DISCLAIMER: The book Vampire Life: Finding your Connections by Medow Vlad, and Cynthia Blyth are my own. Everything else belongs to S. Meyer and her publishing team. I own no rights to either books or movies. I would however like to point out that Twilight isn't a saga. Sagas are usually poetry. Then again Jasper is poetry so maybe it can be helped.

ANI have no beta reader yet. I was unable to get any email links to them to work. If anyone is interested please contact me. All mistakes are thus mine. This is unedited and I do apologize to those reading this.

Her long brown hair was wafting, caught in the draft of cool air moaning out from the air conditioner. Shaking pale hands picked a leather coated book up from the peanutted box. Who ever had sent it did it without giving a return address. This was ridiculous. Scary too! It was not the only anonymous package she had ever received, it was just the only one that made her heart feel like it was going to jump out of her chest. She could feel it, in a place lodged under her sternum and above her stomach, the bubbling knowledge that this was important. More important then that stupid letter she received two years ago. The damn letter that started her on the path of knowing things that she wished she did not.

She almost wished she had never looked at the photos that came with that first letter. Absolute proof of the existence of the paranormal world. She had convinced herself it was doctored. That the letter with it was a huge joke. Then she got the DVD.

Damn DVD, a Disney movie, bootleg, or copied she was not sure. She only knew that it was supposed to be a Disney movie. And it was…until the middle of the movie when it cut off and showed something completely different. She did no know who the people in it were, nor did she know who the 'Vampires' were. At least not until the following letter. She probably would have thought the DVD was doctored had she not had an innocent enough looking clip sent to one of her fathers Forensic buddies comb over it and confirm it was real. All pixel things matched and whatnot.

Why her? She had stopped opening things for a while. Threw the letters away despite how curious she was, until she got a post card one day. She turned it over to a warning, telling her not to go to her friends house that evening. She scoffed and was going to go to spite the asshat who dragged her into a world of things she could have happily lived without knowing!

She had everything packed up to go. Had already discussed how she was getting to Chelsea's place and how she would be getting back in the morning. She said her goodbyes to her mother and Phil, her moms new boyfriend, and had went outside and started to walk the six blocks to Chlese's. She was halfway there when the nerves she was feeling broke through her iron denial. The fear sent shakes through her body. Not only did someone know where she lived, but her schedule. If that wasn't bad enough they told her not to go out. Were they telling her that if she went they would harm her friend? Or was it really just a warning that if she went something would happen. The post card claimed it was the second. That she would be harmed if she went. It claimed it was for her own safety. It was ridiculous and she really wanted to ignore it like she had been since she got it earlier that afternoon.

Was it worth the chance though? Chelsea would accept her not showing up. After all there were going to be about five other girls there, and Chelsea could always get her gift on her real birthday. Angry at herself for giving in to her stalkers warning, she had let out a groan and turned right around and returned home. It was nearing midnight when sirens were heard getting closer and closer. With a gasp she had jumped up and ran to her mothers room. After insisting they go to Chelsea's, her mom had reluctantly got up and drove her over.

They had arrived about twenty minutes after the first siren. Police tape was in the process of being put up. An ambulance was pulling away. Spectators were across the street. They hurried to join them after parking.

It had been Mrs. Hendersons' big mouth that appraised them of what she knew. There had been multiple gunshots accompanied by screaming. Two ambulances and one helicopter had already come and gone. The coroner turned up within minutes of them being there. News crews showed up, and live reports were given. Apparently Chelsea's big brother had sexually assaulted one of her friends when she was coming out of the bathroom. She had fought back enough to enrage him and draw attention from his parents. After she had went home, and he had been dealt with, the rest of the girls, who apparently had not been told what was going on and only that their friend was going home not feeling well, had settled down to watch some movies and gossip. The brothers rage apparently caused him to snap and he went downstair and opened the gun safe. He ended up killing all but Chelsea by the time he was done. Two of them had died on the way to the hospital. Parents had been shot running into the room to protect the girls and try to grab the gun. He was tried as an adult and ended up spending time in prison.

