Pokemon Quest
Start: Friday November 16
League Challenge begins: Sunday July 3rd (33 weeks total)

Week One

'Shoot, I'm going to be late! Almost…'
The bell rings, "And safe," Adrian whispered as he reached his seat.

Professor Jasmine walks in a few minutes later and begins her lesson on the history of battling. The current lesson covers how and why criminal syndicates take advantage of pokemon.

"Interestingly enough," the professor lectured, "this brought about the creation of pokemon gyms by the Pokemon League. Trainers facing off against gym leaders was later developed to test potential pokemon trainers to join the league and enforce pokemon ethics, responsibility, and the such. Only the best of the best were wanted, so eventually this lead to the creation of the League Championship where a competition would determine who the best trainer was. Currently, trainers now challenge gym leaders and participate in the Championship for recreation."

'This lecture leads me to question the usefulness of the pokemon training academy, or as this institute is called, The Pokemon Institute for Tomorrow's Future,' Adrian thought. 'Here we learn about the history of pokemon, battle tactics, pokemon and the economy, basic pokemon research skills, how to care for pokemon, mock battles, etc. Every region has at least one academy. This region, the Kanto region, has two. The academy is separated into four section, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The sections are literally divided into four squares of a square by walls. The administration building and housing for the professors make up a small section the middle of the square. This allows for each section to focus on its students and hold private events, such as guest speakers, for them. Over all, the academy is a training ground for the next pokemon elites who will uphold ideal pokemon trainer behavior. By living on campus, we students can get the most out of our experience here. While, we can visit home on the weekends, most students stay here to take advantage of the clubs and events. These include sketching, field work, battles, berry hunting, pokemon tracking, and the occasional visit from a gym leader.'

"Team Rocket once was a prominent syndicate of the Kano region. They fell a few years ago, before most of our current gym leaders became gym leaders, when an unknown pokemon suddenly attacked them. No one knows where the pokemon came from or where it went afterwords. What is known is that the pokemon began its attack from within their main bases and killed the fallen gym leader Giovanni." Adrian heard professor Jasmine say as he listened back into class.

'Trainers challenge gym leaders in their attempt to participate in the League Championship.' Adrian drifted off again. 'Although, that isn't the only way for trainers participate. There are three ways to participate in the League Championship, but only if you're an academy student. For everyone else, there are only two ways. The first and most used occurs by battle entry. Participants gather together in blocks and battle until the only one trainer remains. That trainer continues to the next block and this process repeats until the desired number of trainers is acquired. The desired number changes depending on how many participants get in through the other two ways. The League tries to get an equal number of battle royal participants as participants from the other two methods combined. Many people consider this a pre-League Championship event. The second method is the gym challenge. If a trainer collects the eight gym badges from the regions eight gym leaders, then they are exempt from the battle royal and gain direct access to participate in the League Championship. The third method is only available to a select few trainers. Academy students with perfect grades also get the right to direct participation in the League Championship. While other students could fight for access through the battle royal, they typically refrain from entering. They don't believe themselves capable of defeating the best from their academy and the belief that they'll lose to them at the League Championship embarrasses them. The academy also discourages those same students from entering as well claiming they aren't ready. Although, as long as you meet the standards, the school will grant its privilege of access to the student. So in theory the entire student body could participate in the Championship.'

Adrian looked up from his desk to see the professor drawing a diagram white board. No longer understanding the flow of class, Adrian drifted again.

'I fail to see how student success at an academy can produce true trainers, or at least from this academy. This academy doesn't allow students to raise pokemon on campus. An academy in a region called Unova does, but I hear that academy also pushes for its students to bond with nature. Regardless without our own pokemon, how do we student build the bonds we need to battle with them? I don't get it, but somehow it works.'

"The Pokemon League has had success in dealing with previous syndicates. In fact, the league was officially established after successfully defeating the Numeros syndicate." Professor Jasmine spoke.

