A nice thought came across me when my little student put a towel around my neck and hugged me. And here is the product of my thoughts! Enjoy!


"Good morning citizens of Republic City," radios all over town were turned on and people were idly listening to the usual morning news. Something interesting happened early this morning when people saw and read the morning papers.

"As many of you have seen today, there are speculations whether or not our dear Avatar Korra is engaged," the announcer pauses dramatically, "or gotten married privately."

People continued with their activities, but kept their ears on the radio waiting for something juicy.

"Rumors have been spreading that our Korra is romantically involved. She has, however, been successful at avoiding any questions regarding her personal life. It seems that Avatar has finally learned to keep her cool during these interviews."

The radio in the arena was also turned on, with two bending brothers listening while training intently. They shared as a smile as they listened some more.

"A very reliable source of mine confirms that Korra is in a relationship with someone, but was asked not to reveal the identity of the lucky guy nor the status of their relationship." The announcer paused for a bit and continued, "Here we are, folks! The morning paper reveals the most recent pictures of our beloved Avatar!"

"The pictures clearly show no indication of any engagement or marriage from any part of the world."

"The picture inserted on the top left, shows Korra free of any rings. The picture on the far right shows our Avatar in her training gear without her parka and shows her neck bare of an engagement necklace. No emblems, no stones, and no dowry offered." The announcer let out an audible sigh.

The brothers stopped training with stupid smirks on their faces. It's nice to know something that the rest of the world doesn't.

"And the main picture shows Korra in her usual garb walking around Ba Sing Se with no engagement clothes. Just sporting her blue water tribe gear, accented with a red scarf."

Bolin slapped Mako on the back, very proud of his brother.

"So the question remains, folks! Who is the lucky guy?"

Right here. Mako though silently and shot tongues of fire in succession.


Makorra fluff! More to come! Just thinking how cool Korra would look like in her usual outfit with the scarf on. Weeeee!

Also, I would like to thank everybody for the reviews and the faves! I really appreciate it. Keep em coming!