As I finished packing my last suitcase, I looked around my now empty bedroom. I can't believe we're moving! "Jade! Come on sweetie, we're going now!" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" I yelled back.

I went downstairs to see my best friend Amber and my boyfriend Jathan waiting for me. The second I saw Amber, we both started crying. "I'm gonna miss you so much!" I sobbed. "Me too." We let go of each other, and now it was Jathan's turn. "I hope you know much I'm gonna miss you." I said, looking up at him and wiped off my tears. "I'll miss you too, babe." He kissed the top of my head.

Amber looked at her phone. "Hey Jathan, I think we should get going." She looked over at me. "Call me when you get to your house. And after your first day…I wanna hear all about it." "Me too." Jathan added. "I will…and Jathan…" "Yeah?" "Are you sure we can do this whole long-distance relationship thing?" He shrugged. "We'll play it by year. And if it doesn't work out, we can still be friends. Ok?" I nodded and smiled.

After they left, I sat on one my suitcases and looked around me. I can't believe I'm leaving my memories…my friends…my whole life. I grabbed my stuff, took one last look over my shoulder, and walked out the place I spent most of my childhood.

On our way to White Chapel, our new home, I looked out the plane window. I started messing with my necklace that I've had ever since I was a baby. I never take it off. When we were above Canada, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! Wow! I thought. I hope it's that nice when we land!

When we landed, we got in a cab and rode to our new house. As I trying to haul all my stuff from the cab, I trip over my own feet and I drop everything. I hear quick footsteps coming my way. "Are you ok?" a girl, around my age, asks. She helps me up. She had brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." "Yep. No problem. I'm Ariana by the way. Ariana Weir." She held her hand out. I shook it. "Jade Mitchell. My family and I just moved here." "Where from?" "Iowa." "Oh. Well welcome to White Chapel." "Thanks." I grabbed some of my things. "So which house is yours?" Ariana pointed to the house next to mine. "I live right next door." I looked over. "Cool!" "Want me to help?" "That'd be awesome." She grabbed the other half of my stuff.

"So. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" Ariana asked. "Uhhh…nope…just my parents and I. You?" "I live with my older brother and my gramma." "Cool. What's your brother's name?" "Benny." "Is he our age?" "How old are you?" "I'm 14." "Oh, then yeah, he's your age. I'm 13." "Really? You look my age." We walked inside. My eyes went huge. "Wow! This is a lot better than I thought it'd be!" "Yeah! Nice place!"

Mom came out of a room. "Well, hello! Who's your friend Jade?" "Mom, this is Ariana Weir. She lives right next door to us." "Well that's nice!" "Is it ok if Jade comes over to meet my brother and gramma?" she asks. "Sure." I look at Mom. "Are you sure? I need to finish unpacking." "Hon, you can go, I'll put your stuff in your room, 'kay?" "Ok then! I'll see you later!" I said as Ariana and I ran out the door.

Author's Note: I actually wrote this a LONG time ago. If you follow my MBAV blog on tumblr, some of you MAY have read this.