I know that these chapter updates are really annoying and whatnot, but I've got it covered, I will remove it, I just need to get you a message, if anyone bothers reading this that is.
So I've had a pretty fully packed time recently; I had my hsc, got really sick and went to hospital, got out of hospital and went overseas, came back only for my sister to fall incredibly ill, and then started university. On top of that, I had to get a new laptop and all of my files are gone, so I'll have to re-write everything I had before.

I know this isn't an excuse, I could have tried to use other computers and whatnot, but living with my family I don't think they'd really appreciate my writing.
I went onto my account today because it's the first I've really had the opportunity.

I read the comments people have left on my stories.

All of them.
From beginning to end.

And I remembered how much I enjoyed hearing your feedback, how much I enjoyed the fact that I had managed to entertain you for even a moment.

Honestly I didn't think anyone would mind if my stories faded away, I mean I liked writing for you and I was upset that I had to stop, but I didn't think anyone would care about my stories enough for it to have an impact.

But, your comments proved me wrong, apparently some of you did miss my writing, and that is amazing to me.

The point is:

I will be writing again, I've got my laptop and my fingers and my brain; I CAN DO THIS.


I am short on time, I'm doing a fulltime course at university and so I have little time to write, and honestly, writing out chapters the length I do weekly takes up substantial amounts of time.

I will finish all my stories
But I can't finish them at the same time, I don't have enough time

I'll start by finishing GoM: the trickster, I'll have to re-write the ending but it's the shortest of the stories.

After that there's Unprecedented and Duty vs Desire, and I really don't know which one to finish first. They both had a pretty long way still to go honestly, Unprecedented is definitely shorter, but there is still much to occur.

I am sorry that I've not been writing for you for so long, but I'm going to finish these.

Leave a vote as t which story I should finish first in a comment/review/whatever

Stay tuned and stay awesome