Hey All, thanks for adding me to your watchlist…sooo flattering! Sorry for the delay in posting, I hope to be able to be a bit more on schedule in the future. I really wanted to draw out my story, but I couldn't wait so here goes. Fair warning on the sex scene.

Hermione fell into her old routine, albeit with new friends at the breakfast table. Dean was filling the comedic hole left by the Weasley twins and Neville's new found confidence was really showing. He engaged in more conversations and Hermione found that despite his past disasters in class and shoddy memory, he really was quite smart. She and Ginny chatted about the summer and was surprised to notice Ginny glancing at Dean more than usual. She made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Hermione noticed most of her classes were not divided into two houses, that the majority of the advanced classes were a mix of all four. She shared History of magic with mostly Ravenclaws, but Michael and Dean were in it too. Ancient runes seemed to be her smallest class and filled with only Ravenclaws, but she expected that. No sane person took Ancient Runes unless they had to, but shockingly Malfoy and Blaise were in the class sitting in the back. After History of Magic and Ancient Runes she had a small break and arrived at potions early. She began to map out a schedule for the week including the prefect meeting tonight. Soon Ginny and several other Gryffindors began to trickle in, along with the Slytherins…great. Professor Slughorn entered with his large smile to welcome the class.

"Hello Everyone! I trust we are all excited to be back at Hogwarts anxious to move forward from the events of last year and there is no better way to do that, than to dive into our class work straight away!" The class groaned. "On the board you will find instructions for Blisso. It is a cousin of both the Calming Draught and the Elixir to induce Euphoria. It is used more often in the healing field as the results are milder and less likely to be overdone than in the other two, however it is much trickier to brew. When brewed correctly it will have a pearly yellow sheen and smell of blueberries. However, before we begin, due to the different assortment of students both by ability and class, we will have assigned partners. The headmistress and I feel it is an unavoidable necessity due to the danger involved in some of the advanced potions. It will be safer to have those of matched abilities partnered, so I can focus on those with greater need. Partnering will go off of your average potions grades during your tenure as a student. I know many of you will not be excited to separate from your friends this year, but remember, no matter what career path you take after graduation from being a shopkeeper to Minister of Magic, part of being an adult is learning to work with people not of your choosing and your success will depend on how well you adapt."

Hermione groaned inwardly, she knew exactly where this was going.

"Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Zabini and Mr. Thomas, Mr. Goyle and Ms. Bulstrode, Ms. Weasley and Ms. Parkinson.." and the professor went on until all students were partnered up.

Astonishment was palpable around the room. No one knew whether to be outraged or laugh like crazy. Pansy was shooting daggers at Ginny and Ginny looked like she was about to burst into flames. Goyle and Millicent looked positively giddy at being paired up and Hermione was doing her level best to appear unruffled, though she was terribly nervous about her grade. Draco began to make his way toward her desk and Ginny made a meal of huffing and puffing as she put her books in her bag and left to sit with Pansy.

"Malfoy", Hermione said curtly.

"Granger", he responded in kind.

"I'll go gather the potion ingredients, if you want to start setting up the cauldron?"


Hermione busied herself at the cabinet not believing her luck. Of all the people to be stuck with, she knew his grades were good because Snape was head of Slytherin and always showed favoritism. Hopefully he wouldn't drag her down. She would have to speak with Slughorn about it if her grades began to slip.

Ginny was at the cabinet, "I don't know how I will make it without hexing that skank. Do me a favor and tell me you will go easy on me as Head Girl when I get my punishment", Ginny said with a smile.

"Well, I would never condone hexing and you should do your best to get along with her, but make sure if you do hex her, it is unforgettable", said Hermione conspiratorially.

Draco was setting up the fire and cauldron. Merlin, was it impossible for him to get away from her? He knew deep inside it was a good match, after she was the best at potions next to himself and she would definitely get her work done, his too if it meant their grade. Also, she had shown a willingness to be polite in situations of forced partnership. He decided to attempt to be tolerable, though he knew he would have to throw a jab at her here and there, it was just his personality.

