AN: To my faithful readers, don't worry. I have not forgotten about This Caped Cabaret! In fact I've almost finished chapter 6. The lovely and fantastic LadyStormCrow read over it for me and pointed out a few things that I still need to fix. In the meantime I hope you enjoy this little ficlet.
In one of my other fandoms I have occasionally seen conversation fics. Where the entire fic is made completely out of dialogue (usually between two characters but I've seen it with three). It's fun but deceptively tough. So I hope you enjoy. =]
Disclaimer: If I owned Megamind, Dreamworks wouldn't be pretending that it never existed.
"I can't believe this! I just can't believe this!"
"Would you like me to pinch you, Miss Ritchi?"
"No Minion. I would rather get out of here, thank you."
"Yeah, well good luck with that. I think these walls are three inch steel."
"How do you know? I can't even see the end of my nose in here. It's pitch black!"
"Hear that clank when I tap it? That's how I know."
"So… How are we going to get out of here?"
"I have no idea."
"Does your suit have anything that we can use?"
"No. Or well… Normally I could use some of the soldering and metalworking equipment in my arms. But after that blast, I'm lucky that I can move let alone breathe…. Yeash! Just a little more to the left and he might have taken out my filters back there."
"Ms. Ritchi?"
"I'm sorry, Minion."
"I'm sorry I got us in this mess. If I hadn't been smart with that nut job we never would be in this mess…. You wouldn't have been shot. I'm so sorry!"
"Hey! No! Ms. Ritchie, you don't have anything to apologize for."
"But… If I hadn't-"
"No butts! Your attitude is what Sir and I have always admired and really it's best not to give people like DementoMan what he wants. You were right to be sarcastic."
"… Thanks Minion."
"Are you smiling? It's a little hard to tell in the dark."
"A bit. Now, let's see, if we can't cut through the walls maybe we can…"
"Ms. Ritchi, what are you doing?"
"I'm looking for a seem, a crack, or something we can use! As insane as DementoMan is, he has to be giving us air somehow."
"Here. Let me help."
"Oh! Sorry was that you?"
"Yeah. Ow! That's my foot."
"Oh! Ohmygosh! Are you ok, Ms. Ritchi? I'm so sorry! Can I-?"
"No, no. That's alright."
"Oh! Sorry! What'd I hit?"
"My tank, but I'm ok. You just startled me."
"Ok… Sooo, the 'don't tap the glass' rule applies to you too?"
"Very much so."
"It's ok."
"Do you hear that?"
"It's kind of hard to miss."
"Why do you sound so relieved, Minion. It sounds like a war zone out there!"
"Ms. Ritchi, just to review, the most unhinged and possibly psychotic villain in the city has taken you and me – the two people Sir cares for the most – in a metal dome with a questionable amount of air supply. Throw in whatever ray gun he was monologuing about, in very unprofessional manner by the way, and what do you think Sir is going to do?"
"Hmm. Well, when you put it that way."
"I imagine that right now he has every brainbot in the arsenal pouring down on that amateur. Not to mention the ray guys he's probably dusted off."
"You have ray guns in storage, but wouldn't that be… bad? Considering how his old battles with Metro Man went…?"
"There are things we never used. They were too dangerous, even for Sir."
"Wow….. You know I almost feel sorry for DementoMan. Almost."
"Roxanne! Minion!"
"Why hello, Sir. I assume the battle went well."
"Hey Megs."
AN: Hope you enjoyed it. =D