A/N: Hey, guys. I know it's been a while, but put your guns and scalpels away. You've got a new chapter. :) This'll be the last one, but I feel pretty good about it. So, erm, yeah.

The metaphorical dust settled around the desks where Frost, Korsak, and Frankie were still siting. It was quite a shock for all three of them how long Jane had lasted, especially considering her distinct lack of experience. It took a while, but eventually Frost snapped out of whatever awed state his mind was in and realized that he had also won, in a way. He punched Frankie in the shoulder, finally pulling the beat cop into awareness from wherever his brain was. "Yo. You owe me twenty bucks, buddy," Frost stated with a little satisfied smirk on his face. "Looks like I have more faith in your sister than you do, and it definitely paid off. Pun intended."

"Yeah, yeah, not so fast, buddy. I'll get it to you when we get to the Robber. I've only got 50's on me right now."

And Frost got an even better idea, albeit an incredibly unrealistic one. "That's okay, I'll take the 50."

The punch to the shoulder was returned, and after seeing that Korsak was back to his old self and not just staring at his clown shoes, the three men headed out in Frost's Crown Victoria to meet Jane and Maura at the Dirty Robber. Upon entering the bar, Frankie went straight to order the drinks for each of them. The two detectives easily found Jane and the Doc in a booth to the far right, again next to the dartboard. The couple was sitting on opposite sides of the booth, so as to not look awkward. Maura spotted the men lumbering over and invited Korsak to sit by her, while Frost scooted in by his partner.

"Hello boys," Maura started.

Jane interrupted with her usual comedic statements. "So nice of you three to join us. Maura here had faith in your brain function, but I thought you would just sit there staring into space until I came in tomorrow and whacked some sense into you with Sister Winnie-the-Poop's ruler. Would have worked too, since we all know how much men love spanking."

Korsak had the grace to blush just a little but kept his smile, Frankie –who had just joined the four of them with a chair on the end of the table –and Frost both mentioned something about it being a little part of 'every guy's fantasy', and Maura scolded her without any real meaning behind it. Secretly, she was amused at Jane's bluntness. Even more secretly, she hoped said bluntness would come in useful regarding the physical aspect of their new relationship.

Banter flowed easily between the five of them for a while. Frost and Jane gave Frankie the sparknotes of the case they had most recently closed; the Livingston/Sakill one. Jane had taken the immature route to humor the entire case and ended up dubbing it "Fairfield 2.0" because of the whole rich-boy-kills-brother business that seemed to be hitting Boston pretty hard these last couple years. Maura threw in some scientific information whenever it was called for, because she wouldn't be Maura without it. Korsak, being his old jolly self, remarked and interrupted constantly with quips about Frost's tech-savvy skills. Frankie absorbed all the information he could in his attempt to gain every bit of knowledge he could before he officially became a detective.

After some time, Frost remembered that there was a beat cop very nearby that owed him some money, and called him out on it. "Hey, Frankie, you gonna give me my twenty bucks or not? And, a little advice, 'not' isn't really an option if you ever want to see the Chogokin action figure on your desk in the future." He was only half-joking.

"You know what, man, I'll see your twenty, and raise you. Double or nothing I beat you at darts, right now."

Frost chuckled as if he owned the world. "You're going to be regretting that when you hand over your forty bucks, man. Let's go."

"Uh, wait, guys, before you go get all testosterone-y and whatever," Jane interrupted, "I've got a feeling you'll want to be here for what I'm about to say." The boys sat down. "Maura here had a little conversation with Senior Criminalist Chang today, and I was notified of a little secret business the two of us haven't been aware of." She motioned between her and Maura. "I hear, from some very reliable sources might I add, that the three of you boys and about half of the morgue staff have put a wager on if and when Maura and I will get together. That is correct, isn't it?"

Korsak just about ran out of the bar before Jane's reflexes grabbed his tie and pulled him back into the booth. The two other gentlemen, if the term even applied, merely smirked. Frost spoke up. "Well, now that you mention it, Frankie doesn't seem like a supportive little brother at all. He doesn't think you'd ever do it. I take it, now that you're asking…"

"Please shut up, Frost," Maura finally opened her mouth. Her girlfriend's mouth opened too, in shock at her choice of wording, and before she got the chance to close it, the blonde took her cheeks in her hands and crushed their lips together for a brief moment. When Maura pulled away, her eyes opened, and not only was Jane in a slight stunned state at the doctor's bluntness, but Korsak's jaw was on the floor as well. The two youngest in the group seemed to be the least affected, but Frankie was again scowling at the dark detective, having seemingly lost yet another bet.

