They flew down one might say like angels but at the moment Robin would have called them predatorily birds.
Plan B it was. Superboy swung him around and released him so he landed feet first into Batman. This was honestly a terrifying fight for both of them; having to face their mentors in a critical fight. The two men they had looked up to and who mentored them were trying to kill them.
Robin and Batman crashed into the wall and Batman was suppose to fall face first into the ground but mid fall Batman twisted around and tried to reach for Robin, who in his slightly panicked state flipped them both and flung Batman to the other end of the room, floors below, before slamming to the ground.
Superboy, meanwhile, tackled Superman into the wall next to Robin. "You sure about this?"
"Just do it!" The clone growled.
Robin whipped out the kryptonite and both supers began to weaken. Robin took that chance and stuck the cure on to Superman's neck before closing the lid. Superman was struggling to stand back up when two small bombs stuck to the ground and exploded, knocking Robin away and breaking the kryptonite's casing. Superboy collapsed on the ground, feeling all the energy drain out of him. He felt so weak, yet he attempted to stand up, Robin was in danger. Batman was attacking him.
Robin landed on his feet, well almost. It was shaky and he mislanded on his ankle, which explained the shooting pain. He leapt back up and jumped a few feet away before Batman could get a hold of him and tried his best to defend himself but that explosion had hurt him and he landed on his bad ankle. Robin let out a hiss and tried to tumble away but his ankle was worse than he imagine, normally he could work through it but it felt broken. Robin glanced down at his ankle and scowled. Ya, broken would explain the little bit of bone sticking out of his flesh.
Batman took advantage of his weakness and in less than a dozen moves Batman was holding Robin in a deadly grip, putting pressure on his broken ankle. Honestly, it felt like Batman had found a way to extract every ounce of pain and cutting off Robin's breathing at the same time. It was Batman, so it was possible…
Everything was getting hazy though and the pain was fading…that was the good thing, if you would count that. He could hear the rest of the team screaming and Conner was yelling the loudest. Someone must have taken the kryptonite away from him.
He had been in life threatening situations before…he knew he was dying.
Batman was torn off of Robin, but…it was too late. Robin was dead.
HoKay so...
I'm so sorry if its kinda bad I just wanted to get it posted for all of you *sob* don't hate me for my awful grammar and spelling!
I'm either going to leave Robin dead and the next chapter will be Batman realizing what he's done
or...the next chapter will be them trying to bring Robin back to life
they will be short chapters but I will update every other day but first I need to know if I should leave Robin dead or even attempt to bring him back (not saying if I'll have him live or not but reviews will help me)
I need reviews to know-well not need-well sort of-they would be nice
ION (I Own Nothing)
R E V I E W . E V E N . I F . A N O N Y M O U S !
PS thanks for reading~