Hi there, its me, the one and only Amberella Lauren Millington. I've been through a lot in life but I've always wondered- Life...What is life? is it the process of breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide? is it when you go to a party, get shit faced and have sex and possibly ruin your life and some guy or gal's too? I honestly have no answer to the question I just posted but I do know how to appriciate it and the people in it alot more. Most people call me wise for my age(well, those who have seen my report card), I'm not wise, I just have a way with words I guess, hey maybe I could be an author and maybe I could write a bestseller.

Anyway, DO live like there's no tomorrow, 'cause you might find your party ends tonight.

DON'T act like a complete fucktard, I said live it like there's no tomorrow, not be a liability to your friends and family and/nation, I mean look at Julius Malema, he tried to make a name for himself, tried to make buck, did illegal things and now he doesn't have a penny to his name...FUCKTARD ALERT

DO kiss like you'll never kiss again

DON'T be a hoe. male or female, you're a hoe if you've dated more than two people at once, or even worse, played best make that mistake...EVER

DO sing your lungs out, we all can't be Beyonce's or Mariah's...belt out that note if you're feeling it. Who is perfect enough to judge you and get away with it? NO-ONE!

DON'T enter a singing contest and tell people I said you can sing, I will refer them to this sentence, just letting you know

DON'T allow anyone or anything to dull your sparkle, you're a diamond to GOD and Jesus, they see you as the brightest star in the sky...day or night

DO have DMCs(Deep Meaningful Conversations) with your mom or dad, brother or sister, best friend or pet. just aslong as it is all out

DON'T keep things bottled your mind and you'll be heard

DON'T act like a complete bitch and be fake to people and expect people to stay true to you while you're so fake Barbie takes lessons from you

DO be yourself...change for who? change for what?

DO laugh like you've lost your mind, if its funny, its funny, plain and simple

DO love like its your first love

DON'T be a doormat for anyone, you're not a tissue to be used and thrown away

DO cherish your friends and family and that special like them come once in a lifetime...love them like you love yourself

DON'T neglect yourself, yes family, friends and lovers are important but don't forget about yoursefl, you're special

DO party, life isn't about who comes out squeeky clean, is about who can lay down with the dogs when nessesary and doesn't mind getting dirty. I mean, none of us a clean, atleast I know I'm not;)

and most importantly, I cannot stress this enough. LOVE, BE LOVED AND STAY LOVED!

Love Amber

AN: Just something I thought of one random night. review please