Jane found her voice and picked up on her little brother's mood. "Hey, brother, if you're gonna work in Homicide, you've got to know how to pick 'em. And let me say, 0 for 2 in one day isn't the best starting record I've ever seen," she finished with a little chuckle. The brunette then reached over to the doctor leaning back with a still smug look on her face, and took her hand. "Yeah, we're together. We decided you guys should know first, because you're all okay with it. Right?" It sounded less like a question and more like a statement of confirmation. At everyone's nod, Jane continued. This time she looked to Frankie. "I know you're only semi-bummed about losing right now, Frankie, because you're happy for us. Which is a good thing. Also, no one tells Ma but me and Maura. Alright?" Everyone nodded again. "Good. Now you boys can go play your double-or-nothing darts while Maura and I head home."

As stated, Maura and Jane both excused themselves to their cars. Korsak invited himself into Frost and Frankie's darts game, but only outside the bet. He didn't feel like losing money tonight.

Jane made her way to her car, and Maura to hers. It was silently agreed upon to meet back at Jane's apartment. It didn't need words, but Maura would be staying the night again. It was a good thing she had thought ahead and packed a bag earlier in the morning, just in case.

In Jane's semiconscious state, she could register the feeling of tangled limbs and pressed-together abdomens and intertwined hands. She smiled; it was a sensation she could easily get used to. Jane could feel Maura's steady breath on her shoulder, indicating she was still deep in REM sleep. Jane smiled; Maura had taught her that one. She would be proud, once she finished lecturing Jane on how easy it was to actually learn things from what she said. The brunette cracked one eye open to peek at the neon red numbers on her bedside clock. Of course Maura was asleep; it was four in the morning. Even early-riser Maura wasn't going to be up for, at the very least, another hour and a half. With no hesitation whatsoever, Jane placed a soft kiss on the crown of her girlfriend's head and then lay her head back down and willed herself to return to sleep.

Jane woke once more, this time to the overwhelmingly welcoming scent of hot coffee. And once it dawned on her that she was alone in the bed, she got up and trudged over to the doorway in all her sleepy, bed-headed glory. On her way through the room, she noted the time on the clock again. Ten minutes to seven in the morning. Jane rolled her eyes and smiled. "Only you could make coffee strong enough to wake me up," she said.

Maura looked up at the voice and took a look at 6:50 am Jane. Her hair was ruffled, even more so than usual. One hand was running through the untamed locks, and the other was pulling down the grey tank top that had ridden up slightly during sleep. Maura stepped over and took Jane's hands in her own and placed a kiss on each one, followed by another to Jane's lips. "Good morning, Jane."

"Well, you're certainly not one to mind morning breath, are you? I had you pegged as that kind of person," Jane teased when they broke the kiss. Leave it to Jane to start the morning off with jokes.

"No, I'm not," Maura teased back. She punctuated the statement with another quick peck to Jane's mouth. "But you should go get ready for work. We have a case."

"What? My phone didn't ring…" She stepped back slightly from Maura's embrace and seemed to notice that her girlfriend was already dressed and ready for the work day. "Why didn't they call me?"

"I asked Frost not to. He called me first, half an hour ago, and I was awake. I told him I'd wake you up. And I did," she finished with a cheerful smile. "I told him we'd be there…" she checked her wristwatch, "20 minutes from now. Go get dressed."

Maura spun Jane around and gave her butt a playful swat to get her going. "Your coffee will cool down enough in approximately five minutes." As an afterthought when Jane was already on her way to her bathroom, she called "and do something about that morning breath, too." After hearing Jane's hearty laughter from the bathroom, she bowed her head and chuckled a little to herself. She could definitely get used to waking up to Jane and kissing her good morning.

Jane settled back in the driver's seat with Maura next to her, both on their way back to the precinct and the autopsy to come. The crime scene was gruesome, to say the least. Frost had to stand a good twenty feet away, even with his 'condition' under better control lately. "Ugh, that was beyond nasty. Rape her and then practically behead her. Blood everywhere. Exactly what kind of a motive is there for things like that? There are too many things wrong with the world nowadays…" Jane groused as she put the car into gear and made their way to BPD Headquarters.

Maura, on the other hand, tried once again to portray the humor skills she had recently grown accustomed to. "Boston criminals: giving a whole new meaning to Inappropriate Wednesday." She grinned at Jane, who turned her head and smiled indulgently.

"Maura," she chuckled. "You know I'm very proud of your newfound sense of humor, right?"

