Moments We Run Into
Chapter Five: Ninja Boyfriend
-Takes place after 1x09 episode 'Bereft'-
When the team had gotten home from their Bialyan mission, feeling 'weird' was an understatement. For one thing, they were trying to get their heads completely back in order. Yes, they had their memories restored, but it still felt strange and out of place.
"It's kinda like having a hangover, minus the fun part of getting smashed and drinking," Artemis had summarized, to which Robin snickered in agreement.
Of course, the fifteen year old archer had no room to complain, especially with Kaldur being the worst one off. He was the last one to get his memories restored, after all. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Megan had apologized for the hundredth time. Each time the merman would smile warmly and assure her it was alright.
Everything was starting to click for the team, and Black Canary assured that by the weekend they should be fine. The team's den mother also told them to stay at the Cave for the night, just to be safe. "I don't want any of you going home and having some kind of memory relapse," Dinah had told them. "And I especially don't want angry parents calling me up. That means you, Wally West."
The teenage speedster shrugged. "Hey, Uncle Barry gave mom your number. Not me."
"Still. If anyone was going to have a relapse, it'd be you."
"Hey! Why's that?"
"You'll probably run into a wall," Robin snickered, and the teammates chuckled to themselves.
Black Canary left the Cave, Red Tornado had arrived. The android was up in his room, basically leaving the team to themselves.
Kaldur decided to spend his time reading, Superboy went into his bedroom with Sphere (shutting the door behind him), Megan started a five-hundred piece puzzle, Robin decided to sharpen his weapons, and as for Wally and Artemis...
...well, they both ended up in the kitchen.
The red headed teenager decided to make himself a sandwich, which was probably the only thing he could make on his own. You know, besides cereal.
Artemis, on the other hand, decided to make a pitcher of kool-aid. "Kool-aid? Isn't that a five year old drink?" Wally asked, watching the blonde girl rip two packages of tropical punch flavor.
"Damn straight," she replied. "Peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Isn't that a five year old snack?"
He chuckled. "Come on now, this is at least a seven year old snack."
"Yeah, more like three year old." Her voice is sarcastic, but instead of a sneer on her face she's smiling. Artemis took a wooden spoon and started stirring up the red powder, sugar, and water.
Wally smothered crunchy peanut butter on three pieces of toast, then got strawberry jam from the cupboard. "I don't suppose you want one?" he asked.
"Would you make me one if I said yes?" she retorted.
He rolled his green eyes. "Well yeah. I can be gentleman-ish when I wanna be."
Artemis scoffed. "Gentleman-ish. Alright then, go ahead and make me one. It looks like you're going through the whole package of bread anyway." That was no exaggeration, either. Wally was stacking bread, peanut butter, and jelly on top of each other like a giant pancake stack. His 'sandwich' was like taking five sandwiches and putting them on top of each other. "How much money does it take to feed you?" the archer asked.
He grinned, almost sheepishly at her question. "Well, my mom says she has to buy groceries for two families. So I guess I eat as much as a standard family would." His cheeks turned a little red.
She wasn't trying to embarrass him or belittle him. Artemis took two glasses out of the cupboard and poured Wally the first cup. "Here," she said.
Wally seemed to perk back up. "Thanks," he said, taking the glass and downing it in one quick gulp. Artemis laughed and filled it back up. "So, not to ruin this little moment of ours, but..."
At that, she has to interrupt him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think I know what you're going to say and I don't wanna hear it."
He grins goofily at her. "You don't?"
"How do you know what I'm going to say?"
"I know you."
"But, a few hours ago, you didn't know me. In fact, we were strangers, then we remembered each other thanks to Megan. So you don't really know me, you just know me better than you did. Or had. Or had remembered, because you didn't remember. Me. Until Megan... ugh, you know what I mean."
She smirked. "I know what you're gonna say so don't say it."
"What am I gonna say?"
"You're gonna bring up the fact that I called you my ninja boyfriend!"
Wally laughed. "Oh right, from the movie that you can't remember about. You know, I've seen a lot of movies, but I've never seen one about a ninja girl with a ninja dad who tells her to kill her ninja boyfriend because he's from a rival ninja clan."
"Well obviously you're not well versed in the ninja movie genre," the blonde snapped.
"Oh come on, admit it. You thought I was your boyfriend until Megan gave us our memories back."
"I did not! And by the way, you're the worst ninja ever! So it wouldn't even make sense if I thought you were my ninja boyfriend. Clearly if anyone would be a ninja boyfriend, it'd be Robin."
He started to choke on some peanut butter. "WHAT?" Wally spat. "You want Robin as your ninja boyfriend?!"
"NO!" she exclaimed defensively. "I'm saying IF I was going to have a ninja boyfriend, Robin would make sense!"
"Oh, so now you want Robin as your boyfriend because he's a ninja?!"
"NO! Forget the ninjas! I don't want Robin as my boyfriend! I thought YOU were my boyfriend!"
He just grinned. Literally, the biggest, goofiest, shit-faced grin Wally West could ever have was on his face, and Artemis hated it. Really. She had half the mind to dump the kool-aid on his head and slam his face into his sandwich. But she was too shocked, her pink mouth making an 'O' shape from sheer shock of it all.
For a few second there was nothing but the tick of the kitchen clock as it changed from 5:03 to 5:04.
"Don't. You. Dare. Say. Anything."
She slapped her face into her palms. "I give up. FINE. Before Megan restored our memories, for about five minutes, give or take five minutes, I thought you were my boyfriend. Happy?"
Wally chuckled. "But you initially thought your dad sent you to kill me."
"Yeah. I know. Look, I don't know what the hell was going on. Tampered brain, remember?"
"Yeah. How about we drop it?"
She gives him an incredulous look. "Really? You're not going to annoy me or tease me about it?"
"Nah. Tampered brain, doesn't count." Now when he grinned at her, it was kind, and instead of sending hateful glares back at him, Artemis returns his smile. "However, you did not correctly guess the original question I wanted to ask you," Wally said.
Her eyebrow raised suspiciously. "And what would that be?"
"Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?"
How cute XD I cannot wait for tomorrow's premier! FANGIRL SQUEEEE! :D
Please review, thanks for reading! 5th chapter completed! =D