I adore alternative reality stories. Hope you enjoy mine!
PROLOGUE"Cleo," A voice called out to the absent-minded brunette, casually walking down the piers. "Hey Cleo!" It continued. It was local bad boy Zane. "Yes, that Cleo. I'm in some trouble here, can you help?"
"Uh," Cleo's voice wavered. "I don't think so." She began backing away.
"Come on," Zane hid a mischevious smile. "Please? My Zodiac won't go, and all I need you to do is just pass me the tools."
Cleo rolled her eyes and approached the boat. Zane grinned, his trap falling into place.
"I'm not good with boats." She informed him.
"You'll be fine." Zane assured her.
As Cleo was about to step on the Zodiac, her phone vibrated in her jean pocket. "One second," She stepped out of the boat, making Zane's smile fade. She said "Yes, Dad." and "Alright" many times before hanging up the phone.
"Sorry Zane, that was my Dad. He wants me home as soon as possible. Sorry about your boat." Cleo said and ran back down the pier and turned left, bumping straight into the new girl, Rikki Chadwick. Something dropped from Rikki's hand to the ground. It was a sparkplug. Cleo gasped.
"Don't say a word." Rikki demanded. "Zane will kill me."
"That's why his boat wouldn't work..." Cleo mumbled.
"No, silly." The blonde rolled her eyes. "He was planning on tricking you, can't you see it in his smile and his eyes?" Rikki stormed off.
"Okay..." Cleo shook her head and wandered back home.