She returned with the ingredients. "Would you like to prep the ingredients or start on the potion?" She asked.

"I'll prepare the ingredients"

She added the liquid potion base and let it start to simmer.

"Malfoy, the instructions say to crush the hemlock not tear it."

"Granger, though I realize you know everything, forgive me if I don't need a lesson from you. My potions knowledge far outweighs yours on a practical level. You tear the hemlock prior to crushing and it becomes a finer powder than if you do otherwise. Also, a heads up, I plan on wringing out the pickled blast root before putting it in the cauldron because if you don't, the potion gets watered down and less effective. It would be best for you to tend to the cauldron, and you need to watch the heat it is getting to high and I won't tolerate a less than perfect grade."

Hermione stared dumbfounded. She had just been schooled by Malfoy. Maybe she was wrong about the favoritism. She watched as he crushed the Hemlock and it did, indeed, become baby fine. She sprinkled it in the cauldron and the potion turned so shimmeringly white it was as if it held liquid pearls. Properly humbled, she continued her part in the mixing and mostly observed Malfoy's actions. She even took his advice on the mixing and by the end of class, the potion was "perfect" Slughorn said with absolute glee.

Once she put it in a bottle and stoppered it, it looked like pure sunshine.

Malfoy couldn't help but smirk. His confidence was at an all time high, he had recognized Granger's weakness. Granger's knowledge may be unequaled in every subject, but she had no finesse. Her rigid adherence to rules, lessons, and textbooks had made her weak when it came to thinking outside the box. You can't be an innovator if you merely rehash prior knowledge and discovery. They had agreed to split the essay about Blisso and combine them the next day before class.

As he exited the class, he could still smell her shampoo and it made him think of sunny days. He was broken out of his reverie and self satisfaction by Pansy.

"What are you smiling about? You and the mudblood seemed quiet. This arrangement isn't going to work in potions. The Weasel and I barely completed a potion, between the two of us arguing I don't know how we are going to get anything done. Not like I care, we will be done with school soon and I won't have to do any of this again. We will be married and I will throw balls in the Manor and go shopping and we will never have to surround ourselves with this trash ever again. Why don't you come back to the common room and I will give you something to really smile about" Pansy leered.

"Yeah, sounds great" was his only reply. The thought of marrying Pansy was too much right now, but he supposed a quick shag would take his mind off it.


At lunch Hermione noticed Malfoy looking bored at the Slytherin table. He glanced up and met her eyes and quickly she looked down.

"Hemione?" said Ginny looking concerned.

"Huh, what?"

"Nothing I was just wondering how badly your potions experience was. Mine was intolerable. Pansy kept slipping little hushed insults the whole time about Harry and blood traitors, you know the drill. I swear I am going to slap that bitch across the face the next time she pushes me."

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, Malfoy is really good at potions. I won't have to worry about my grade at all as long as he does his homework. We worked together OK, in fact we didn't say anything to each other that wasn't related to class. I let him have it pretty good last night because I was trying to call a truce for instances we have to work together, but he was a complete dick and I exploded. Who knows, maybe it worked?"

Malfoy was intrigued to catch Hermione's eyes. She was staring. She had grown up a lot. Her hair was longer and straighter and the honey colored highlights brought a new dimension to her face. It almost made her seem more relaxed. Though he couldn't tell from her robes, he noticed this morning that her legs were long and tanned despite her short height and the towel was straining around her breasts. He was beginning to get a tightness in his slacks, a slight ache. What the hell? Was he really picturing Granger?

"Draco" Blaise said.

"What?" He was jolted out of his reverie.

"I was asking who was going to be quidditch captain this year, are you playing?"

