an. Hello FanFiction! You have no idea how much I have missed you. :) Here's a story that has been brewing in my mind for sometime now, CM Punk and AJ Lee and going to be the lead couple. Mentions of other superstars as well, we'll get to those when we get to those. This is an AU story, so be open-minded, please. Alright, enough blabbering! Here's to chapter one. :)
Let's Get Outta Here
"I don't know dad, spending the entire summer at the beach house alone? It won't help me get through this any easier."
"Then take Kaitlyn with you." Michael Lee pleaded with his only daughter, "Kelly, Nattie, Eve, the list can really go on and on. It's the last summer before your first year of college, and I don't want you locked up in your room thinking about Daniel for all of it."
The eighteen-year-old knew that her father was right, this summer was supposed to be the greatest of all time. Beach parties, shopping, road trips, sleep overs; whatever her friends thought of, she was sure they would do. All of those plans changed for her when her boyfriend of three years broke up with her.
The move came as a shock to everyone, especially her. Granted, she never really thought that they had what it took to last "forever". They had both been accepted to colleges on opposite sides of the country, so she knew that they would end soon. She just thought that they'd get to spend the summer as a couple at least.
His phone call the night after graduation ruined all of those thoughts. He didn't even have the guts to do it face to face. His halfhearted, "You'll find someone else soon..." didn't help console her in the slightest. She had loved him – part of her still did. For three years her entire world revolved around him. Some of her friends would argue that they spent far too much time together, but that never stopped them.
Now that everything she knew was gone, she didn't know what to do with herself. Friends had failed many times in their attempts to get her to go out. Without someone to hold onto, that scene just didn't fit her anymore. Even her best friend Kaitlyn couldn't drag the poor girl out of her room. Hell, she barely showed up for her own graduation party.
The summer looked like it was going to drag on and on, with just food and video games to keep her company. She was grateful that her dad saw that she was in so much pain, asking your teenage daughter to stay at a beach house five hours away? Not a risk that any parent should take, ever.
But she might just have to take him up on his offer.
"Well, if the girls are free for the summer then I'll go. But if not? Look forward to a summer full of chick flicks and tears."
"Duh, we'll go! Party time!"
AJ had to hold her cell phone away from her ear as her four friends screamed into their own phones. The quintet had been on the phone for the past thirty minutes, when she heard all of them complain about the possibility of going on family vacations; she took the initiative to ask her million dollar question. Kelly said that they could take the trip in her new Range Rover, as long as everyone pitched in when it came to gas. Since they would probably have their parents credit cards, they made the promise to do just that.
They hung up with each other so that they could go convince their parents to let them go. Since they were all the only girls in their families, they were sure that their parents would allow them to do so.
The day finally came for Kelly, Natalya, Eve, Kaitlyn and AJ to head to their home for the next two months.
Kelly packed enough for a five month stay. Make-up bags, hair accessories, designer shoes, bikinis, cut-off jeans, halter tops; every sort of clothing in the world filled up six suitcases. Natalya, she packed about half as much. Her family had traveled a lot her entire life, so she knew how to pack. She did have plans to buy many new things at little shops. She was a sucker for a good thrift store.
Eve came well equipped with all of her workout gear. Fitness was like breathing to the Latina, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she would wake them at unholy hours when she made her high protein breakfasts. Kaitlyn seemed to pack more video games than actual clothing, or any other necessities. AJ knew she had picked this girl to be her best friend for a reason.
AJ packed what she felt was enough clothes to get her through the summer. What caused her to pack three more suitcases, was her inability to decide which comic books she would take. Her entire collection made the cut.
Once everyone's bags were placed neatly in the back, everyone piled into their friends vehicle. Pop music filled the girls ears as they pulled away from her house, Kelly lived a couple houses down from Daniel. She'd been trying to prepare herself for the possibility of seeing him outside or something. Although, weeks of preparation couldn't have readied her for what she saw though.
He had another girl pressed up against his car. The two were locked in a kiss, until they heard the sound of the car coming towards them. Thank God for tinted windows. They all recognized the girl he was with, Brie Bella, a girl who they had all thought of as a great friend to them. How could she do that? Was she the reason that Daniel left? Had he been cheating on her? What did Brie have that she didn't? Oh how she wished that she could get answers.
"Hey hey AJ. You know what they say, never trust a guy in a Hybrid."
"Nobody says that, Kaitlyn."
"Yeah, well they should! Because it's true."
"Really though, AJ," the driver said, "You deserve better and this summer, I'm sure you'll get it. Promise."
She couldn't help but smile at her friends, they always seemed to know what to say. Her heart would still ache for him, though. That she was absolutely sure of. Especially after was she just witnessed.
Feeling a warm hand come over one of her own, she turned and saw the beautiful face of Eve Torres, "It's all gonna be okay.." she mouthed. AJ smiled and nodded in agreement, before placing her head on Eve's shoulder.
Her mind kept telling her that everything was going to be fine. All she had to do was leave her problems here at home, and enjoy her last summer with all of her friends. She just hoped that her heart would get the message soon.
an. Chapter one was so fun to write! Can't wait to get to chapter two! We'll dig into the mind of Mr. CM Punk with that one. ;)
For those new to me, the name's Cristi and it's a pleasure to meet you. :)