After that she never missed opening a letter. While she still hated finding out just what was out there, after the postcard the letters started being less about what was out there, and moved on to general information, warnings about problems, and even a few tidbits of personal things about her mystery stalker. Many of the letters still scared her, and the fact that the writer knew things about not just the supposed myths of thee world, but knew things about her was terrifying, she did come to fall into a strange kind of comfort with them.

With a sigh she took the replaced the book in the box and and retired to her room to read the book. After clearing all the peanuts out and placing the book on her soft purple blanket, she transferred all her letters and small gifts from her mystery informant to the box, folded the sides in to close it then slid it under her bed. It was the one place even her mom wouldn't look. According to her a Woman had to have a place to hide her 'treasure box full of fun.'

She plopped down and opened the book to the inside where she knew she'd find a message. She wasn't disappointed.


While everything I am sending you is important, this is perhaps one of the most valuable. I need you to hide it there for me until such a time as i can collect it. All of these were supposed to be burned. We were able to bury three copies before they were in my home searching for what they deemed inappropriate and dangerous to the exposure of our kind. Feel free to read through it.


Deep Fang

With almost reverence those pale small hands turned the published title. Then with a small laugh at Vampire Life: Finding your Connections by Medow Vlad, she settled in to read

EXCERPT FROM Vampire Life: Finding your Connections by Medow Vlad,

All vampires have at least three mating connections. If a vampire is lucky enough to come across one of those connections they are usually quick to pounce on the first they come across, for better or worse, then chance never finding either of the other potential mates. When you claim one of those who have the potential mate bond you obviously become Mates.

Just because you find a mate though does not guarantee you a wonderful relationship. In fact I have come across quite a few Mates who could not stand each other while I was traveling. The only thing the potential mating bond does is bring you to someone who can increase your safety, happiness, and/or hunting efficiency. At least, that is one of the things a Mate guarantees you.

Even those Mates who hate each other will kill or die for the other. Strange? A bit, some of it is a supernatural glue. The Majority of Mates end up falling in love and being happy, or at least liking each other and finding a true friend above all. Its like any relationship really, just with Mother Natures little failsafe to keep enough Vampires alive, and give them a reason to want to live, so that we can maintain the balance of nature vs. humans.- After all if we do no maintain the balance then the environment will do it for us all, and that would be worse. After all it is LeChaterly's law: An environment that is not in balance will take measures to return the balance.

Who wants to live forever after all when there is nothing in it to make it worth it. o Or at least make it exciting? As is the latter case of those Mates who really hate each other. Sadly most vampires are desperate enough to jump on the first potential mate they come along. Usually you will find those that are older Vampires hold out for longer, and if they are lucky enough, to come across a second of their mate connections to have the best opportunity to find the one they will have the better life with. Those who are strong enough hold out sometimes thousands of years (should they live that long) so that they are able to come across all three. Most end up taking the third choice at that point, even if it is a disappointing as the first two. Of course sometimes all three potential mate hate you, or start out that way at least and the only thing you can look forward to is fighting and angry sex. At least you would have that excitement to keep you going.

Now you may be asking, what if out of the three you liked the first the most but it has been at least fifty years since you encountered the first. How can you take the risk to wait out for at least the second potential mate, when the first may actually be the best? After all in that time the first one may have mated to another if you did not snatch them up! Worse someone could have taken them to the final death. Well there is a solution.

When you mate each of the mated ends up with several bites. To be completely mated there are three bites. So if each bite each other no more then once it produces in them a first level bond. The first level bond gives protection, they can not be taken by other Vampire by force, they are able to sense danger to the other, and can feed close without destroying each other. Of course it does have the downside of making it harder to recognize another with a mate connection to you.

There have been cases in the beginning of Vampire kind, when one of the potential mates made the monumental mistake of allowing the other to take more then one bite out of them. The bitten is then always connected to the one that bite them, no matter if the biter goes on to chose the second or third mate. It drove them over the edge enough that they eventually had to be destroyed or walked into the fire themselves. Vampires are possessive of pretty much everything.

