Chap. 21: "A second chance," Epilogue
Author's note: Hey LOL sorry for the ending in the last chapter. I know I'm evil but look on the bright side, this is the last chapter so I won't be tormenting you for a long time. I want to thank everyone who continuously reviewed and told me what they thought. Reviews mean a lot to author, it doesn't matter what you say, if it's long or short or only one word.

Sorry for the late update but I caught a bad cause of the flu from my mom. It was so bad that I couldn't use my eyes because they would hurt from the light. I'm a little better now, stupid flu. Every one in Virginia Beach has it.

Whelp, here's the last chapter and enjoy.
I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy

Jamie stood dead in his tracks looking at the enchanting beauty before him, his breath caught taking her in. slowly his eyes moved over her body, taking the way the dress clung to and outlined every curve. Moving to her face he saw that she had only gotten more beautiful if that were possible. Seeing the look of disbelief in her eyes a small smile slowly touched his lips.

I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be everything that you need.

Ying Fa felt tears in her eyes as she stared at her beloved Jamie, her heart sped up and her hands held unto her dress to stop them from shaking. Willing her self to walk, she took tiny steps not noticing how people were looking at them. I'll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do

"Jamie" her voice cracked as she wondered if she were dreaming. Surely this most be some kind of cruel joke, it had to be. She stopped mere inches from him; her hand slowly reached up and caressed his face half expecting it to go through. "You are real," she uttered in disbelief making his smile widen.

I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on

"Of course I'm real," he answered and her broken heart mended hearing those words from his lips. Tears sprung from her eyes as the words finally sank in, she didn't know what to do.

A new beginning A reason for living A deeper meaning

"B-but how" Jamie reached up and stopped the single tear that was trailing down her cheek. He didn't want to see her cry; he wanted her to smile so badly.

I want to stand with you on a mountain I want to bathe with you in the sea

"I was given a second chance to be with you" Ying Fa's arm flew out and she hugged him with all her might, never wanting him to go. Jamie returned the hug holding her tightly as she cried.

I want to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me

"I-I oh Jamie" she wailed not able to get anything else out. She couldn't believe he was actually here, she couldn't believe they were now going to be together. "I lost you, it hurt so badly"

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky, I'll make a wish to send it to heaven

"Shhhh, you'll never feel that again" he soothed making her nod as she buried her face in his neck trying to get her tears under control. He looked up only to see Syaoran holding Ally who was also getting teary. He and Syaoran locked eyes right when a smile formed on his friend's lips. "Hey when am I going to see you smile?" he asked softly caressing her hair. Ying Fa pulled back giving him a shaky smile, it seemed hard to do it after not doing so for so long.

Then make you want to cry The tears of joy for all the pleasure in the certainty That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection of

"I'm trying" she confessed shakily making him smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoed and kissed him lightly on the lips. When he returned the kiss deepening it, she felt a shudder race through her body.

The highest powers In lonely hours The tears devour you

Jamie's hold tightened around her waist, pressing her body to him. He wanted her as close to him as possible, he never wanted to let her go. They forgot about everyone else in the room as they bask in their lip lock. Breaking from the kiss, Jamie was greeted with a bright smile and twinkling emerald eyes. "I love you Jamie," she whispered against his lips making his smile widen.

I want to stand with you on a mountain I want to bathe with you in the sea

"I love you too Ying Fa," he replied looking into her sparkling eyes now filled with life and happiness. Ying Fa winked at him as she captured his lips in another sweet kiss; she wanted to be in his arms forever and to kiss him forever.

I want to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me
"Wow, they are worst then you and Sakura" Eriol commented making Xiao Lang looked at him and glare. He smiled tightening his hold on his wife; he gave her a soft kiss on the neck making Tomoyo sigh as she videotaped.

Oh can't you see it baby? You don't have to close your eyes

"Shut up Eriol" Xiao Lang growled in a low menacing voice making Eriol's widen. He looked away from the annoying Eriol and his to wife who was leaning against him. the children couldn't feel them because they were hiding their auras, they didn't want them to know of their presence just yet.

'Cause it's standing right here before you

All that you need will surely come

"They are so in love, I'm happy that she'll be back to her old self," Sakura whispered placing her hand over her husbands own that were wrapped around her waist.

I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy

"We all are, how about a dance my precious cherry blossom?" Xiao Lang asked beside her ear making her shudder and look up at him.

