This is based on a pretty disturbing dream I had. I don't dabble in dark AUs very often, and this one kinda happened by accident. But I do like the genre.

If you're offended by this kinda stuff, I'd advise just not reading it. I guess it's kinda tame compared to some of the directions the fans have taken the story, but since I've never done anything this dark before I just figured I'd be careful.

Oh and the Lorax dont belong to me yall.


Always room for improvement~

It'd been years since his factory closed down. Years since the workers came filing out, taking the building with them. They stripped it apart piece by piece, fighting like animals over the scraps and used tools.

Except for his Lerkim. No – that remained. The Once-ler, as they all found out, could fight too.

They didn't dare approach his door after the first one died. It'd been deceivingly simple – a few tightly wound springs, industrial size, nestled in neat little rows beneath a loose board on his porch...

Only thing is, it didn't fling the visitor far enough. He'd miscalculated.

He could tell from the screams.

Trial and error trial and error. Sing it, say it, it all sounds the same. His little mantra. Or was it? He repeated so many things now it was hard to keep track of what they were

or who he told them to.

Who did he tell them to?

Ah – but that's not a thing for now, barely a pause and he's rigging the boot, lacing the wire and string, shoe laces shoe laces shoe laces all together like playing with ribbon. It'd come our careening, he chuckled, humming in high-pitch while he worked. Could probably break a few ribs if it landed in the right places.

Trial and error trial and error~

The seed – the seed, yes he still had the seed. Had it tucked away, protected.

In a drawer, but the drawer wasn't safe

No no no it was the house

the house was safe - it WAS the safe

If you knocked on the door – woohoo~ you were in for a surprise

if the bones weren't a sign that you should have turned back

the blood, the little red smudge smiling up at you on your thumb

when you brought it close to your eyes

oh, but by then you'd already rang the buzzer

too late~ too late to run~

should have read the signs should have read the signs

why didn't you read the signs~

that laughing you heard echoing slipping down from the window

wait – was that light always on creeping out from those boards

but now, oops~, ah look now your head's too smashed in to tell

there's so much you can see through cracks in a board

so much so much so much

some swear they heard giggling cascading down in the smog

(ask the bones he'd whisper) his words barely fit through the cracks now

each letter tumbling tumbling down a seed

a seed

what do you know about seeds?

how did you know it was here?





he had a little switch for those pesky wrong ones

his own special invention – even better than the thneed

(shh shh that word is tainted)

no these were better – better than anything

and they made such a pretty pretty sound

the little seeds

he'd taken such care to plant them all throughout his yard

never missing one spot

a garden...yes a garden of sorts

with pretty round, metal flowers

only they didn't grow – except when he told them

oh no, they didn't dare unless he pressed that little button next to his window

sometimes he'd even stick out his hand

come closer

can you smell the flowers

they smell like lighter fluid~

The Lorax would be proud of him yet.

Yes, yes ever so proud~

…...If he ever came back