Korra's eyes finally opened, the world flooding with vivid colors and bustling with sound, very unlike the spirit world she'd just exited. There the world was bathed in blue and there was a peaceful quietness. That was the first time she'd entered the spirit world and the silence there was almost unsettling, but the thing that left her most unsettled was her meeting with Avatar Aang. He'd showed her scenes from his life… Her past life… Her past memories… and it only left her with more questions than answers.

"Korra! That was awesome! You were all silent and didn't move for a reeeaaally long time… Hey! Did you enter the spirit world? What was it like? Did you meet Avatar Aang? Tell me. Tell me. Come on tell me."

"Ikki, shh… I need… to think…" There had to be a reason for everything Aang had showed her. She just needed to figure out how the pieces fit together with what happened then… and what was happening now.

She sat thinking about those two memories, Aang's spiritual journey to learning to control when he went into the Avatar state… and his meeting with the lion turtle? They just didn't connect… What did it have to do with her issue with Amon taking peoples bending away? She absentmindedly played with her thumbs, eyebrows furrowing, her mind lost deep in confused thoughts trying to make the connections.

"Hey, Ikki, what's up with Korra?" Bolin popped out of nowhere, since he'd been walking by and notice Korra looking stressed about something.

"Oh, she went to the spirit world and met Avatar Aang and-" Ikki just kept rambling on teetering on the balls of her feet bursting with excitement, but she'd already lost Bolin's attention.

"Wow cool! Hey Korra…" He started to ask her what it had been like but at that moment her eyes widened and she jumped to attention as if something startled her. "Hey Korra are you okay-"

She flew by him, suddenly in hurry "I have to find Tahno!"

"Tahno? Why him…?" but Korra was already gone.

"Hey Bo, you seen Korra?" Mako spoke as he rounded the side of the air temple.

Ikki started talking before Bolin could answer, "She went to go see Tahno. Who's Tahno? Is he her boyfriend? She ran out of here reeeaaally fast. Are you jea-lo-us?" She was pretty much bouncing on her feet waiting for Mako's answer.

He just stood there almost rigid attempting to cover his frustration, "Why is she going to see him?"

"Dunno." Bolin said shrugging, "That guys bad news and all but… ever since he lost his bending he just seems off… Anyway, she left just before I could ask why, so I don't have a clue."

Ikki's giggle broke the tense air, "Maybe they're going on a secret date!"

"Korra isn't interested in guys like him." Mako's annoyance fell through this time.

"You never know." Jinora who'd kept quiet all this time stepped forward. "who said she had to wait for you?" She seemed tense for a moment as if she was insulting Mako or angry with him, but then she clasped her hands together and with an awestruck face continued talking, "Oh this is just like a love triangle! Korra left alone by Mako slowly finds herself falling for the wolfbat's Tahno. It's just like a forbidden love because of their enemy teams. Oh! It's like in Romeo and Juliet! Or the Cave of Two Lovers! But the bending tournaments are all over. So their love can bloom now!"

Mako knew that what the girls were saying was nonsense drawn up from their overactive imaginations but he still felt tense. His mind was questioning everything. 'Why'd she go running off looking for Tahno? She likes me doesn't she?'

Why does he always feel this way whenever she's brought up? Why is it she's always lingering at the back of his mind?

"Tahno!" Korra burst through the noodle shops front doors. She'd been in such a hurry she'd forgotten to take Naga and had to swim. She had just dove right into the water so her hair had fallen loosely around her face soaking wet, although she'd managed to draw the water out of her soaked clothes.

"Who are you? If you want my autograph I'm not signing them anymore." Tahno rounded the corner his voice still arrogant but somewhere underneath it sounded so…broken.

"What are you talking about? It's me!"

"Well, Well, Well if it isn't the Avatar…Almost didn't recognize you," He reached forward and took a strand of her hair between his fingertips, "With your hair down…" He gave her a cheeky grin but even his teasing seemed so half hearted. "So why have you come looking for me?"

"Your bending-"

"Oh." His face twisted into a bitter scowl, but the corner of his lip turned into a bittersweet smile a second later, "Sorry. Guess I can't give you those private lessons anymore." He smirked and started spinning her around by her shoulders, then giving her a little shove towards the door.

"Hey!" She jerked from him and spun back to face him once more.

"Sorry but you should probably be going now." He started to push her towards the door again.

"I know how to get your bending back!" Korra yelled at him in frustration.

He raised an eyebrow as if interested for a second, but then started shaking his head, "Korra, I told you, I've seen all the best healers in the city. It's permanent! Put it to rest an just get Amon for me…" His voice trailed off. Out of the corner of his eye Tahno noticed a few unwelcome onlookers. Average people, Equalists, Amon's eyes and ears. Maybe he'd been paranoid lately but whatever she had to say wasn't meant for them to hear, and no matter what he knew if she spoke here whatever she said would find it's way back to Amon. He had to get Korra to leave.


"Korra, just go. It's over, you can't help me. Thanks for trying though."

"But at least let me…"

He twisted her hair gently in his fingertips, and leaned down and kissed it softly. So he could get close enough without their attention being drawn anymore and so the unwelcome onlookers wouldn't see his lips move when he whispered, "Not here."

It started dawning on her and her eyes roved around the room, seeing all the costumers whose attention was being made out to be on something else, but was clearly centered on them. Her lips fell in a little 'o' and he watched her eyes widen with the realization. She nodded at him, showed her understanding.

"You're probably right. It was just a crazy idea I'd had, but now that I think about it… It can't possibly work, I'm sorry for getting your hopes up and bringing up such bad memories…"

"No harsh feelings. Just remember your promise."


She turned around and headed for the door, he followed closely behind her. "Tomorrow night, midnight, the park. I know a place we can talk." He whispered in her ear over her shoulder. "You should wear your hair down no one will recognize you that way." He let out a little chuckle considering he'd almost not recognized her earlier.

She smirked, "Fine. Don't be late, Pretty Boy."