I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be everything that you need

"I would love nothing more, my little wolf" she replied placing a kiss on his chin. Xiao Lang smiled leading her towards the dance floor; pulling her into his arms he wrapped his arms around her waist.

I'll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do

"Well aren't you going to ask me to dance?" Tomoyo asked angrily making Eriol chuckle nodding as he took her camcorder out of her hand.

I want to stand with you on a mountain

I want to bathe with you in the sea

"I was getting there my love" Eriol grinned leading her out of the darkness. They got in each other's arms beside Xiao Lang and Sakura and started to dance sharing a sweet kiss.

I want to lay like this forever Until the sky falls down on me

"Let's give them some time together before we go over there" Syaoran whispered to Ally who nodded as he wiped a stray tear away. "He'll have a lot to explain"

I'll be your dream I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy

"Yeah, he will" she replied placing her hands around his neck looking into her amazing emerald eyes. "Syaoran?" she said softly making him look down at her.

I'll be your hope I'll be your love Be everything that you need.


I'll love you more with every breath Truly, madly, deeply do

"I love you," he smiled lowering his head; brushing his lips lightly hers in took them in a sweet succulent kiss.

I will be strong I will be faithful 'cause I'm counting on

"I love you too Al, my Al" he stated against her lips making her smile. When they broke from the kiss she rested her head on his chest and knew that there was nowhere else she wanted to be. She and Ying Fa's eyes locked and they smiled at each other.

A new beginning A reason for living A deeper meaning.
"So Aunt Celesta convinced them?" Ying Fa asked as she and Jamie walked towards the cliff of her house hand in hand.

"Yeah, she befriended me. She's a very nice and strong willed woman" he mused looking at her before turning to look at the moon's silver glow that was cast on the ocean top. They were still dressed in their clothing from the dance having reached home after discovering that her parents were also there.

"Yeah, isn't she" they came to a stop when they reached the cliff. Ying Fa looked down at the place where she had been tempted so many times to jump from. Looking up she sighed and thanked her aunt and god for giving her a second chance with Jamie. "Wanna defy gravity?" she asked happily.

"What do you mean?" Jamie asked looking at her mischievous smile. Ying Fa winked tightening the hold on his hand as she pulled him towards the ledge. Jamie's eyes widen when they went flying over the edge. "Ying Fa!" she laughed calling upon the float card.

"No worries" she giggled when their feet touched the calm water top. Jamie grinned looking at her, he bowed charmingly holding out his hand for her. Giggling Ying Fa took his offered hand and they started to waltz gliding across the water top. She held his close as they moved together, her gown flipping in the wind.
She giggled looking at Jamie and Ying Fa who were dancing on the water top. She and Syaoran were sitting on the housetop gazing at the stars. "They are so childish" she joked making him look at her and smirk.

"Why should we allow them to have all the fun?" he asked making her look at him with twinkling eyes.

"We shouldn't" she replied giving him a sweet kiss when wings sprouted on their backs. Slowly they stood up making their white wings open in all its glory. Ally laughed when they jumped off the roof and started to dance in the air.
As the two couples danced neither noticed how the house was coming awake. Sakura walked unto the porch with the children followed by everyone else, she smiled transforming her wand. "Come children, this is a special night," she said making them brighten.

"Yay! Come on Eli let's dance" Lin exclaimed grabbing his hand when wings sprouted on her back.

"Lin! No" Eli gasped blushing when she pulled him into the air. Scrambling he did a spell getting wings too so he didn't fall from her hold. He looked at anything but her knowing his face was as red as a cherry.

"Haha fun time" Rui laughed evilly making a star appears, Rae got the idea and did the same. It wasn't everyday they were allowed to go wild with their powers. They jumped unto the stairs making them take off like hover crafts into the sky.

"Bubbles!!" Mei Hua giggled holding out her hands making the sky fill with her favorite things during bath time. Sakura laughed looking her daughter, she walked over to her and scooped her into her arms making her wings appear.

"Come on Mei Hua" she took off into the sky flying beautifully making Mei Hua giggled when Xiao Lang joined them. He held out his hand saying a chant making small wings appear on Mei Hua's back. "Ready to fly?" she asked Mei Hua who nodded starting to flap her wings.

"Come to daddy" Xiao Lang said holding out his hand for Mei Hua when Sakura turned her towards him. "Remember to flap your wings continuously" he spoke making his youngest daughter nod. When Sakura let her go she giggled a little dropping at first but she held her self up flying to her father. Xiao Lang smiled holding her hand flying around with her and Sakura.

they flew past Tomoyo and Eriol, baby Tomo was in a baby carrier attached around Tomoyo's body. He giggled clapping his hands together with pure glee, "More" he exclaimed making them laugh.

