Fabian's POV

"Where are those kids?" I asked myself looking around to see any sign of them. You see it's really quiet living next to the sea since I lived alone, sometimes I thought of moving to a house near in town but I just can' It leave all the memories behind. This is the only way I got to be with her. Just then cheers and screams erupted from the kids, running towards me in excitement. " Hey Fabian!" the kids say in unison."So, what story are you going to tell us today?" Danny said while sitting down on the blanket I laid out for when the kids would come for story time "Yeah Fabian" Alexis asked sitting next to Danny. After all the kids settled down, I thought long and hard and realize what to tell them "Today, I'm going to tell you about two people madly in love that will do anything for each other but somehow fate doesn't agree with them so the only thing that bonds them is a promise….

Several years ago…

Nina POV (Nina is 7 years old while Fabian is 9 years old)

"Daddy! Jerome! You're home" I said while running towards our family truck. You see, we're not really rich. Daddy works as a farmer at the cornfields that Mr. Anderson owns, he said that he's doing this to repay him for helping Mom's pregnancy. Everyday, daddy and Jerome would go there to harvest corns.

"Hey sweetie" Daddy said while putting me in his shoulder and kissing my forehead. When daddy put me down, I ran towards Jerome to give him hug. When I hugged him, he just stood there like he doesn't know me and then he pushed me away and said "I going to get a drink". He was always like that but daddy told me to ignore his actions so I did.

"I have a present for you" daddy said looking down at me while pulling me closer to him.

"Where is it?" I asked looking behind him.

"It's at the back of the truck" he said pointing to the truck behind him. I quickly ran up to the back, hoping that he finally bought me that dollhouse I like. When I opened the back I was surprise to find a boy in the corner sleeping. So like any other girls would do I screamed

"AAAHHHHHHH!" I screamed so loud that the whole town heard me. I saw the boy panic and start to run away but to his luck, Jerome came out and started beating him up. I felt bad for the boy so I begged Jerome to stop but he just pushed me away; good thing daddy came out.

"What's going on here?" he asked running towards us while mom was trailing behind him.

"There's a pest that got in with the crops" he said holding the boy up like it's some kind of prize.

Daddy came over and pulled the poor boy from Jerome's grasp and ask him "What's your name,son?".

"Fabian" was all he replied

"Where's your parents?" daddy asked

"I'm an orphan" he said looking scared.

"You can live here if you want" daddy offered. He didn't reply instead he just looked down.

"I'll take that as a yes" daddy said smiling "Now come inside, you'll get cold" daddy laid his hands out which Fabian took.

Jerome groaned at this and stomped back to the house.

2 years after

"You should be getting ready for bed" I said while fixing my pillow and Fabian's

"I know but I really wanna read this book" he said showing me his book

"You could always read it tomorrow" I said giving him a 'duh' face.

"But I wanna read this now" he said pouting at me.

"You're not gonna stop?" I said with a light smirk

"Why…?" he said and then read me like a book "Oh no" he said backing away.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" I declared as I throw a pillow at him. He just crossed his arms to prevent him from being hit by a pillow.
"Oh you're gonna get it,Nina" he said throwing me a pillow while I squealed and ran around the room.

Just when he was about to toss the pillow, Jerome entered the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" he yelled, outraged as always.

"Who started this?" he yelled even louder. We both looked at each other when..

"I did" Fabian said covering for me knowing what Jerome is capable of. He always did this, he would always cover for me everytime I started something and as a result, he always got beaten up.

"You again! I have had enough of you!Come here" he said as he grabbed Fabian and dragged him out of our room.

"Stop it, Jerome! You're hurting him" I begged.

"He deserved it!" he screamed while dragging Fabian more "And you stay out of this!" He said pushing me, I already got used to this but Fabian didn't like it one bit.

"Don't you dare hurt Nina" he said while trying to fight back

"And now you're telling me what to do" by this time, Jerome put him to a stop and beat him up in the living room. I couldn't do anything but yell for Jerome to stop.

"What on earth are you doing?" daddy said breaking Jerome away from beating Fabian up

"He asked for it!" Jerome said yelling back

"You shouldn't have done that!" daddy yelled obviously mad

"And now you're siding with that, that-" Jerome tried to think of something to call Fabian but daddy cut him off.

"With that what?" daddy yelled screaming into his face. Jerome just backed away and said slowly

"Fine, either you make that good for nothing free loader leaves or I leave?" he asked threatening daddy. Daddy didn't answer.

"I knew it" Jerome said walking out of the house. Me and mom were trying to force him not to leave but his decision was made, but before he left he said "Mark my words, I'll be back" and with that, he left.

Two hours later

"Ouch!" he yelped. I finally gave up putting alcohol on his busted lip.

"You shouldn't have stood up for me like that" I said looking at him with pitiful eyes.

"I can't let you get hurt" he said while touching his bruise.

"But look at y-" I said but got cut off

"Look Nina, It's okay if I got hurt. I 'd rather be in pain than see you in pain" he said looking straight into my eyes. I just gave him a smile and said

"But I still can't believe he'd leave. I mean, I know his mean but he is my brother. Now no one will be there to look out for me" I said looking at my lap.

"That's not true" he said touching my hands and saying "I'm still here, I'll never leave you and I will look out for you" he said giving me a smile.

"Promise?" I said placing my pinky up.

"Promise" he said pinky swearing. I then laid my head on his shoulder as we watched the stars.