"Oh, I think that is something we are supposed to discuss tonight in the meeting with McGonagall. But, it will probably be Nott since I got Head Boy"

As they left lunch, Draco had a break period between classes, he was only taking 7, so he went back to the Head common room. Pansy tried to catch up, "Where you going Drakey, aren't you going to walk me to class?"

"No, I have to grab something from my room"

"Can't it wait? What's gotten into you, you are acting like you don't want me around? She said with mock sadness, "Is there someone else?" She stated with fury.

"Dammit Pans, no, can you just leave me alone for 5 seconds" he shouted and stomped away.

"Fine, but don't jerk me around Draco, we are together and that is the way it is." She said angrily and stormed off.

It was like ridding himself of a tumor, why couldn't she just back off? He couldn't understand what was happening. Had she always been this annoying? Ever since the train ride his stomach turned when he saw her approaching. Yet, he had needs and that part of him kept her around. She was just too easy. She was up for a quick shag or a blow anytime he needed one and allowed herself to be thrown aside directly after. What a loser. All she cared about was being mistress of Malfoy Manor. She was still living in the past, who could she even think would come to a stupid party thrown by him? Was she that naïve and sheltered to think the world respected the Malfoy name? What an idiot, it just made him mad all over again. He got to the common room and sat on the couch. In the midst of him pondering the state of his life, he found himself thinking about the way Granger looked at him in potions. Though he was trying his best to be a condescending shit, there was a look of awe on her face when she saw how good he was. He couldn't believe how good that made him feel. He almost felt proud. The fact he was better at something than Granger and better to the point she listened and watched him to learn something, it was eye opening.


Later that night at the prefect meeting, McGonagall was going over schedules. He and Granger nodded at each other, but didn't speak much as the headmistress laid out plans for the year. They were to patrol the corridors as planned, one patrol per night for 3 hours, Head Boy and Girl together and everyone else could pick their partners, but they had to be boy girl. Ginny ended up with Dean and neither looked upset about it Hermione noticed. They discussed the appropriate chain of command for handing out punishments and what punishments were appropriate for what offenses. Everyone seemed excited to get started. Quidditch practice would start October first and tryouts would be the weekend prior.

That evening, Hermione and Draco were to have the first patrol.

"Hey Malfoy, I am going to study for a bit, I'll meet you downstairs at five until nine if that's ok?

"Sure" he said and he went to his room as well.

Hermione changed clothes and began to do her Ancient Runes. She supposed her outburst the night before must have made a difference because Malfoy seemed subdued and cooperative. Despite herself, she was really impressed with him in potions. He was better at it than she was. He was so intense about the subject it was fascinating to watch him, especially without his trademark sneer. He had matured in the last few years, his face had lost some of its boyish elements. She felt a quick squirm in her stomach as she remembered what happened this morning. Hermione wasn't sure what was going on. All through school she really only thought of Ron. She was interested in Victor for a time, they had some chemistry, but she had always had Ron in the back of her mind. He was her friend, she felt love for him, she was attracted to his bashful smile and his bumbling idiocy, but this was different. Ron eventually had gotten on her nerves. He could be cruel and incredibly obtuse, but he could also be so needy and almost never made any decisions on his own. She was tired of making all the effort and it was easy to grow apart once he began to be so miserable after the war. As much as it pained her to admit, she was attracted to Draco. So what? You would have to be blind not to. He was gorgeous. His body still made her blush even in the privacy of her own room. She could think about whatever she wanted in her own mind. So what if he thought she was garbage? After a few moments she got herself back on track and threw herself into Runes. She didn't think of anything else until it was time to go downstairs.

Draco was reading on the couch when she came down. He was surprised to see her without her robes. She was wearing slim fitting jeans and a v-necked shirt. He couldn't believe it. Her body was incredible. He was glad he had his robes on because his pants were getting tight.

"Should we go then?" said Hermione decidedly.