Ying Fa and Jamie laughed joining their family. They held unto each other's hand moving between them, "Jamie!" Lin exclaimed flying out of nowhere into his arms making him chuckle hugging her.

"Woah" he chuckled making her look at him with twinkling eyes. She hugged him tightly having missed him so much. She was glad that he wasn't going to ever leave them again.

"Come Ying Fa" Sakura called making her nod floating off to meet her mother. She hugged Sakura tightly making her laugh hugging her back. She loved her parents so much; they were the best in the world.

"I love you mother," she whispered making Sakura nod holding her oldest daughter.

"I love you too, come on let's make sparkles fall from the sky" Sakura replied making her nod.

"Hey Ally," she called waving at her making her join them. Together they all flew towards the sky, Ying Fa and Ally making their wands appearing. They separated like had done many Halloweens ago waving their wands they made the sky light up and shiny sparkling dust start to fall over them.
"Pretty" Mei Hua whispered reaching out to touch the shiny fairy like dust. Xiao Lang nodded looking at his wife who flew towards them. He smiled wrapping his arms around her waist looking into her sparkling emerald eyes with love.

"Beautiful" he whispered making Sakura flush, she moved in and kissed him lightly on the lips. "Hmmm love you"

"And I you too" Sakura smiled between kisses. Ying Fa and Jamie flew into each other's arms and shared a soft sweet kiss.

"You know I'm going to ask you to marry me once I've gotten your father's permission" he whispered against her ear sending chills down her spine. She pulled back looking deep into his eyes.

"I can't wait for that day" was her response before she kissed him passionately.
Years later.
Ying Fa slowly reached out and touched the head stone of her many greats aunty, a smile touching her lips. "Every year I come back here to thank you, and it is something that I'll always do" she whispered placing a red rose down. "You were the one to give me back my life" she could feel a bouncy aura coming towards her and she smile getting up slowly, one could hardly move around in her state.

"Mommy come" a cute little voice exclaimed she looked at her little girl who had a head of black hair and gorgeous emerald eyes. "Pictures" Ying Fa smiled walking over to her, taking her small hand in hers they walked towards the large Li Mansion.

"What's the matter, Alexis? Your kimono is dirty in the back" Ying Fa spoke noticing it. They were all home celebrating Yelen's birthday, and the house was packed and filled with the laughter of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

"Lexia did it, she's being mean mommy" Alexis answered making Ying Fa smile picking her up. One thing that wasn't good about being twins or having it run in your family was the fact that more of them would be produced and she and Syaoran were living that reality. And if didn't help that both parents were powerful because it only made the children even more powerful. Alexis at five buried her head in her mother's neck placing with her soft blue kimono.

"No worries" Ying Fa moved her hand over her daughters pink kimono making the grass stain vanish. When they came to the yard Ying Fa smiled looking at her incredibly odd family and guardians. Mostly all her brothers and sisters were with those they cared about, and soon they would marry.

"It's about time you got here," Ally laughed walking up to her juggling Anna in one hand and Mika in the other hand. "I can't find your brother anywhere"

"He's probably with father somewhere," Ying Fa answered making Ally nod. "Time for the picture?" she asked when her mother walked up with her other granddaughter Lexia. Sakura smiled taking Alexis out of Ying Fa's arms, she loved her grandchildren.

"I can't seem to find your father or my brother, in fact none of the men," she asked making them frown. "They are somewhere around here"

"Yeah, I can't feel Jamie he must be blocking me. I wonder what they are up to" Ying Fa sighed making her mother nod.

"I swear they need to stop acting like children" Ally whispered making them nod walking over to the others who were waiting to take there seats and take the family photo. "Now that I think about it, where's James and Tai?" she and Ying Fa looked around for their oldest son's wondering where they could be.

"I hope they aren't-" before Ying Fa could finish there was an explosion coming from the forest making everyone gasp. Ying Fa's eyes narrowed seeing her father, her husband, her brother and uncle walked out of the woods covered with smoke marks then slowly her son and nephew appeared.

"I don't believe it, they knew how unstable the boys powers are" Ally gasped running over to them. Sakura shook her head at the playful males in her family knowing that they had been playing around again. Tomoyo walked up to them having a pretty good idea of what had happened.

