt Henry's small arms hug her tightly round her waist.

"You're the coolest, Mom", he said with such enthusiasm that Regina knew she was cornered. To back out now would cause such disappointment to Henry that it would wound her to see his sorrows, but watching Emma's wry smile the Mayor knew she had walked straight into a trap.

"I…..fine", sighed Regina as she ran a hand through her darkened locks with its golden headband catching the bright sun with each movement.

Shaking her head she picked up her car keys and lead the trio away from her boudoir as she whispered to Emma, "You've not heard the last of this"

"Ok 'Gina, if you really don't like your outfit you can always change into something else", said Emma as they trailed down the stairs towards the front door and the awaiting populace of Storybrooke who would be reeling with shock in a matter of minutes.

"It's a bit too late for that", retorted Regina. Not in reference to the hour of the day, but the sweet smile now fixed to Henry's face as having his mother, for once, not being the stuck up tight ass she had a reputation for being. Now he could see a glimpse of the fun loving mother he always secretly hoped she could be.

"So Madam Super Heroine, are we ready to save the damsel in distress and get the baddies?", grinned Emma widely relishing in the sight of the haughty Mayor breaking down her walls one piece at a time.

"One more word from you Miss Oakley", said Regina casting back am equally wry grin, "And Wonder Woman will tie you up with her lasso of justice"

"A-and…oh…I…", stammered Emma, her bluff called as she watched Regina take Henry's hand and walk out the front door, adding a little extra sway to her hips perfectly framed by the high cut of the costume.

"It's ok, Ma. You can still show how cool are you too", said Henry as he turned back to Emma who wore a slight hint of blush. "I mean, you do like blueberries don't you?"

"Er, yeah actually. Why?"

"I signed you up for the pie eating contest", he said with the innocent joy of a child as the door shut with a firm bang.

As Emma's face blanched she found it only intensified the giggles spilling from Regina's ruby red lips.

For it seemed their son was far more cunning that either of them had thought.