I have no excuse. Onwards!

Sam was practically bouncing in his seat. They were on their way to his next doctor's appointment. Sam was now about four months along. He was proudly sporting a baby bump. Most of his shirts barely stretched over his ever growing stomach. But they didn't have men's maternity clothes and there was no way in hell that he was going to wear women's clothes. It had gotten to where when they went shopping next he would have to buy everything a size or two bigger. Which didn't do much for his self-esteem which had been on the rocks with all the crazy hormone stuff.

Sam had begun his freaky mood swings recently. Within a month Dean has had cutlery, shoes, books, a lamp, and the coffee pot thrown at him. That had left a decent sized cut on his forehead that was just now healing. And that had also made Sam cry for over an hour. That was what scared Dean about Sam's mood swings. One moment he is laughing and joking, then crying, and then yelling. Sometimes Dean just wanted to lock himself in the bathroom. He did once when Sam was after him when he didn't pick up his dirty clothes. Dean was hunkered down there for nearly two hours before he came out when Sam was crying about how much of a terrible person he was. That forced Dean out to go comfort him.

Weird food problems have also started in the Winchester household. After the coffee pot broke, it wasn't that big of a deal since now Sam couldn't stand the smell of coffee without puking his guts out. At least the morning sickness had stopped. But now Sam couldn't see or smell fish, mayo, bananas, or coffee or his breakfast would make a reappearance. Which sucked majorly for Dean since caffeine was the only thing that was keeping him mostly sane. The only coffee he got was at work and he practically chugged it constantly during the eight hours he could. His friends had taken pity upon him and made sure that there was a constant stream of Dean's favorite beverage.

But other than that it had been smooth sailing for them. Well, the car ride to the doctor's happened to prove otherwise. Every five seconds Sam had to go to the bathroom and that was hardly an exaggeration on Dean's part. He threatened to make Sam go in a cup if they had to stop again. Thankfully they pulled up to the house that held the hunter's hospital. Sophie was already waiting for them even though they had surprisingly arrived ten minutes early.

"I don't get to do this much so I'm always excited" she explained as she once again led them to the ultrasound room.

"Are we finding the sex of the baby today?" Julie asked as she set up the equipment.

Sam glared at Dean, daring him to say something. While Sam wanted to know, he wanted to get a jump start on the nursery, Dean thought they should wait. That's what Mary had done with him and Sam so why brake the tradition? Sam argued that was because they didn't have the technology back then but sue Dean for wanting to have something to hold to their family. They had lightly argued about the matter before Sam wanted to take it up a notch. And that meant picking up a fork and pulling it back like a dart, aimed at Dean. So Sam won that round.

"Yes!" Sam answered cheerfully despite him still glaring at his other half.

So Sam again had the cold jelly smeared on him while Julie moved the wand over his midsection. Soon the sound of a heart beat filled the room. But it was slightly off. There was the normal thump…thump but in between each beat there was another so it sounded like the baby had just run a marathon. Julie looked at the screen curiously where there was a slightly more shaped blob. It now resembled a baby alien of sorts. After a good deal of examining, a soft smile was on Julie's lips.

"What? Is something wrong?" Sam asked in a slight panic since Julie's back was to him.

"No! Not at all. Just, congratulations again! You are having twins!" Julie exclaimed.

Dean's eyebrows shot up in surprise and his eyes widened while Sam got a little teary eyed.

"Usually their heart beats are in sync but this one up front is a little ahead. And you said that you wanted to know the sex? Okay so the one that we see is a girl and if you look closely, you can see an outline of her twin. And he is a boy" Julie informed them, pointing to the correct baby in turn.

"You hear that Dean? A daughter and a son" Sam whispered since he was too amazed to fully speak.

Dean just nodded numbly. It was a lot of things to sort through in such a short time. Now he was not only caring for one child but two. That sent a panic through Dean. He was excited of course and happy but scared that he wouldn't be able to do it. What if he screwed them up? One was bad enough but now two? That was just nerve racking.

They were handed the black and white picture of the two aliens. Before they left Dean made Sam go to the bathroom like a little kid.

"But I don't have to go!" Sam argued.

"I don't care. At least try" Dean ordered.

Sam dragged his feet down the hall to the restrooms muttering about Dean being a stupid head. Dean just said this was training for the future.

Dean didn't hold to his threat of making Sam go in a cup but the ride back was better, only stopping twice. Dean and Sam shared the good news around town. Maria almost fainted, Andrew and the guys cheered and they had a couple of beers. Except Dean because Sam had made him promise to remain sober with him throughout the pregnancy.

"Whipped!" the mechanics chorused, using sound effects.

Dean put Andrew in a headlock and they started wrestling around on the garage until Jackson yelled at them to stop. When the men wouldn't, Jackson manually pried them apart but ended up horsing around with them. Soon enough everyone was tackling one another and acting like complete idiots.

At the diner once Maria had chased away all traces of her slight fainting, she had Zach serve up some of the diner's famous pecan tarts. Sam must have eaten like eight. Maria joked that he was almost as bad as Dean when a fresh batch of apple pie was made. She swore he must be able to smell it from their house since he always dropped Sam off a little earlier on those days.

Short I know. I am deathly sorry. I promise I will make it longer next time.