"Yeah, let's get this over with"

He let her exit the portrait hole first, mainly so he could see if her backside looked as good as the front. It did.

"So you didn't think it necessary to wear your robes?" said Draco casually.

"No, it's hot in the Astronomy tower and I didn't really think anyone would notice" she said with a backward glance.

Now he was pissed he mentioned it, now she would think he noticed.

"Well, I just figured you would carry yourself with a little more professionalism"

"Says the guy who is more than happy to sit in class snogging his girlfriend in public."

"Jealous Granger?" he said with a smirk.

"You wish, Pansy is so easy, I am sure I could snog her if I wanted to."

He thought about it for a moment and despite the fact Pansy hated the mudblood, Granger was probably not too far from the truth. Draco cheated on Pansy whenever he felt like it, which was generally whenever a better offer presented itself, but he had no illusions about the fact that she would jump on whatever semi attractive guy was around, if for no other reason than cementing a back up plan in case Draco fell through. "Yeah probably" he said and added quietly, "that would be something I would pay to see".

They wound their way through the corridors only encountering Peeves and finishing in silence. By the time they made it back to the common room Hermione was exhausted, "All right Draco, I will see you in the morning." She didn't even notice she used his first name, but he did.

That night as he was laying in bed, he couldn't get the images of her out of his head. The smooth way her legs filled out her jeans, she was slim, but the taught lines of muscle showed through the fabric. Once or twice he caught the top round of her breasts when her shirt shifted down as she glanced around the classrooms. They were larger than he thought and he imagined how it would feel to knead them in his fingers. Pretty soon he was hard and aching, grabbing himself he began to slowly stroke himself to sleep with thoughts of her mouth on his.


The next morning, Draco woke up feeling better than he had in a long time. He got in the shower and felt like getting down to breakfast early. It looked sunny outside and he thought about hitting the quidditch pitch to do a little flying since the weather was so nice. He heard Hermione moving around as he shut his door and began to get dressed. A few moments later at the Slytherin table he sat next to Blaise and Goyle. Over the last few weeks Draco had gotten in a rhythm. He and Goyle and Blaise pretty much hung out together in class and at meals. Classes weren't terrible, he was glad to able to be friendly with Blaise and Goyle. Nott was still being distant and somewhat of an ass, but Draco chalked that up to his father being gone and jealousy. Draco was ready to move on. He found his mood getting better as he concentrated more on school and being friendly with those who he used to lord over. In the past he assumed control of "his" group of Slytherins. Now that no one seemed to fear him like they used to, he felt it necessary to approach them as friends in order to get along. Though it was strange, he found he liked it better than when everyone just did what he said. He could tell Blaise and Goyle actually meant the things they said and there wasn't a feeling of having to watch his back all the time. He saw Hermione come through the doors of the main hall and sit with Ginny. He couldn't help but stare for a moment. Blaise interrupted him.

"You know, Granger is fucking hot" Blaise said with a sly grin, "I'd bend her ass over the potions table any day of the week. Wonder what happened with the Weasel. So, Draco, are they still together? Or have you already gone there?"

"Fuck off Blaise, like she would tell me. She's a fucking nerd and we really don't speak unless we have to", he replied annoyed. "Besides, I can't believe you would dirty yourself with a mudblood, much less a Griffindor."

"Nerd or not, I would definitely make the time to slum it, as tight as she is wound, I bet she is a hellcat in bed. Besides, now that the war is over, I guess I can say I never really gave a shit about blood status. I have known some real pureblooded assholes" and he glanced with a smirk at Draco, "plus my mother's 3rd and 5th husbands were muggles, and they were ok, while they were around that is." It was common knowledge Blaise's mother was a black widow, whether her luck was bad, or good, her extremely wealthy husbands never seemed to last longer than a year.

