A small oneshot (maybe drabble) collection with Kagome living during the Feudal Era as a child and growing up with Inuyasha. I've always wondered what might've happened had Kagome lived during Inuyasha's time and what could've happened to their situation.

"He's beautiful isn't he?" Izayoi whispered to Inutaisho.

"You're strong," he smoothed down her hair. "But are you strong enough to face what is to come?"

"I know, my love," she kissed the small child. "I'll be strong and protect him. My little Inuyasha."

"Good," Inutaisho felt a sigh of relief from his chest. "My...my deepest apologies, Izayoi."

"You didn't do anything," Izayoi put her hand on his, clasping them together. "We did absolutely nothing wrong. We just...love each other is all."

"Izayoi," he didn't have much time left, they both knew. "Will you be okay?"

"Yes," she blinked away the tears in her eyes. "I love you Inutaisho."

"I love you, Izayoi...Inuyasha." And after holding his child for the first - and last - time, he disappeared into the night.

"Kick it here!"

"I got it!"

"Hey, that was mine!"

"Look at what you did!"

The ball fell to the ground and rolled to the boy's feet. He looked at it and picked it up with his clawed hands, walking to them and holding it out. Once there, the group of boys only stared at him strangely then frowned. Inuyasha, oblivious to the change in their demeanor, tossed it to them. No one moved. It bounced away harmlessly. The group of boys only stared at him and walked away silently. As the left him alone, his ears drooped.

"Um...why is your hair like that?"

He looked up to see a brown-eyed girl with long dark hair swept into a bun. She had a pink and white cotton kimono and little white shoes. He blinked.

"Oh, sorry," she blushed sheepishly, backing away slowly. "I'll leave."

"Don't," he suddenly perked up. She paused. "I mean... if you want to stay..."

The little girl smiled. "What's your name?"

"Inuyasha," he studied her for a moment more. "You?"

"Higurashi Kagome," she smiled, stepping closer to him. "You wanna play?"

Those words made him the happiest five-year-old in the world. Never hearing such kind words from another child before made him smile back. Her smile only made his experience better.

"Yeah," he grinned back. "Let's play."

"Let's play - "

"Kagome? Kagome!" More children voices called after her, laughter and giggling echoing behind them. "Where'd you go~?"

She gasped and ran behind him, covering making herself stick-straight and staying still. Inuyasha was hushed before he could say a word. Then, the children appeared, slowing and becoming quiet as they passed him. As they left, they began whispering to themselves.

"Eh? Hanyou?"

"He's evil."

"A demon."

"Momma said to stay away from him."

"Hopefully Kagome isn't around here."

When finally out of ear short, Kagome popped out from behind him with a cheerful smile. She wordlessly grabbed him away from the open yard and went into the grassy fields. It was just two of them now, standing hand in hand in the knee-high grass.

Kagome let him go and twirled in the wind. "Isn't it awesome?"

"Yep," he managed a weak smile.

"Wanna pick some flowers with me?"

"I...um..." he played with his fingers, looking down at his feet. "Are you..."

"Inuyasha~" she went behind him and pushed him forward. "Are you coming or not?"

"O-okay," he felt heat creep into his cheeks. "Yeah. We should pick flowers."

"Then come on!" She took his hand again. "Let's hurry!"

"I am!"