AN: So as the summary states this is a Supernatural AU were essentially Kurt=Dean, Finn=Sam and Sebastian=Castiel. Many of the Glee characters make appearances, but this is a Kurtbastian fic at heart.

Kurt opened his eyes seeing nothing but darkness. He was instantly panic stricken. He tried to call for help but it was no use, his voice was horse and ultimately he knew it was pointless. He fumbled for his lighter; he may not know where he was but one thing's for certain he would have his trusty lighter with him.

As the small flame lit the area the realization of where he was rolled over him. He was in his coffin. Suddenly he remembered being attacked by hell hounds. Flashes of his time in hell passed before him. He died and went to hell, but somehow he was back.

"No" Kurt muttered to himself "this is not the time." He was alive which meant he needed to breathe and that meant getting out of his coffin. Kurt used his knife (a must have even in death) and began digging himself out. Finally Kurt climbed out of this grave and took in his surroundings. He shuttered at the sight: he was surrounded by dead vegetation "Well that can't be good" he observed.

After walking for a bit Kurt found an abandoned gas station. He went inside and found the bathroom. Kurt looked in the mirror, surprisingly he looked the same…mostly. He hoped the water still worked in this place, just because he was back from hell didn't mean he had to look like it. Kurt turned the faucet and breathed a sigh of relief; it worked.

Kurt washed up then headed back to the main area. He was at the front of the store gathering supplies when a radio turned on. Kurt eyed the radio suspiciously before turning it off 'faulty wiring' he thought. He was almost to the door when the TV turned on.

Kurt sighed "I really don't need this right now" he dropped his bag by the door and ran to grab salt.

He was busy on salting the entrance when he began to hear a buzzing noise, the noise becoming deafening. He dropped the salt to cover his ears and ran under the counter. Just in time to avoid the shattering windows.

"Well that can't be good" Kurt said. He grabbed his bag and headed out, he didn't know what that was and he didn't want to find out.

After walking for 2 hours and being unsuccessful in hitching a ride he decided to just steal a car. He hated to do it but figured literally getting out of hell is a good enough justification for the thievery.

Kurt pulled up to his house, he could see that at least his father was home, didn't look like Finn or Carole were home, good he thought, showing up back from the dead would be hard enough on one person let alone 3.

He sat in the car for a few minutes thinking how he should do this. If someone I knew had been dead for six months just walked in my house I would probably shoot them on sight, he thought.

Finally he got out of the car and walked up the driveway; sitting in the car all day would accomplish nothing. He was excited to see his father but nervous, he had no answers for why or how he was back. His body should be a rotting corpse yet he was perfectly fine, and that was a scary notion.

With a heavy hand Kurt finally knocked, a few seconds later the door opened, "hi dad"

Burt stood in front of him, mouth hanging open in complete shock. Slowly he backed a way not taking his eyes off his son; Kurt stepped inside closing the door behind him.

Burt just kept staring at him not saying a word as he slowly reached behind him to grip the knife, quickly he lunged at Kurt "You're not my son!" but Kurt was ready.

He knew his father would take some convincing and was prepared for the attack grabbing Burt's arm, "Dad, please I swear it's me, give me the knife" reluctantly Burt released his grip letting Kurt take the knife.

"Look if I was a shape shifter or anything else could I do this" he winced as he sliced his arm with the silver knife.

"Son?" Burt reached out and hugged him tight.

"Yes it's me, it's really me"

"But how, I mean it makes no sense for one your body should be a rotted mess" Burt said in disbelief.

Kurt shook his head "I don't know, I just woke up 6 feet under, whatever pulled me out had to be pretty powerful. So then it wasn't you that did this, or Finn. Where is he by the way?"

Burt gave a nervous laugh,"hes probably out with Blaine. After you died he tried everything to get you back but no demon would deal hell we both tried but, no takers. Then he left for a job in Westerville and when he came back Blaine was with him, it's like they've been friends for years."

And the weirdness just continued Finn didn't have friends, not after Puck died so for this Blaine guy to suddenly be his best friend in 6 months seemed off "hmmm…well that's a little odd"

"Carole just ran to the store she'll be back soon, she's going to be so happy to see you Kurt, you have no idea."

Kurt and Carole had a joyous reunion and decided to make his favorite dinner, she didn't care how or why he was back all that mattered to her was that her family was together.

As they were getting ready to eat they heard the front door open "Hey Burt whose car is that in the driveway" Finn came into the kitchen, a short gelled hair boy trailing behind him, he froze the instant he saw Kurt.