Draco was annoyed. He was annoyed that he wasn't the only one to notice how the Griffindor had grown up, he was annoyed that Blaise was probably going to make a play for her and he was primarily annoyed that he cared. However, he would be damned if Blaise went there before he did. He was curious as to whether the Weasel was still in the picture or not. The fact that it was obvious to everybody but him that Granger fancied him from the time they were in third year just showed how dumb he was. He didn't deserve her and Draco sincerely hoped he had never been with her in the biblical sense. Blaise was devastatingly attractive, when he put his mind to a conquest, he had never failed. Draco needed to step up his game. He would be damned is Blaise got to the finish line before he did.

In Ancient Runes he sat near her table, when she looked at him questioningly, he merely smoldered at her and blew her off. He was trying to figure out the best way to draw her in. Normally, all he had to do was appear interested and the girl would throw herself at him, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Penelope Clearwater and scores of other girls were prime examples. By the time he kissed them, they were practically begging, however, he knew Granger would be different.

Hermione noticed a difference in Draco. He caught her looking at him once or twice in the last few weeks and despite her extreme embarrassment at being caught, he didn't seem angry. He sat closer to her in Runes, but that could have been the fact he didn't seem to want to sit next to Blaise. He wasn't as rude in potions as usual, but maybe he really was trying to get along. What surprised her most was running into him outside the great hall after breakfast.

"Granger wait up"

"Hey Malfoy, look I really have to go, I am running late."

"I was just wondering if you wanted to work on our potions essay later this evening. I figured you would want to see my work before we turned it in. Also, I have a few questions about our rune homework" Draco said carefully.

Hermione couldn't have been caught more off guard. Was Draco really asking for help? Surely he just wanted a good grade. "Um, OK I will be in the library, as usual, just walk past the potion section toward the back if you want to study." She was apprehensive about giving away her secret library spot, but figured Malfoy wouldn't bother her more than necessary. "Okay, I'll see you there after dinner"

That night he made his way to the library. He spent a lot of time in the library, not that anyone ever knew, he used the library to get away from everyone especially during his 6th year. He was dealing with so much more than his classmates sometimes he just couldn't bear to be around them. Their lives were so easy compared to his "privileged" life. He made his way through the stacks, surprised he hadn't been back behind this section. He found Hermione at a generous table with seats for 8, nose deep in a book.

"Hey" he said.

"Oh, hey, sorry, I was working on history of magic. Glad you found the place." She said with a smile.

"It's awfully private back here, I've never been to this section of the library"

"Yeah, I debated on whether or not to invite you, it's kind of my sanctuary, but I figured you wouldn't bother me unless you needed something" she said quickly. "Shit, I'm sorry, that sounded rude, I mean, well, you know, that my secret was safe because you have other things to do." She said slightly embarrassed.

"I get it. Look, I just had a few questions on my runes work. Do you know where I would find the derivation for "sva" and "einang"?" He could feel something in the air around them. It was almost a hum of energy. She jumped slightly, maybe she felt it too?

"Oh, yeah right over here" she began to walk through the stacks. She was nervous, there was something going on. He followed closely behind her. As she stopped and began to search on the shelf she felt him behind her. She reached for a book and felt him grab for it behind her since it was out of reach. He knew where the book was. He brushed against her and an electric current seared up her body. She almost swooned. What the fuck, pull yourself together! She turned around and he pressed her further into the shelf, "Uh, Malfoy, that book should be what you need" she said as she stared up at him. His arm was still raised holding the book against the shelf but he was staring down at her intensely. "Thanks" he uttered slowly, "but I think I found what I need".

