Hey peoples! Thanks for your reviews throughout the whole story! I really appreciated it! Unfortunately, this is the last chapter. I hope you enjoy! And please excuse my excessive use of the word 'said'.

The search was on. Prince Zander, along with Kevin and some royal guards and the royal shoemaker, scoured the kingdom,looking for the maiden whose foot fit the course all of the maidens in kingdom wanted to be Prince Zander's wife, so all of them tried to squeeze their feet into the slipper, to no avail. The shoe was so small that only a very small and petite foot could fit. Kevin alerted Nelson and Kacey of his arrival, so they both alerted Stevie.

"You can't hide from him forever," Kacey said as they sat in her commons room.

"I won't hide from him forever," Stevie said refusing to look at Kacey,"just until he finds a wife."

"But he's not going to find a wife," Nelson said,"Stevie, Zander was enchanted by you, he won't find that with any other maiden." Kacey nodded in agreement.

"Nelson is correct," Kacey said. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Kacey's mind.

"Come on," she said taking Stevie's hand.

"Nelson," Kacey said," you go and do whatever it takes to delay Prince Zander," and Nelson nodded and rushed off to fulfill his orders.

"Now we are going to make you," Kacey said to Stevie,"look like a princess."

Molly was hurrying to get prepared for Prince Zander's arrival. She had ordered the staff to have every inch of her living space sparkling clean for Prince Zander's arrival, and, due to her haste, she had not realized Stevie was not there. Suddenly, there was the sound of reigns, and horses,a dn Molly knew instantly Prince Zander had arrived. She hurried to open the door.

"Prince Zander, it is an honor to have you enter my living space," Molly said and then bowed.

"Yes, yes," Prince Zander answered nonchalantly.

"Know sit down and my Royal Shoemaker will see if the slipper fits you," Prince Zander. Molly nodded and hurriedly fetched a chair. She sat down and the Royal Shoemaker tried to fit Molly's foot into the slipper. There is something unknown about Molly, that is actually quite embarrassing. Molly has rather large feet. She tried to squeeze her foot into the slipper, to no avail.

"Thank you for trying, let us leave," Prince Zander said. Then the front door swung open and that is where Kacey stood.

"I think it's time you meet your princess," Kacey said and then moved aside.

Stevie was standing in the doorway with her mask in hand. (A/N: The link for her outfit is on my profile.)

Prince Zander snapped his fingers and the Royal Shoemaker walked hurriedly to the doorway. Prince Zander did so without breaking his gaze from Stevie.

The Royal Shoemaker lifted the slipper and Stevie offered her foot. Everyone stood, not moving an inch, in suspense. There was no need to worry though; the shoe fir perfectly. Prince Zander walked up to Stevie, and then he embraced her in a kiss.

Stevie was taken to the palace immediately. Their wedding was only 3 days later. Everyone in the kingdom attended, including Kacey, Nelson, Kevin, even Grace. For her wedding, Stevie wore the dress from the ball.

After the wedding had ended, Stevie invited Grace to live with her at the royal palace. She accepted, of course. Later, Stevie asked Molly to joing her and Grace at the royal palace. She hesitantly agreed. Prince Zander and Steve lived together in harmony as they spread their love of music to the world. In the end, Nelson and Grace were wed. Kacey and Kevin were too.

And they all lived




Thank you all for your reviews. Thank you for joining me for this journey. Remember, I am NOT leaving fanfiction. Not yet, anyways.

~Pakistani girl is out! PEACE~