Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm still writing this story. I really don't know where I want to go with this, but I really want to finish it! Well I kind of do know where I want to go with this, but I'm confused. Just tell me if your confused and I can make a chapter just about me explaining what's going on and about the characters. Also if you read my story On My Way To Happiness then you'll know that I have been stressed with tests and stuff. I've also had some family problems so I'm sorry if my updates are slow.


"Axel," Roxas broke the silence, "D-Do you love me?"


"R-Roxas… I-" I couldn't finish my sentence, "I… um… well I…"

"I understand," Roxas said as he slinked off of me.

The blond stared at his knees in shame as his blue eyes filled with salty tears. I reached out for him but he flinched away from me. Roxas's fists clenched the fabric of his pants as he trembled slightly. Tears poured out of him as gentle sobs could be heard.

"It's just," he began, "Everyone in my village thought I was a sin. They wanted nothing to do with me. They would throw rocks at me and shun me. Mom and Dad were the only ones who understood. They weren't even my real parents. They felt pity when they found a half dead baby in the woods."

I looked at him wanted to hold him close and calm the poor child down.

"Nobody touched me because they thought I would kill them. Mom and Dad would wash their hands after touching me. I-I'm sorry, I'm rambling," Roxas said as he wiped away the tears in his blue eyes.

"It's ok," I whispered as I lifted his chin slightly, "I don't believe any of that. My whole village was killed by demons and I know them, but you are different."

Roxas looked up at me with gleaming eyes. I crashed my lips against his. He squeaked in surprise but I felt the roughness of the kiss fade as I held him closer to me. Roxas pulled back out of breath and looked into my eyes. A slight blush spread across his soft cheeks. All I saw was an angel in a half demon's body. Roxas has the most angelic aura to him. Maybe God sent me an angel, but he fell on the way down.

I held Roxas as I gently lay back in the dirt. He nestled up against my side using my chest as a pillow. "Thank you," he mumbled as we drifted off to sleep.

(the next day)

"Axel, Hey Ax, get up lazy bum!" Demyx shook me awake, "You're going to miss breakfast."

I slowly got up realizing there wasn't a little blond half demon next to me. My lips still tingled from the other night. Mmmmm, his lips, they were so soft and delicious. They are temping me like how the apple tempted Eve. I need those lips again. I want to feel their softness against my chapped ones. I also need the boy that the pair of lips goes with. I need my angel in a half demon's body.

"Where's Roxas?" I asked groggily.

"He's eating," my partner said, "Now get your lazy ass up."

I slowly stood up and walked over to where everyone else was eating, yet no Roxas. Leon pulled me to the side and held me close. He then pulled me away from the other's and slammed me against a tree.

"Listen Axel, I don't think you know what you're getting into by making a contract with a demon," Leon said.

"Half demon," I corrected.

"Whatever," Leon hissed, "As I was saying, he's working with those other demon's. He's just using you."

"No," I snapped, "Roxas is not like that! God sent me a gift and that was Roxas. I know he was born to do more than be pushed around his whole life! I want to give him the best life ever."

"He'll outlive you."

"I'll give him the best life ever until my time runs out and I will meet him in heaven," I said, "I swear he's an angel in a demon's body."

"Axel, now you're talking silly," Leon sighed, "Go eat."

I trudged back to the food to find it all gone. Then I trudged back to my tent to find Roxas waiting for me. He jumped on me and gave me a short kiss.

"Here," he handed me bread, "I got this for you." The tent went silent.

"Yes," I said

"Yes what?" Roxas asked.

"Yes I do love you," I replied as he held him close. I took a bite of bread. Roxas smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.

This is my angel, well my half demon.

"Axel, we need to train today," Roxas said.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a mouth full of bread.

"I mean we need to practice controlling my power," Roxas said.


"Well, if something goes slightly wrong, something bad happens," Roxas said as he got off of me.

"Like what?" I asked.
