The day of the auditions arrived for a new show that was starting on Broadway, and audition season had officially begun. Kurt Hummel was used to this now. He had already been to three different auditions in the past two days, all with little luck. He was so sure that after finishing at NYADA that the parts would just fall into his lap, but this was not the case.

When he arrived, he was given a page of script and was shown to a waiting room. Inside, there were four other men, all going for the same part. Kurt quickly made his way in and took the nearest available seat. He took a quick glance round the room, checking out his competition. Fear shot through him. There was no way he was going to get the part.

'Each guy has some advantage over me,' he thought to himself. One was taller. One had thicker hair and looked like a total babe. They would give him the part just after looking at him.

'This is not the time to freak out,' he thought to himself.

After reading the script for about the tenth time, the door opened again and a guy on his mobile walked in. He was dressed in some red skinny trousers that stopped just above the ankle, and a gray jumper with a bowtie poking out. Kurt couldn't stop looking at the guy. He couldn't be. No, it was. Kurt had seen this guy before, but this time he was in the same room as him, just feet away. It was Blaine Anderson - the man, the legend. He had already made his Broadway debut two years ago opening a show that was always sold out, also earning him a best actor award.

Kurt couldn't stop looking at him. There was no way he was going to get the part if Blaine was here. He might as well just walk out now.

Blaine took the seat next to Kurt and continued talking on his phone. Something about hair gel. That's all Kurt could hear. Kurt kept his head down in his script. Half of him wanted to geek out and ask Blaine for his autograph, but he was dead nervous.

A man appeared with a clipboard and a little headset.

"Hummel. Kurt Hummel."

Kurt quickly jumped up and made his way to the stage.

Kurt slowly walked on, the lights almost blinding him. He made his way to a little 'X' that marked where he needed to stand.

"Name," shouted a man somewhere in the audience where Kurt couldn't see.

"Kurt Hummel," Kurt replied.

"What song will you be performing, Kurt?" the man asked.

"Not The Boy Next Door," Kurt replied. He hadn't done this song since his first NYADA audition all them years ago. He slowly took a deep breath and turned his back to the audience.

The song went brilliantly, and they clapped at the end. That was a good sign. Also, when he had to act out one of the scenes, he was impressed with himself since he had only gotten it 30 minutes earlier. It went well.

As he made his way off stage, he didn't see that he was walking head first into Blaine, who was walking to take his turn. They bumped into each other, knocking both to the ground.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" Kurt said as he jumped back up, lending a hand to help Blaine.

"I'm cool. Next time look where you're going, will you?" Blaine said as he dusted himself off and carried onto the stage. Kurt watched the other guy walk on, noticing how short the other guy was. He went and picked up his stuff, and decided to head back to his apartment to wait for his phone call.

"So how did the audition go?" A voice rang as he went through the door.

"Rachel! Give me a second, will you. I haven't even got in," Kurt yelled back as he shut the door and walked into the small living area.

"So, how did it go?" Rachel asked again as she sat on the sofa.

"Well, I think it went well, but the chances of me getting the part are, like, 1%," he replied as he started to unbutton one of the many buttons on his coat.


"Well, guess who was there auditioning, too?" Kurt said, as he finally got his coat off, and jumped on the sofa.

"Just tell me," Rachel demanded as she threw a cushion at him.


"What? THE Blaine Anderson? Of the Anderson Brothers?" Rachel yelled out.


They both sat in silence as they processed what he had just said.

"Wow... did you get an autograph from him?" she asked as she got up to go to the kitchen area.

"Nope, but we did bump into each other," Kurt said. He picked up the television remote and started skipping channels.

Kurt wasn't expecting a phone call so soon back from the audition, so he was surprised when he was woken by his mobile ringing at 7 A.M. the next day. After quickly looking at the number on the screen, he answered it.

"Kurt Hummel?" the voice on the other end said.


"Good, umm, we are calling about your audition yesterday. Can you come into the theatre today? We would like to see you again."

"Yes. Sure. What time?"

"1 P.M."

"Awesome! I'll be there. Bye," Kurt said, trying not to scream down the phone in excitement.

Kurt quickly jumped out of bed, ran to Rachel's room, and started banging on the door.

"Wake up, Rachel!" he shouted through the door.

"What?" her voice shouted back.

"I've got a call back!"

"What? That's great!" she said as she opened the door.

Kurt spent the morning getting ready and warming his voice up. He only lived a 30 minute walk from the theatre, so he decided to take it slow and enjoy the sun on the way. He loved living in New York, and found there was always something new to see. He quickly stopped at a coffee shop to grab a drink before walking the last bit to the theatre. He got to the doors, where he found a guy waiting for him.

"This way, Mr. Hummel," he said. Kurt followed the guy into the theatre. He could get use to this. He was taken back to the waiting room, where he found the only other person waiting in there was Blaine.

"Hi," Kurt nervously said to him, hoping for some reaction, but the guy was too busy on his phone.

"Say cheese," Blaine said as he lifted his phone in the air and took a picture.

"Umm, did you just take my picture?" Kurt asked.

"Twitter. My followers like to know what I'm up to. I have 800,000 followers," Blaine said as he typed on his phone.

"Oh. Ok."

A man walked into the room with both the guys in. He was the casting director.

"So, I have some good news for both of you. First, congrats to Mr. Anderson. You are our new lead. I'm sure you will do an amazing job," he said as Kurt felt his heart sink. Did he come here just to hear he had lost out to Mr. Bigshot over there?

"Now, Mr. Hummel, me and the rest of the directors have decided that we were so impressed with you that we would like you to be an understudy for Mr. Anderson. So, if he is ever ill or unable to do a performance, you will take over. Now, rehearsals will start next week. Any questions?" the man said looking at both Blaine and Kurt.

Kurt got out of the theatre into the bright sunlight and sat down on the stairs. He got his mobile out. Who should he ring first? His dad, Rachel? Blaine walked straight passed him, and was greeted by a man who opened a car door for him, before driving off. Kurt watched as the car drove off, still unsure of what to make of Blaine.