Maura nodded, and then shrugged with an almost practiced nonchalance. "It's a coping mechanism. You do it, Frost does it, Korsak does it. There are some terrible things out there, Jane – as we've just witnessed – and eventually we'll all go crazy if we don't bring something up that makes it a little less gruesome. You said it yourself; you would poke your eyes out with scalpels if you didn't make jokes. Although," she continued on, "if only for my own sanity, please don't poke anything out with my scalpels. I don't think I could take it if you disappeared on me this early into our relationship. And besides," Maura turned her head and lowered her voice to something straddling the line between coherent speech and seductive whisper – it was both and neither at the same time. "you've yet to collect your winnings from yesterday."

"There's that humor again," came the nervous chuckle. Jane was obviously no stranger to Maura's flirtations, but now it would be taken in completely different context- a plausible one. "You'd better watch yourself, though, Maur. You keep talking like that and I'll have trouble doing just about anything."

There were absolutely no leads yet; no suspects, no DNA evidence- Maura was still waiting on lab results-, no known family or friends. Hell, all they knew was the girl's name. Granted, it was only the first day of the case, but Jane was tired. She was happy to get to go home tonight after staying a couple hours overtime with the boys and Maura downstairs. Oh. The boys. Maura. The bet she had won. She had almost forgotten, what with all the pseudo-busyness going around today. No matter, she could go about their various 'punishments' now. Korsak's mind had gone off somewhere while his body sat, spaced out and leaning back in his chair, watching the cute kittens on YouTube again. Frost was on the computer, being...well, being Frost.

Jane, being her physically vocal self, caught their attention with a well-aimed paper ball to each head. Frost looked up, a little dazed from the shot. It wasn't like it hurt or anything, but the surprise was always in effect. "Mm, what?"

Korsak, for all of his 'age' and 'clumsiness', nearly toppled backwards out of his chair. "Hey! What do you want, Rizzoli?"

"Calm down, Korsak," Jane tried. "I'm going to head home." At the men's unaffected expressions and subtle glances back towards their respective computers, Jane tried again. "But before I go, there's something you both owe me, isn't there?"

Frost just bowed his head and chuckled lightly to himself. It was bound to come eventually, he thought.

Jane's mentor's expression was one of slight uneasiness at what he anticipated would be something he didn't want. His thoughts, however, betrayed his facial reactions. 'S about time, Rizzoli.

The brunette caught on to her senior's paranoid suspicions. "Don't worry, old man, you can keep your meaty sandwiches," she and Frost laughed. "However, those kitten videos that half the precinct can hear? Yeah, no. You're either getting rid of those, or getting one of those headphones things that at least keep the sound from reaching Manhattan. Capische?"

Obviously men don't pout. And obviously police detectives don't pout. Which is why, even if it looked a whole like a pout, that's not what Korsak did. At least, he would never admit it to anyone but his dogs at home. After all, those videos were damn cute. "Fine. You think the Doc knows how much those headphone things cost?"

"Probably. Ask her tomorrow." She turned her head to Barold, who was leaning back in his chair. "As for you...well, I couldn't really think of anything, so you'll just be doing my paperwork for this case. I'll sign everything necessary when you finish. Oh, and by the way, Frost, those bets you made with my brother?" He leaned back even further in his chair, half out of amusement and half out of apprehension. "Nice work. You'll just have to teach him how bets in Homicide work, if he wants to end up a detective." A smirk was shared, and then Jane turned and grabbed her blazer off the back of her swivel chair. "Ciao, boys. I'll see you tomorrow."

The brunette made her way down to the morgue and to her girlfriend. Maura was in her office, on her laptop, apparently typing up a report of some sort. She was concentrated completely on the screen in front of her, and therefore didn't hear Jane nor see her come in. It was only when one hand pushed the laptop screen down did the doctor pick her head up. "Jane," she smiled. "It's been a while. All day, actually. I missed you."

Maura stood and walked around her desk, coming to a pause inches from Jane. Jane took her in her arms and spun her- just a little. Nevertheless, the unexpectedness of the gesture took effect on Maura. She gasped, then chuckled when she was put down. "Jane! What was that for?"

"I missed you too." Jane punctuated her statement with a kiss. One more. Two more. Three turned into four, and then into far more than that. Lips parted for air, lungs trying to fill, but by then, Jane couldn't really take it any longer. She and Maura hadn't been actually together for a long while, but in a sense, they had been courting one another for months, maybe even a couple years. Needless to say, Jane needed Maura. And right now, even more so.

"Would you like to know what your losing the bet entails, Maur?" Jane whispered against swollen lips. There was an almost imperceptible nod, and then Jane continued on. "You had me hooked with that line of yours in the morning. Now I've come to collect. And I can't really wait any longer for you. So next time we play Never Have I Ever, you can't say you've never had sex in an office."

So, like I said, this is the last one. I didn't want to change the rating. Fear not, though. There may be an M sequel one-shot, because I know you all want it.

Thanks so much for reading. Review. ;)