"It's late." Sam says with a happy sigh as Jess continues to nip at his neck.
"What are you suddenly immune to my wiles?" Jess said purring against his neck. They stop in front of their apartment Sam's hands are fumbling with the keys.
"You know I enjoy this. But, you have class at eight a.m. tomorrow. And you'll find a way to turn it into my fault if you stay up all night doing... me." Sam says smiling to himself. Still fumbling with the keys because Jess is doing that thing with her tongue that is just unfair. They both jump a little when they hear movement in their apartment. Sam fills with a panicked calm. He gently pushes Jess behind him and tries the doorknob of their apartment. He is unsurprised to find it unlocked.
"Stay here. Run if I say so." Jess nods, stepping back and holding her breath. Sam creeps quickly and silently into his own apartment. The lights are all out. Which gives him the advantage. He knows where all of his furniture is even in the dark. His eyes sweep the room. It's ingrained in his brain and he spots the intruder. He quickly assess that he has a couple of inches on the man but, unable to tell age or musculature in this light. The man nears the kitchen. Where they have all sorts of makeshift weapons. Sam panics and rushes the man with a well-placed punch to the back of the head. Sam is shocked at how quickly the man recovers and stomps on Sam's foot. Sam backs up instinctively and the man sweeps his legs out from under him. Sam can feel the wind knocked out of him as he lands with a thud. Then man climbs on top of him with his hands dangerously close to a strangling position on his neck.
"That was so easy I almost feel bad for you Sammy." The man smiles. Sam recognizes the shit-eating-grin he can now see with his eyes adjusting to the dark. Sam doesn't wait he head-butts the man and flips him. Sam uses his slightly longer limbs to his advantage as he pins the man.
"Not that easy." Sam smirks as he stands up. "What are you doing here?"
"Trying to find a beer." The man holds out a hand and Sam grabs it using little of his own strength to pull the man up. Sam switches the light on. "Great to see you too Sam. How's things?" The sarcasm laid thick with his gravelly voice.
"Well, what kind of welcome party were you expecting to get breaking into my place?" Sam notices Jess standing precariously in the doorway. Sam motions for her to come inside and she does incredibly fearfully and slowly.
"Wouldnt've had to break in if you would've returned a damn phone call." The man slightly relishes the guilty look on Sam's face.
"Sorry, I changed my number." Sam sighs and leans against his kitchen counter. "Doesn't mean you can just break in."
"Just cause I broke in doesn't mean you can forget your manners." The man says more to the beauty in front of him than Sam. "Hi, Dean Winchester." He extends a hand to the blonde in the Smurfette t-shirt. God do I love the smurfs.
"Dean? As in your brother?" Jess is speaking more to Sam then Dean. When she sees Sam give a tiny nod she turns and takes Dean's hand. "Hi, I'm Jess. I'm Sam's girlfriend. God he talks about you all the time."
"Only good things I hope." Dean's charming smile working overtime.
"What are you doing here Dean?" Sam says with a gentle sigh.
"I've got family business. So if you don't mind..." Dean smiles at Jess.
"Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of her too." Sam's getting agitated.
"It's okay. I have an early class tomorrow anyway. I'll just go get ready for bed." She quietly mouths 'be nice' to Sam. She leaves and the tension is so much more obvious now. Dean goes and sits at the kitchen table like he owns the place. Cause Dean always does that.
"So, any beer?" Dean kicks out another chair at the table for Sam. Sam remains standing.
"We don't keep any in the house." Sam's reply is curt. "So, what's the big important news. Do I need to chip in for his bail? Or is it your bail this time?"
"Aw, haven't you heard Sammy. I've gone straight. Got a job as a mechanic and everything." Sam hides his smile effectively and Dean keeps talking. His voice is softer now. "IT's about Dad."
"What does he want to see me. Cause I have nothing to say to the man." Sam's raising his voice slightly.
"Sam." Dean calls it like it's a warning.
"You know Dean I can't even believe you'd come here for him. You know I don't want to see him. You better not have told him where I live cause I'd really hate to move." Sam's full on yelling now.
"Sam." Dean's yelling too now, but just to grab Sam's attention.
"No, Dean. You are delusional for staying anywhere near the man. Why do you think I changed my number and dropped off the face of the earth the day I turned eighteen-"
"Sam!" Dean pounds his fist into the table. His voice towers over the two of them. "Dad's dead."