Title: Welcome To Chicago, Motherfucker! [Book Three of the Punked? Trilogy].

Rating: M for Mature.

Pairing: Punkena; Punk/Cena.

Warnings: Gay sex, cursing.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone in this story!

A/N: Everyone has been reviewing or messaging me, asking me to make a multi-chapter addition to my Punked? story. Wish granted! This is going to be a multi-chapter story, as well as my first ever multi-chapter story. I really hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday Afternoon in Chicago:

"Punk, you're home!" Punk's Sister Selene screams as he opens the front door to his Chicago condominium. "Punk, you— Oh, you brought John Cena with you." His other Sister Shaleigh says, looking at Punk with a confused face.

"Oh, thanks for my hugs!" Punk says sarcastically as he fake-hugs the air in front of him.

"Sorry." Selene giggles and comes to hug him. "Hey, Lene." Punk kisses her cheek then moves on and hugs Shaleigh, "Hey, Sha." He says to her. "Hi, Punk." Shaleigh replies.

"Uhm, hi, John." Selene says politely yet has a slight disgusted look on her face. "Why is he here?" Shaleigh, the more outspoken and blunt Sister, asks.

"John is going to be staying with us till Saturday, not that you have an opinion in it." Punk replies and pushes John towards his Sisters. "Hi, Selene, Shaleigh." John smiles and nods at them, feeling completely awkward and out of place.

John wishes deeply that he just stayed in Wisconsin and took a later flight.

"Hi." They both mumble and walk off, back towards the couch.

"I'm pretty sure I'm not wanted here, Punk. I can just go to a hotel." John whispers to Punk, not wanting to start any drama. "It's okay, John. You'll be fine here," Punk replies, "Besides, if they act like bitches, they can find somewhere else to stay till Saturday!" Punk yells out so his Sisters can hear. "You don't have to do that." John mumbles. "Come on, let's go unpack." Punk says and drags John to his master bedroom.

"Do you need your own drawers or anything?" Punk asks as he unpacks his bags. "No, I can live out of my luggage, but, uhm…" John says, unsure of how to voice what he's thinking. "What?" Punk asks. "I'm sleeping in your room with you?" John asks and Punks nods, "Yeah, unless you want the guest room. What's the problem?" Punk asks, not understanding why John's standing there stuck on stupid. "What about your Sisters? What are they going to think about me sleeping in your room?" John asks and Punk bites his lips, thinking.

Punk didn't think that far ahead. He's too busy thinking in the moment.

"I don't know. I mean…" Punk mumbles, not being able to think up a quick plan like usual. "Phil, I'll just sleep in the guest room, okay?" John grabs his luggage and starts walking towards the door but Punk quickly grabs John's arm and stops him, "Wait, John. I know we agreed not to tell anyone about us, but do you mind if my Sisters know? I guarantee they won't say anything to anybody."

John bites his lips at Punk's words. Tell Punk's Sisters? They already hate John, they could spill the news and ruin John's life. However, that would ruin their Brother's life too and John hopes they would never do that.

"No, I don't mind I guess." John says shyly, praying on the inside that the girls value their Brother too much to ruin his own life. "Good." Punk smiles and kisses John's lips. "So how are we going to go about telling them?" John asks Punk, trying to think of how a person can just tell their family that they are now in a same-sex relationship. "How I go about every tough situation I'm in!" Punk smiles widely and quickly walks out to the lavish den, John right on his heels, scared of what Punk's about to do.

"Hey, fuckers!" Punk yells out and the girls turn their head from where they're watching television, to look at Punk, "What?" Shaleigh asks. "Me and John are dating now. Deal with it," Punk shrugs and turns to walk back to the room until he hears the girls laughing, "Excuse me, is something funny?" Punk turns around and asks. "If you're going to try and prank us, at least make it believable. Jeez, Punk, you're losing your touch." Selene giggles a bit and Punk puts his hands on his hips in frustration. "I'm not trying to prank you, I'm being dead serious!" Punk states but the girls laugh some more. "Okay, Punk, whatever you say." Shaleigh says, still laughing. "Okay, you need proof? That's fine." Punk says.

John's eyes go wide and he tries to back away, but before he can, Punk turns to him and plants his lips on his, pulling John close to his body. John wouldn't let Punk's tongue in, too embarrassed and too shy, and after a few seconds, Punk pulls away. "If you need further conformation I'll be glad to make him scream my name." Punk yells to his Sisters without turning back towards them, then walks back to his room, dragging John with him.

A/N: I'll try to update every 2-3 days. I have the entire story written out already, just depends on the reviews I get. Hope you enjoy! Sorry the first chapter is so short. Don't worry, lots of drama and lots more Punkena to come! :)