"Li Xiao Lang, Kinomoto Touya"

"Chan Jamie"

"Hirragizawa Eriol"

"Li Syaoran" all males stopped hearing their names and looked at their wives and sister's angry faces and groaned inwardly.

"Mommy, daddy go bomb," James exclaimed running up to Ying Fa who bent down. She looked at her son's dirty face and sighed looking at her husband making him grin sheepishly. She moved her hand over her sons face making him look brand new.

"You and the girls run along now" she said making them nod running off to go and play. "I swear, what if anything had happened"

"Sorry" they all apologized making Sakura rub her temple.

"It's enough that when we have a family get together that we have to have the whole house refurnished but now you are killing the forest as well" Sakura stated making Eriol looked at his wife's angry face and sighed turning around her waved his hand making the gap in the forest disappear.

"I swear, Clow-san or not I don't want you playing around with your grandson's powers for the rest of the trip" Tomoyo ordered making him nod. Looking at the rest of them he walked over to his wife making him clothing change to new.

"Let's get this picture taken" Sakura sighed walking off, Ying Fa and Ally nodded walking off as well leaving the men who looked down at their clothing that was still smoking.

"I told you we should have left the property," Xiao Lang growled glaring at Jamie who smiled sheepishly shaking his head.

"Next time we'll go to a different dimension" Syaoran said making them nod following behind their wives.

"Great now we're going to have to suck up," Jamie stated making them groan, he looked down at his clothing and made it brand new like the others Syaoran did his and Touya's. Yelen smiled looking at her yard that was filled with grandchildren and great grand from both her son and daughters. She was truly the most blessed woman on the entire planet.

She looked at her son who bent down in front of her and smile seeing his smiling eyes. "Give us a bright smile mother," he said making her nod. He gave her a kiss on her cheek before taking his place beside his wife who he could tell was still made it him. In her old age, she had witnessed a lot all through her life and she knew that if she were to die tomorrow she would have lived a most fulfilling life.

"All right now, get together and give me a bright smile," the photographer who was a Li man, said making them gets together. When the camera flashed once, Sakura, Ying Fa, Tomoyo and Ally were looking away from their husbands. The second time if flashed the guys were trying to apologize. And the third and final time, they were smiling at each other.
That picture was enlarged and placed on the wall were many more rested. Sakura moved her hand over the frame smiling at her beautiful and large family, starting from her guardians, friends, family and those who were joined into their family by marriage. She looked at all her grandchildren being filled with pride, she couldn't wait to watch them blossom. "What are you thinking about?" Xiao Lang asked wrapping his arms around her waist. Sakura smiled resting against him, resting against her soul mate.

"I'm thinking about how proud I am to have such a wonderful husband, children and grandchildren. This house is so quiet when they are all asleep don't you think?" she replied making him nod turning around she gave him a soft kiss. "Oh my little wolf, we've experienced so much"

"Yes we have, and with every experience it tightens our bonds with each other" he stated making her nod resting her head on his shoulder. The flames from the fire danced off the walls of the large living room casting off a golden light. They looked at the door feeling very family auras walking towards them. First their grandchildren appeared poking their heads through the door.

"Grandmother, grandfather could you tells us a story about one of your battles?" James asked walking in with his sisters and cousin.

"Yes mother could you tell us a story?" Mei Hua asked following behind them along with Ying Fa, and the others.

"We would love nothing more" Sakura laughed picking up Anna, she sat on a chair making Alexis crawl into her arms. Xiao Lang sat down and Lexy and Mika crawled into his arms. Rui, Rae, Mei Hua, Lin, Syaoran, Ally, Ying Fa and Jamie sat around them cuddled up to each other.

"Which one would you like to hear?" Xiao Lang asked looking over his family who all thought about it.

"How about the Judgment?" Rae asked when Kero fly into the room and landed on Ying Fa's lap making her smile petting him.

"Yeah Gaki" Kero said making Xiao Lang glare at him, everyone smiled looking at the two of them.

"Come now, let's see" Sakura sighed thinking back.
Author's note: Hey ya'll I hoped you enjoyed this last chapter. So some odd reason with this story I always have problem ending it. Anywayz I want to thank all yall who reviewed THANK YOU, THANK YOU A TON. I don't really have much to say but hey I'm glad that this was a success.

Remember to review for the last time and check out my upcoming stories..

The Sisterhood. The Meaning of Love

I have some more but I have yet to find a name for those, I have fighting ones and love stories too.