The more dominate a vampire the more possessive they tend to be. Mainly because they have a bigger drive to protect those who follow them, any land they have, and those who they Master Mark. Fact of Vampire life, most males are dominate, they have to be to protect their females. Females are usually the more gifted, but they are physically not as strong as males. That is not to say that the dominate Vampire is dominate in every aspect of the relationship. Many actually only get dominate in a dangerous situation. No matter what though, if they are not obeyed in said situation, and they get out of it alive, they will punish the other vampire as incentive to follow directions in a deadly situation.

A good portion of Vampires never come across a mate connection, do not recognize it, or do not want to wait forever until they find the connection. These ones take Companion Mates. Now the smarter vampires simply take a companion until they come across those with the mating connection. It is less messy usually. Companion Mates give complete loyalty to the ones they are connected to. A regular companion does not have the loyalty that bonds you together. They are free to leave anytime. A Companion Mate bond is actually forged through a series of twelve bites. Painful bites at that. When we bite those we have a mating connection with, our venom does not harm them, can infect create intense pleasure. However, take someone who is not mating compatible, male or female, and bite them, its agony. No exaggerating. It is the closest to the burn of transformation you will ever be.

Campanion Mates can never be released. If they find a mate connection the older of the two, or the one more in charge in some cases, can manage to overtake the Companion Mate bond and claim their Mate. The remaining Companion Mate is then Companion Mated to both of the Mates. Sadly, the Companion Mate, while protected and cared for usually ends up isolated as Mates hate sharing each other. If they are lucky they get a Mated couple who enjoy experimenting and inviting others into there sexcapades so long as they are doing so as a team.

That is not to say other the Companion Mate can never be claimed by someone they have a Mate Connection with. There are several ways it could happen. If they are fought for by their potential mate, and they prove they can defeat the other Companion then they will be allowed to Mate them. They are then absorbed into the Companion Mate bond, and both will be connected and under the authority of the Older, or the more Dominate will then have jurisdiction over the Mated pair. There are also several ceremonies that can cut the tie off provided you can find a witch willing to help. The last option is to find a bond sever, such as the one in the Volturi; if both Companions in the bond agree they are separated completely. If one agrees they are separated by all but a small thread.

Some mated couples will find themselves partial to, maybe even in love with, or desire to protect another Vampire, and will forge a Companion Bond between them and the single Vampire. There have been a few cases where two mated pairs took each other in a Companion Bond. In these cases the Vampires actually get along better, no territorial or mate rages. It also increases the safety of each as everyone is willing to die or kill for the other.

That being said there have been cases in which one Vampire found all three mate connections and ended up mated to all three. In each of the cases I have fund it is the female who ends up with multiple mates. I believe that even had they not all Mate Marked her three times together, then she still would have ended up needing to be mated to all three. As was the case with Cynthia Blyton, Rominov descendent,/

Cynthia Blyton met and was claimed by her first potential mate. Once Mated the pull you feel with other potential mates should not be able to be felt. Nor should you feel incomplete any longer as the connection is supposed to be filled. Within the next decade the Mates met her second mate connection. Cynthia reported that the mating pull was so strong that it was painful to her when they tried to leave, though neither gentleman felt such a thing. Her first Mate felt nothing but the intuitive pain from his Mate, while the second gentleman felt nothing more then the normal pull. In desperation to take care of his hurting Mate, Ashton, the first of the gentleman, attempted to attack the second believing he was causing the distress through a gift.

However when Ashton did attack he was not able to harm the other man without his Mate crying out in agony upon any harmful contact to him. Left with no other recourse the second man informed Ashton that his instinct to bite her and Claim her was increasing the longer they were around her. With nothing other to try, and having been there a few months, he gave in and allowed the second to claim his Mate.

Five decades passed and it happened similarly with the third man. No time was wasted on trying other solutions this time, and the third man claimed his Mate. When asked how they are able to share without getting territorial and jealous no man was able to give a clear reason behind being calm. After extensive research on this subject, no concrete hypothesis have presented themselves. My personal belief is that all three men were needed to keep her safe due to her unique gift, and lesser physical strength, that she reached out through unknown means and connected. It should also be known that the third man was her True Mate and thus not yet a Vampire.