'League Championships are held yearly and this year, on July 3rd, I plan on participating in the Kanto Championship. Today, Friday, October 16th, two and a half months since the first day of class in August, my grades range from barely average to horrible. Even worse, I've lost every trainer battle held by the academy. I just can't connect with the pokemon here. All the other students get along with the academy pokemon and have even formed bonds with them. I can barely get them to listen to me and until recently, even that has been deteriorating. The teachers say I'm "just paranoid, the pokemon here are raised so that they easily bond with the students." To befriend them, I "just need to show them some kindness." I've tried and failed. Each time I use an academy pokemon, I become aware that they're academy pokemon, not mine. I think they sense this and pull away from me because for it. But, I have got a plan. For the next eight months, thirty-six weeks to be exact, I'm going to go out and collect the eight gym badges. First, I have to capture my own pokemon team. There's no way I'll be able to use the academy route with my grades and without a team, I won't be able to participate in the battle royal either.'

The bell rang and Adrian rose from his seat ready for his last class.

'Today, after my pokemon battling class, I'm going for it.'

Adrian entered the arena and looked at a chart. Today he would be using a sandshrew against Jarod and vulpix.

I wish they'd quit giving me the handicap. Since I have yet to win a match after two months, the professors and students have begun giving me the type advantage in battles. I still manage to lose...' Adrian thought to himself in self-derision.

"Sandshrew, dig!"

"Now Vulpix! Pounce back with bite."

"Sandshrew, roll away!"

Sandshrew glares at Vulpix and instead attempts to use scratch. Vulpix blocks with her paws and bites Sandshrew.

"Now Vulpix, finish it with hypnosis. With Sandshrew counting sheep, it's my win."

"Sandshrew, return. You should have rolled away…"

Adrian see's Professor Pleito, the battle professor, approaching him and thinks, 'He's going to tell me why I lost, I just know it.'

"Adrian, the reason you lost was because you didn't take Sandshrew's personality into account. This sandshrew clearly had an aggressive nature. You can tell from his posture and eyes. There's no way it would have run away from Vulpix."

"Yes sir."

As the professor walks away, Adrian laments to himself, 'Yes, Sandshrew's personality is obvious from his posture and eyes. I don't see it! Besides, if that people really trusted me, it would have listened!"

Professor Pleito then turns around and shouts from across the room, "Now have a seat and watch how Samuel does this."

Snickering is heard throughout the class as the students gossip on Adrian's newest loss.

"Tch" Adrian made a sound, 'That arrogant jerk, he's only number one in my class and able to challenge upper classmen. He's acts all high and mighty just because he's a super star. Yet, because I'm the weakest here, he walks all over me. I know I can beat him though.'

Class ends and the students are dismissed for the day.

Adrian smiles to himself and thinks 'Finally, the weekend. Nothing special is going on this weekend so most students are going home. Students tend to get homesick after two months. This creates the perfect cover for me to go start my own adventure. My academy, The Pokemon Institute for Tomorrow's Future, lies between cities Celadon, Pewter, and Viridian. Logically speaking, I should catch a pokemon near these areas, but I want a Bellsprout and those live outside Cerulean city.'

While lost in his thoughts, Adrian packs and sets out on his adventure.

'Hmm, maybe I should have brought one academy pokemon with me. Something to battle the other pokemon with. I could have easily grabbed one before leaving and entering this misplaced forest.'

Adrian considers the possibility and gives his reply. "No, I will either capture pokemon on my own or with my pokemon team! To do otherwise is a hollow victory! I refuse such an outcome!"

"Seriously, where did this forest come from? Right now, there should be open fields of tall grass, not this."

Adrian freezes in place as he hears the bushes rustle.

Excitedly, he thinks 'My first wild pokemon encounter. I hope it's a bellsprout? Finding one on my first attempt would be so lucky. Here it comes.'

The pokemon steps into clearing for Adrian to see.

"Bellsprout have neither paws nor yellow." Adrian dejectedly sighs. 'A pikachu... they inhabit the Viridian Forest.'

"I need to improve my map reading skills... Nehh, I might as well capture Pikachu."

Adrian offers Pikachu a berry and says, "Hey Pikachu, want to try it? Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"No, come back here." Adrian commands as the pokemon walks away.

Annoyed, Adrian tosses a pokeball only for Pikachu to fling it back with its tail.

"Then let's try this" Adrian tosses a berry at pikachu who catches and begins to nibble on it. While Pikachu is distracted, Adrian again throws the pokeball.

Pikachu dodges the ball, runs off a few steps, turns, points and laughs, and then continues running.

"...It... got away." Adrian dejectedly says.

With renewed determination, Adrian declares, "I'll get him next time."