He pushed even more against her and she was sure he would hear her heart throbbing out of her chest. Her belly was squirming with an unfamiliar warmth, almost nausea, but she could feel a burning heat mixed in. His lips were parted. All of the sudden he grabbed her, roughly. His arm looped around her back and gripped her tightly to him. He waited a moment and crushed his lips on hers. Against her better judgment she lost herself in the moment. He parted her lips with his and expertly guided his tongue in her mouth. She was shocked, every particle in her body was exploding and she grabbed the back of his hair with her hands and held him firmly to her. His lips were so firm and soft, his hair was like silk in her hand. She could feel him harden on her thigh. It was so raw, she had never felt a man like that. I mean, she had known Ron got hard when they had kissed before, but this was unbelievable. He was so hot and it felt like he would burst through his pants. The book he was holding dropped carelessly to the floor and both his hands grasped her thighs shoving her up hard against the books. She dove into his mouth and furiously tore at his lips. She tore at his robes and popped a few buttons off his shirt. She was dying to splay her hands on his bare chest.

In the frenzied rush, Draco was lost. His intent was to knock Hermione's socks off with a kiss he was sure she had never experienced, but here he was crushing against her and all he could think about was ripping off her clothes and burying himself in her. This wasn't what he planned at all, but she was electric. He was supposed to be in control and he had never been further from it, it was like he was a magnet meeting his polar opposite as he pulled closer. He had never been so turned on. This girl was fire, pure life; he could feel her melting into him with so much passion he almost came on her stomach. He thrust his hand under her shirt and grabbed her breast. He kneaded it just like he had dreamed of and stroked her nipple with his thumb. She gasped and he rubbed harder. "Draco" she nearly shrieked and he began stroking his erection against her panties. Her skirt was shoved around her waist and her free hand grasped his hip to bring him closer.

"Hermione" he moaned in her ear as he drove his mouth to her neck. He sucked painfully on her neck as he brought his hand down to her panties, they were warm and wet as he pushed them aside. He slid his finger in and she almost came on the spot. She was so tight, so hot. He quickly cast "Muffliato" before she screamed.

"Draco, oh God Draco, we can't, no we can't, Oh God" she panted. "Someone will hear"

"You know you want me, I've seen you look at me. " And with that he freed himself from his pants. With his shaft in his palm, he stroked his tip against her.

"Draco, I can't" she practically whimpered, "I've never done this before"

"Shhhh" he breathed in her ear, it was so seductive. "Just relax, I know what I'm doing" and with that he thrust himself in her to the hilt.

She screamed and bit his shoulder. Tears were coming out of her eyes. He waited while she sobbed. He almost stopped, but her hunger was evident through her tears. Merlin, she was so tight, he thought his cock would fall off. He could barely move she was so clamped around him. He knew she was a virgin and on any other occasion he would have never entered her so fast, but he was helpless. He was entranced. He had never lost such control, he had never been able not to stop himself. After what seemed like a pleasurable eternity, she relaxed slightly and he began moving inside her. Slowly. He had one hand around her thigh holding her in place and one hand stroking her clit as he moved excruciatingly slow. She was crushing her mouth to his, grasping his head tightly and scratching his shoulder with her nails.

She felt a warmth begin to build within her. She felt like she was flying through space. Draco was afraid he wouldn't last, but he reached down and squeezed his base to hold on a few more minutes. He could feel her getting close. She began to thrash her head back and forth and he could feel her muscles pulse faster and faster. He let go and slammed two last, hard thrusts and she screamed out right as he released in her.

He stood there holding her against the books trying to catch his breath. She looked like she was about to pass out.

"Oh my God Draco. Oh…..oh, God what just happened." Hermione felt delirious. What in the hell just happened. She was doing her homework and the next minute she was screaming away her virginity to the Slytherin sex god, who, from her opinion, had earned his name legitimately.

Draco pulled himself from her and panted with his head against his forearm on the shelf. "Merlin, Hermione, Damn…." He slowly rose up and pulled himself together. He smirked as Hermione tried to striagten her skirt. She looked up at him holding the remnants of her underwear, "What I am supposed to do with these?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of them" and he slid them in his pocket. "So, you want to study here or go back to the common room?"

"Common room, I think" Hermione said bashfully. There was no way she could sit and study, knowing her underwear was in Draco's pocket.