To every story there is another story within. Every character in every story has a different view of the happenings of the entire tale. Although many stories are never told, mine will be. I am the sister of the champion of the Labyrinth. I'm sure you've heard of the infamous Sarah Williams, no? I thought so. She is my elder sister.

Before you ask and wonder as to anything I may know of my sister's adventure, I must inform you of the lack of extraordinary knowledge of her travels – in other words, I only know as much as the next person. Sarah is my half sister, and no, she didn't like me any more than she did Toby.

Lucky for me, I wasn't as much a screamer as he was. I was never wished away, in fact, I rarely saw my sister. I lived with our mother and my father while she lived with her dad and her step-mother. We only got to see each other when she came over (Our mother wouldn't let me visit them because she hated Sarah's dad). My life was always rather bland because mother and father were almost always shooting a movie, you see, both of my parents are actors, and they're always busy. I was raised by numerous Nannies and our Butler, Howard.

My father's name is Abner Morgan, but when mother isn't around, he demands that I call him 'Sir' or 'Master.' I don't like him; most people don't actually. He is egotistical, snobbish, and extremely vain – although he has nothing to be vain of. In my opinion, he's actually a rather ugly man. He has short, dark hair that glistens with sweat and grease. His nose looks as if it used to be straight, but, somehow, it got slammed into his face so hard that the tip points down and isn't much thinner than the bridge of his nose. His lips are generally large for a man and it looks very unattractive. Sometimes, I wonder if mother is a gold digger or unbelievably in love.

Mother and Sarah almost look like twins; they have long dark brown hair, slightly tanned skin, bright green eyes and are fairly tall. I don't know what happened to me. The only thing I must have gotten from mother was my nicely curved body. Sarah got that a little bit but I got the full affects of that gene. Mother must be ashamed of the way I look because she always tries to get me to dye my hair, wear colored contact lenses, and get a tan.

Mother and Father used to take me to the doctors because of how I looked. I was a freak of nature. I was almost like an albino but not quite. I've always had white hair and irises. I also have fair skin with a slight pink tint in my cheeks as if I'm eternally blushing lightly. I don't look like anyone in my immediate family but mother says that her mother's cousins had white irises and father's sister had extremely blonde hair (although it isn't white).

Mother hardly ever looks at me because of it and father hates me for it. I am an outcast in the place that is supposed to be my home. School was never too difficult for me. I didn't have friends, enemies, lab partners, or anyone who even seemed to notice me. I never went to parties, dances, field trips, or other friendly gatherings. I went to school, sat through the lessons, took notes, did my work, went home, did my homework, and did it again the next day.

I never had anyone to talk to; nannies gossip, mother and father hated me, my sister was never around, I had no friends, and Howard was always busy doing whatever it is that butlers actually do. I didn't have anyone to tell about my problems or dreams; I didn't have anyone to tell my story to – not until people stopped to listen; not until now.