Adrian currently sat in a tree and waited with a pokeball in hand. Beneath him was a pile of berries.

Adrian watched the grass intently and froze when he noticed the tall grass move. The pokemon was slowly approaching the clearing and Adrian held his breath. From the grass emerged a rattata.

No, Rattata, go away. Those are not for you. Shoo!" Adrian waved his arms.

The branch Adrian is on breaks and down he falls. A "Kiaa!" is heard as he lands on the ground.

Turning Adrian discovers that he landed on Pikachu.

'I'm counting this as a capture' Adrian thought to himself.

"But, it's already past seven. I won't make it to Cerulan city now." he sighed.

Having captured his first pokemon, Adrian changes his course to Celadon city.

'Good thing I saw that sign back there.' he thought to himself. With that, he sighed, 'but still, it's already seven. I'll have to hurry if I'm to make it before midnight.'

"Row!" something cried out.

Adrian turned and dove narrowly dodging a diving spearow.

Standing from his roll, he shouted, "What did I do to you!"

"Tch, it's coming back." Adrian grumbled as prepared Pikachu.

"I now we just met, but let's go Pikachu! Cut him off with thundershock!"

Adrian sighs, 'Of course, he ignores me and sits down.'

"Pikachu, move! Spearow made you its target!"

"Pikachu, don't dodge his claws. Use thundershock! You're too close to miss!"

'Urhhh, this is too soon.' Adrian lamented, 'I needed tonight to tame Pikachu. Unless we bond, there's no way he'll listen to my orders.'

"Pikachu!" Adrian yelled as Pikachu took a hit.

In an act of recklessness, Adrian charged Spearow. "Pikachu, listen." he yelled, "We can beat him. I can hold Spearow back, but only you can defeat it!"

"Chuuuuuuu!" Pikachu cried unleashing his assault.

"And with this, Spearow is too paralyzed to move. Great job Pikachu." Adrian says placing Spearow into a pokeball.

Having captured a new pokemon, Adrian continues to Celadon city.

"We... finally made... it to... the Celadon pokemon center," Adrian gasps to his new pokemon. "and with only... half an hour before the... rest area closes for the night. I'm sorry, but the medical... section of the center is closed for the... night. Just rest for now and we'll... heal up first thing in the morning."


"This is going to be harder than I though..." Adrian laments as his two pokemon run wild in a park.

He had been trying to feed them, but they responded with mischief. "At least they won't run away." Adrian says attempting to stay positive.

'Really, if not for the modern pokeball giving the occupying pokemon a sense of home that recently caught pokemon don't often run away. For the average pokemon to run away, its trainer would have to treat it very evilly.' Adrian thinks praising modern technology.

Attempting to locate his pokemon, Adrian looks around. Instead, he spots someone sleeping on a bench. Curious, he decides to investigate.

'A girl...' Adrian thinks while stretching a hand out to wake her. He then pauses as he encounters an enchanting aroma.

'Ca-calm down man.' Adrian scolds himself feeling his heart beat race.

Finally, Adrian shakes the girl's her shoulder saying, "Excuse me, are you alright?"

"Hmmm, oh I must have nodded off. Don't you agree that it's a beautiful day? I was admiring the scenery when a refreshing breeze blew by carrying a soothing fragrance..." The girl trailed off at Adrian's confusion. "Oh, I'm sorry, did you need something?"

"Oh no," Adrian nervously apologizes. "I just saw you sleeping on the bench and, oof, I was wondering if something was wrong?"

Adrian glances to what just attacked him. 'At least they're getting along. They teamed up to attack me.'

"I take those are your pokemon." The girl giggles.

"Yea, but I have no idea on how to befriend them."

"You should take them to the Celadon perfume shop. No pokemon can resist those heavenly fragrances."

"Would that really work? Actually, won't the owners say anything about releasing pokemon in the store?"

The girl laughed and reassuringly said, "Here, I'll show you the way."

'I were a pokemon, I would have fainted.' Adrian thinks smiling to himself. 'that ribbon and aroma make a perfect combination.'

"We're here." The girl finally says, "You can let your pokemon out by the trainer section over here."

"Thank you." Adrian says releasing his pokemon.

"Think nothing of it. Instead, I'm quite surprised, most guys won't enter perfume shops."