Without warning he drew his gun aiming it right at Kurt "Who are you?! Burt what's going on?"

"Relax Finn, your brother is home, trust me I've been through this."

Finn lowered his gun and ran to Kurt scooping him up in tight hug "Dude, I can't believe it" Kurt squeezed back holding back tears, "I know, I know"

"But how, I mean I tried everything to get you back but nothing worked nothing."

"I don't know, one minute I'm being attacked by hell hounds and the next I'm waking up in a coffin", Kurt looked over at the guy Finn came in with, "And you must be Blaine, I hear you're a friend of Finn's" Kurt asked him his voice hard.

"Umm… I've heard so much about you from Finn, it's great to meet you" Blaine reached out to shake his hand, Kurt quickly shook it, he did not trust Blaine, there was something off about him.

After dinner Finn decided he wanted to go have some celebratory drinks in honor of Kurt's return, he was against it insisting on a quiet night in but Finn was relentless "Come on man, you just got out of hell, it's time to live!"

Finally Kurt agreed he told Finn and Blaine to go on ahead, that he and Burt would meet them soon; Burt raised an eyebrow at this but said nothing.

Kurt watched as the two drove away Burt came up next to him, "You want to tell me what that was about?"

Kurt continued looking down the road "this can't wait; I have to know who pulled me out. We're going to do a summoning ritual"

Burt nodded "I get that, but then why lie to Finn about going out?"

Kurt turned to him, "I didn't lie, we'll meet up with them eventually, I just don't trust Blaine, that's why I didn't say anything before"

"You need to talk to Finn about this, he trust your instincts, you need to tell him how you feel, ok kiddo"

Kurt smiled he was really happy to be with his dad again "I know, I will, promise. But first we find out what big bad pulled me from hell."

Kurt and Burt sit around the empty warehouse, talisman from every religion, various protection sigil surrounding them.

Kurt sighed "Dad, are you sure you did it right?"

"Kid, I've been doing these sorts of rituals since before you were born, of course I did it right. These things take time; just hold your horses all right?"

Kurt rolled his eyes "if you say so"

A few minutes later the building began to shake, light flickering "Guess you still got it" yelled Kurt as they both stood up raising their guns to the door.

At once the doors flew open, a tall, lanky man walked into the room.

He looked about the same age as Kurt, wearing loose fitting jeans and a horrible popped collar. Kurt and Burt began shooting at the stranger, but the rock salt and silver bullets have no effect.

Once in front of him Kurt asked "who are you"

The stranger smirked "Really Kurt? What a stupid question, I'm the one saved you, after all you called me"

Kurt glared at him "well thanks for that" he said as he stabbed him with the Killing Knife.

The man simply looked at the knife sticking out from his chest; he pulled it out dropping it to the floor "You'll have to do better than that I'm afraid."

Behind him Burt was raising a sword, ready to strike when the man turned around stopping him before he landed his strike,"Yeah lets not" the man reached out touching Burt lightly on the forehead, instantly Burt fell to the floor.

"Dad!" Kurt rushed to his side, "He's fine, he's just asleep. We need to talk Kurt, alone."

Once Kurt was satisfied that his father was ok he stood up, walking closer to the mysterious man "Who and what are you?"

The man stood up a little straighter "My name is Sebastian. And I am an angel."

Kurt laughed "Please there's no such thing.

" Sebastian rolled his eyes in response, "Really Kurt, you fight demons on a daily basis, but angels are where you draw the line. This is your problem Kurt, you have no faith."

Sebastian took a step back, once again the lights began to flicker, Kurt's eyes widened as the shadow of wings were cast along the wall.

Kurt spoke, his voice not as firm as before "Fine you're an angel, but what's with the tacky frat boy get up?"

Sebastian laughed as he looked as his clothes for the first time "No this" he motioned at his body, "is a vessel. Not a bad one I might add." Kurt raised an eyebrow as though he agreed "Some can view my true form and hear my true voice. I thought you were special but alas…"

Kurt huffed, "That was you at the gas station, well I'm sorry I'm not what you expected."

Sebastian eyed him with a look that Kurt was unable to place "that's an understatement."

"So…"Kurt said breaking the mounting tension "why would an angel like yourself go through all the trouble of dragging me from hell, doesn't seem like an everyday occurrence."

"Oh it wasn't, trust me and I'd like a proper thank you one where you don't stab me, by the way. And to answer your question, the order came from God."

Kurt couldn't believe it, he was at a loss for words "…but why"

Sebastian looked at him seriously answering without any hint of playfulness "because we have work for you."