A few other theories include that her position in Vampire society being of pivotal importance to not just herself but our society as a whole it is critical that she had not just one connection but three. Another suggests that her venom and DNA caused it. The last is suggested that is was a facsimile of her gift that caused the issue. No matter what it was very fortunate of all of us that she had three mates, or we may have lost her before she could create our first seat of power, connect to the beginning societies, and creating a cover for Vampires to eat via human sacrifices. We would not be what we were today had she not been alive long enough to stop our extinction.

That brings up the most sacred of all Mate connections. And the most rare! The True Mate! While Mates connect and protect each other but do not necessarily accept each other for who they are, nor come to love one another a True Mate is a guarantee. It is no more a soul connection then any mating is. After all who want someone who is completely like you as a Soul Mate would be? Certainly not me!

True Mates my not like everything you do, or the way you act, but they will not leave you or make you suffer for them. Instead they will try to balance you out, just as you balance them. Where as Mates do not have an urge to compromise, with True Mate the want to compromise so as to make yourselves a stronger team is almost instinct. If you change it will not be out of an order from your True Mate. In fact a True Mate could be absolutely terrified of you, but would still accept you and come to love you. One could dislike the others tendency to flirt with others, but would accept it and love them despite it. However, if it really bothered a Mate, they would slowly work to stop the actions the bring fear into the mate. The other would try to tone down the flirting.

Like anything True Mates have to work to keep their relationships up. Once in love with each other they will never fall out of love, even when the human mate is turned. However that does not mean there will not be disagreements, arguments, and pulling away. Fear not though, because nothing will make them ever stop wanting to fix things with the other. Neither will ever be able to be far apart. They could not leave their True Mate behind. Both will be very protective to the point that they may attempt to kill someone for a perceived insult.

True Mates will always provide a source of comfort. For another thing they always seem to balance each other out in some way or another. If one is hot headed, the other one may provide a voice of reason. If both are hotheaded, then one of them will get mad about other things. They can break each other out of moods. They are in tune to a point where they always know where the other is, if they are hurt or in danger, and to a larger degree then Mates can. Some have been known to absorb some of the others characteristics. There have been instances of being able to communicate with a mere look. The rage a True Mate can insite by being in potential danger, or being hurt in any way is breathtaking. It goes beyond the Vampire mindset overlaying the general mindset, it completely takes over causing what is known as 'the demon' overcoming the instinctive vampire mindset and the non-instinctive Vampire mindset (also called the general mindset), and can cause the Vampire to turn ferrel until the mate is secured. Once Ferrel has passed it will be a slow revert from instinctive vampire mindset to general mindset. However, it takes very little after an event like this to push a True Mate back into the Demon mindset. It takes quite the time for a True Mate to come out this hair trigger stage. I have heard the best thing to do if you are around them when they go into this stage, is stay submissive no matter what happens. If you are lucky the True Mate that is in rampage mode will isolate, nest, and claim. Stay submissive until you are sure they are not coming back.

The most interesting thing about True Mates, is that one of them always starts out as human. It really does not matter who changes them, nothing will ever bind them to any other unless it is by complete free choice. It does not mean you cannot court the couple to your side. It just means they hold each other even above authority, which makes them potentially dangerous to anyone, even those in their coven. It is not necessary for True Mates to use claiming bites of any kind, they may still have the urge to do so however, to warn others away. Unlike Mated and Companion Mates they will never have an urge to be with anyone else. Please note when Cynthia Blyton came across her True Mate and he was changed he became Mated with the other two gentleman involved, and while they were able to still affably share Cynthia he had to be touching her at all times while she was intiment with the other two Mates. We still have been unable to explain this.

It should also be noted that seeing each other is merely their first stage. It is the touch which seals them together even beyond the final death. It is also believed that they will find each other if they ever reincarnate.