It's been two weeks since Gamer and his sister, Katie, were reunited. Same for Jasmine and her brother, Alex.
Gamer was running to Jasmine's house for a date. Katie and Alex were already on a date of their own.
Suddenly, Gamer heard a voice that he hasn't heard for several years say mockingly, "Well, look who it is. Lamer the Hedgehog."
He stopped and looked in the direction of the voice. When he saw who it was, he gasped, "You." Suddenly, he had a memory flashback.

Gamer's Flashback:
Back in middle school, Gamer was a great student. Most of the time he got A's, but he sometimes got B's. One day, during lunch, Gamer got his pizza and sat down to eat. He had only a few friends, and none of them had lunch with him. Everyone else at lunch made fun of him for his love of technology and Star Wars. He couldn't help but feel that they were also a little jealous that, because he could teleport, he was always the first to arrive. He sat down with his food and started eating. All of a sudden, an orange hedgehog walked up to him. It was Gregory, the one hedgehog who always bullied Gamer. Usually it was with insults, but every chance he could inflict bodily harm to Gamer without getting caught, he would.
He said, "Look what we have here. The loser hedgehog sitting all alone, as usual."
Gamer grumpily replied, "What do you want, Gregory?"
Gregory smirked evilly and said, "Nothing really. I finished eating so I decided to come visit you."
Gamer responded, "Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to you."
Gregory grinned and replied, "Too bad. Are you still lonely because of your parents' death?"
Gamer was getting mad. He hadn't caused any harm before, and he didn't want to cause any now, so he tried to control his anger. Gregory had been talking about the death of Gamer's parents ever since they met in elementary school. Gamer just continued eating silently.
Gregory smirked, "What? Are you too depressed to talk to me?"
Gamer tried to ignore this and focused on eating his food. But after a few more minutes of suffering from Gregory's verbal abuse, Gamer had had enough. He got up and punched Gregory right in the face hard enough to draw blood. Before anyone could react, he then grabbed Gregory and ran him into the cafeteria wall with his super-speed. He hissed, "Listen you. You're lucky murder's illegal because if it wasn't, I would kill you right here and now. As it is, if you insult me one more time, I'll beat you up so badly you'll wish that I had killed you. Got it?" Gregory nodded nervously. Gamer replied, "Good." He let Gregory slump to the floor. Suddenly the principal walked up.
He said to Gamer, "Gamer, I'm disappointed in you. You know we don't allow violence in this school. But, since you're such a great student, and this is your first violation of the rules, I'll let you off with a warning. Next time, you'll be sent to the front office. Do it again after that, you'll be suspended for a week. After that, if you still do it, you'll be expelled. Got it?" Gamer, not in the mood to speak, simply nodded. The principal said, "Good." He walked away.
When Gregory got up he replied, "I'll get you for that. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But someday. And when I do, you'll be sorry."
Gamer just responded, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He returned his attention to his food as Gregory walked away.

End flashback.

After middle school, Gamer had never seen Gregory again. Until now.
Gregory smirked evilly and said, "Yup. I'm back. I heard you finally got a girlfriend. And that you were recently reunited with your sister."
Gamer replied, "What's it to you? And the answer is, no, you can't have my sister. Since you know that we're reunited, you must also know that she's dating Jasmine's brother. She'll never go for you."
Gregory just smiled evilly and responded, "Doesn't matter. All that matters is what I can do with either her or your girlfriend to get back at you."
This touched a nerve with Gamer. He used his telekinesis to lift Gregory up in the air.
He said, "Listen you. If you even TOUCH either one of them, I will HUNT YOU DOWN and KILL YOU. So leave them alone. Got it?" Gregory nodded nervously. Gamer smirked, "Good. Now leave." He let Gregory back down and as Gregory ran away he sent one of his energy bombs.
He yelled out, "And take that for the road." Once Gregory was out of site, he said to himself, "I'm glad no one saw that. Now to go to Jasmine's." He sped off again.
Little did he know, but while he was having his flashback, two hedgehogs could've been seen flying over the spot of the confrontation. They were Alex and Katie, and they saw what happened. But Katie decided to wait to talk to Gamer until after he got back.