"I'll be honest, I'm only doing this for my pokemon. If it's for them, I'll go into every perfume store in Kanto."

"Oh, but you're covering your nose." The girl teased.

"I have a very sensitive sense of smell." Adrian replies embarrassed.

"That's good. I wish all new trainers had that attitude."

As Adrian mentally cries at his own ineptness, he notices Pikachu approaching. Taking a chance, Adrian picks up his pokemon.

"Remember," the girl began, "it isn't the perfume. What you need to do is gain your pokemon's attention. If you can do that, then they'll open their hearts to yours."

"Thank you, really, thank you."

"It was my pleasure. Good luck." The girl excused herself. With that, Pikachu, Spearow, and I spent the next two hours exploring the store.


"Say guys, how about we go and find a new friend? According to this map, if head strait north we'll reach the eastern side of Cerulean city. If we get lost, it'll just be an adventure."
"Let's go." Adrian laughs.


"Pikachu, keep applying pressure and don't lose sight! Spearow, fly around and dive down from the front!" Adrian commanded his pokemon.

"Great, now Pikachu, bite!"

Pikachu pounces on a bellsprout who responds by throwing Pikachu into a tree.

"Pikachu, are you ok? Adrian called worried. "Careful now guys, looks like our friend is ready to fight!"

No sooner had Adrian finished speaking when Bellsprout used razor leaf.

"Spearow, blow them back! Pikachu, tackle!" Adrian commanded, "Now Spearow, dive down and use fury swipes!"

"Great team work guys!" Adrian praises as he throws a pokeball.

Adrian then checks the time on his phone. "It's almost eleven o'clock, let's head to the Cerulean poke-center for the night."

"Your pokemon are fully healed. Good luck with your journey."

"Thank you." Adrian replied to the nurse.

Adrian then exited the poke-center and called out his team. "Everyone, let's welcome Bellsprout. Now, how about we go get some breakfast and then have some fun?"

After play and bonding with his pokemon for a few hours, Adrian realized it was time to return to the academy. Together with his pokemon, Adrian began the journey.

In the distance, Adrian saw the academy and stopped. "This is bad." he said. "I was hoping to have figured this out by now. Luckily, we still have a few more hours to do so. See, in this academy, students are not allowed to have pokemon on campus. This rule is punishable by instant expulsion. In order to be together, you'll have to stay hidden. But, I can't just keep you in your pokeballs while I'm in class and leaving you out in the woods is dangerous."

Sighing, Adrian sat down placing the three empty pokeballs in front of him.

"If you three have any ideas, just let me know." Adrian grumbled after half an hour.

Pikachu, Spearow, and Bellsprout each walked up to their respective pokeballs and entered them. Silently, Adrian took his right hand and slapped his forehead.

"Basic pokeball theory..." Adrian bemoaned at his ignorance. "But this is exactly why I'm doing this. Only be being a real trainer will I learn about the pokemon world."

Adrian looked back at the pokeballs and saw that the lid was transparent. Inside the pokeballs, his pokemon were staring back at him.

"How about trying to leave the pokeball." Adrian suggested wondering if his pokemon could hear him.

"Perfect!" Adrian exclaimed the moment his pokemon left their pokeballs. "Now I'll show you my room!"

Adrian picked up the three pokeballs and continued to the academy.

Once Adrian was safely inside his room, he called out his pokemon.

"Well, this is it guys." Adrian said in a low voice, "It's a bit small, but there's a bed with a dresser at its foot, and across from the dresser is the closet. On the other side of the room is my desk, a microwave over ontop of the fridge, a medicine ball substituting for a chair, and my two prized possessions, my violin and shinai. Now, to my plan on keeping you secret. We'll have to leave blinds on the window down. Even though we're on the second floor, someone might still see you. But, we can leave the window open. When I'm in class, you guys are free to do as you please in my room. I'll stop by during lunch to feed you, but then I'll have to go back to class. I don't think this will happen, but it is possible someone other than me may enter when I'm away. That's why whenever you hear this door move, run into your pokeballs until it is safe. Pikachu, Bellsprout, I'm hiding your pokeballs underneath my bed. Spearow, yours will be here in the closet. Ok? Let's test this, run into you pokeballs. Great, you can come back out now. It's late, so we will need to go to sleep soon, but first, I want to play my violin for you guys. I hope you like it."